
The Garden Show Podcast – Episode #1026 or #1799 June garden tips

This is Episode #1799 of the Garden Show recorded June-01-2019 and edited for your listening pleasure. Some topics today Aphids, leafhoppers, fertilizer application, butterfly bushes and dieback, Hydrangea failing, proper watering, Roses, selecting plants.

This is a seasonally appropriate replay of our weekly Garden Show from Kelowna BC Canada. This show has been running every Saturday morning since 1983! Each week we will be selecting a show from our archive for your listening pleasure. This phone-in gardening show podcast is a great way to learn about gardening. Listen to these experts as they talk about seasonal issues. Each show starts with a tip and plant of the week that is relevant to the timing of the show. Don’t call in as the show (podcast) is pre-recorded but feel free to listen live every Saturday morning by following the links below. Leave comments and send in your questions by email.
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Ken Salvail’s journey began in the summer of 1979 when he started as a student landscaper. The following year, his interest in horticulture grew as he started a job growing tropical and annual plants, kick-starting his lifelong passion for the industry. With over 40 years of experience in a wide range of horticulture areas, Ken’s expertise has proven to be invaluable to gardeners everywhere. His website,, is a growing concern as a go-to site for garden information.

Ken Salvail continues to operate his KHS Landscape Professionals company, which specializes in providing premium horticultural services including landscape maintenance and installation of private gardens in the Okanagan Valley in south-central BC Canada. Even after all these years, Ken remains passionate about gardening and plans on expanding his public speaking events wherever possible.

Ken loves to share his knowledge and experiences through various mediums, such as weekly blogging, articles, literature, podcasts, videos, pictures, social media and live radio. He brings a wealth of information on trees, shrubs, perennials, weeds, insects, diseases, vegetable crops, landscape and design, composting, irrigation, and more through his website, public speaking events, and videos. Ken has grown thousands of different species of herbaceous perennials in his own perennial production nursery, as well as numerous crops of nursery stock such as trees, shrubs, and aquatic plants. He has completed thousands of landscape designs, and installations and is sought after as a consultant for everything that is gardening.

Ken was a production manager at a cucumber and tomato production greenhouse operation where he built the facilities and grew the crops. He also assisted Don Burnett, at Burnett’s Nurseries, with the production of over 14,000 Poinsettias each year, annual crops, and other interesting greenhouse crops each year. Ken was the main buyer for this operation for several years including purchases made weekly at the Dutch Auction (UFG) for Burnetts Flower Shop and also managed the retail nursery in between time.
Ken was hired as the Perennial Production Manager at Bylands Wholesale Nurseries in 2000 and assisted with the development and construction of their perennial production facility.

Ken’s vast knowledge base of propagation is highlighted by his experience in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in the BCIT Horticultural Program. He has completed several Guelph horticulture programs over the years, but his favorite learning experience was the Practical Horticulture Program at BCIT.

Ken also supports and teaches the Master Gardeners Program here in the Okanagan Valley and teaches irrigation-related programs for the City of Kelowna, BC.
Join Ken each month for a “Get Into The Garden” newsletter experience! With his wealth of knowledge and experience, Ken Salvail is an expert in his field and an excellent resource for all your horticulture information.

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[Music] well good morning it’s uh and you know I always say this but it is today for sure a beautiful Saturday morning oh unbelievable beautiful Saturday morning sunny out there I got up and I walked out at 6 o’clock this morning and it was just warm and beautiful and the tomatoes were happy Tomatoes were smiling at me actually yeah I think it’s going to be over 30° today so that’s it’s good and it’s bad I mean the good is is yes all the all the warm season crops love it and they’re they’re getting rooted and the Earth is nice and warm now so everything is is happy and growing but the watering is the next big thing we have to be aware of we have to make sure that we’re getting the water and the plants are not forgiven us at this time of year uh it’s just you know if you forget to water they Wilt super fast but it’s a catch 22 K we got a water but we got to watch our water anyway let’s let’s talk about that later cuz it’s very important we want save the plants but save the water too you beta okay here’s the tips and plants of the week well my tip of the week is something I’m have you ever been bar embarrassed about a tip of the week well I’m embarrassed never ever and I’ve said this many times over the years never ever attempt to fertilize your lawn by hand yeah I blew it again brown patches all over my lawn I was thrown fertilizer around with bare hands never ever do that don’t ever do that that would bead I’m so I had my lawn was just so pristine and now it has oh anyway yeah I’m embarrassed I’m embarrassed I’m embarrassed well I’ll tell you why I did that after we’ll stretch it out okay uh plant of the week roses roses roses roses roses oh yeah this is Rose time this I mean I’ve got a picture of a rose bush and I I’m trying I’m going to get Ken to try and identify for me it’s an incredible Rose I’ve never seen such a beautiful red bush shrub rose blooming right down the street from us on Francis Avenue that’s my tip and plant of the week all righty well I also have a tip and a plant and my tip of the week this week is that uh as the temperatures increase you need to fertilize more so plants have a higher nutrient requirement as temperatures go up so that means if you haven’t done so recently it’s a good idea to get out and fertilize especially Planters and potted plants that’s really what we’re talking about mainly is those annuals they love food and get out there and give them a little bit of nutrient today all right my plant of the week is the German Iris just because they’ve been so spectacular this year and I’ve got one particular one that is uh amazing and I’m just uh I’m just blown away by it every year and I’m just lucky to have a a pretty one it’s pure white with just the outer Fringe is Deep Blue and it’s a beauty and I’ll be putting that on the website hopefully this afternoon so it’ll be up on my plant of the week section and you can check that out at grower all right that’s my tips and plans for this week remember to check the site perfect perfect now hockey teams they have coaches right oh yeah and once in a while the coach gets fired does that ever happen with grower coach that’s a good one though I like that yeah no can’t fire the coach can’t fire the coach no that’s right I don’t have a general manager that I’m I’m My Own general manager oh there might be somebody with initials WS oh yeah that’s right yeah that’s right that’s true yeah the the uh the big boss the big boss yeah anyway Ken great to be here today and it’s a beautiful Saturday morning and uh yeah okay so I got this nice big bag of ferti I got a small lawn right y I got a big bag of fertilizer that’s probably going to last me 20 20 years for this lawn it’s small lawn mhm and uh I had it in the greenhouse bag of fertilizer in the greenhouse Donna picked up one of these beautiful hand because I burnt my lawn last year doing the same thing throwing this fertilizer around right yes and I said I’ll never do that again right so I got this at at a garage sale got one of the little whirly bird things the handheld whirly bird things four bucks paid for it yep y good good deal at a garage sale yep so I went into the greenhouse get the bag of fertilizer loaded it up but I right away as soon as I put it was putting in it I realized you know it was damp the fertilizer was damp right and clumpy so I started using this saying well of course this damp fertilizer is not going to go through the little tiny Orphus in this thing it’s you it’s got to be dry right yeah so I instead of saying okay let’s dry this fertilizer out or let’s get some new fertilizer or whatever what was I thinking I started throwing this stuff around by hand thinking that when I threw it I would Fring it like a farmer on the Prairies like just like that and it just spreads out so evenly yeah sort of but because it was clumpy and because it was you know I oh I’ve got burnt patches in my lawn what a drag I know yes what a drag I I mean really what a drag yeah that is tough because once you burn a lawn it doesn’t come back quick it takes a long time don’t tell me that don’t why why are you rubbing it you’re putting salt in the wound yeah putting fer in the wound it is a it’s a tough situation I’ve seen it before and you know and reading the bags you know the directions on the bag I don’t read directions no but that’s the square footage is the key because the thing is I find with every single type of fertilizer every brand or whatever they have a completely different amount of square footage that that the bag covers right and I remember a lot of products used to be in that sort of, 1500 to 2500 sare ft per bag yeah and but you still needed to know it’s quite a difference between the two however there are a few Brands out there that are in the 16,000 Square fet per bag pretty heavy which is something you have to go super light on and uh if you don’t you get a burn well there you go enough of that I don’t want to even think about it anymore I have to think about it every time I walk into my back yard so I don’t want to think about it here I want this to be a glorious time on a Saturday morning getting some phone calls from folks that we can talk to 25862 2525 to do that and let’s just talk about the Roses I mean holy mackerel are they this is the time of year where you can really enjoy them now so beautiful so many so many varieties and and I’m finding there are some quite early varieties and then some that kind of come on As you move forward yes oh yeah and some that do bloom more through the summer this is the big time the Roses come out blast like crazy this is the best time of the year for roses and then after June into July they start diminishing a little bit uh you know in in in intensity uh and then they they come on again quite a bit in the fall but through the summer some roses keep blooming through the summer I’m thinking the morn Series yeah they they are good floriferous yeah and it should be deadheading you know that that’s and deadheading helps that helps stimulate that second third blooms helps keep things going yeah well we’ve got a a phone call because that’s the whole purpose of being here Ken is to answer gardening questions and uh we just Babble between those questions yeah so uh that’s okay too but we always love the questions and we like to hear from Vera today good morning vera good morning good morning how’s your morning thus far Don and Ken well they’re fine except I burnt my lawn yesterday so I heard that that’s not funny I was going to forget about that well I have a a situation with my one of my favorite things of is causing me grief again I have VG Virginia creeper I’ve had it as a hedge for years along about the whole one side of our yard and I have had aphids I used to call them a different name but you told me the last time I talked it wasn’t they weren’t aphids that I I or they are aphids that have and not this other thing that I thought it was well more than likely you have Virginia creeper Leaf Hopper and that one jumps around that’s the one I’m writing it down I won’t say that wrong again Leaf Hopper well I’ve I’ve reduced my um it’s probably about 5T of Virginia creeper that I have now and those aphids have moved around my yard wherever I have Virginia creeper and this is the last bit that I have and they’re back and they’re very irritating yes and uh the last time we spoke I I don’t know I I think you told me something different to try to get rid of them and I don’t recall what that was what would you I I know what I’ve done for Virginia creeper Leaf Hopper on my grapes and Roses I have found because I’m very uh very uh diligent with my uh application of dormant oil lime sulfur uh I have found once I started doing that I didn’t get Virginia creeper leafhopper on my grapes which is very common and uh Ken knows the actual life history he’s followed them he actually crawled around in his garden and watched them emerge from the soil mhm oh really that’s where they come from yeah they they come out of the soil in the spring because they they overwinter right around the base of the plants oh so did you mention dormant oil yes yeah I’ve never put that on yeah well that that that’s what now I’m just just going by experience I’m not sure whether that’s been helpful or not but it’s a late application it’s it’s late when the buds are starting to push and that’s like Ken said that’s when they start coming up is when the buds start to push that’s when they come up from the soil they’re vulnerable they’re they’re they’re nymph fatic or whatever they are they’re little tiny tiny leafhoppers and they come up from the soil am I right can are you’re they’re adults they’re adults yeah yeah the liy the the nymphs come second after they do their thing but anyway yeah you you spray them down the dorm oil is really effective because they are they’re they’re looking for food and they’re they’re vulnerable and so applying it but this is an early spring treatment and we we’re past early spring is it too late oh yeah yeah we’ve we’re into a different stage now and it’s getting uh quite hot the heat means their populations will grow quite quickly now so uh it’s it’s a tough one at this point for sure um I I don’t really have might try some TRS I mean troun is the is a product that’s on the market still that’s safe to use it’s a Botanical type type of uh product um it’s made it has pyrum in it which is the um made from the chantham family and it has oil uh or not oil um soap has and it’s called troun trounce t r o u n c trounce yeah and it’s a it’s a product you can mix yourself and spray onto the uh onto the plants you just have to watch with those soap based products spraying In the Heat of the day would not be advisable because it does burn the plant sometimes so you got to keep it to evenings or early mornings better probably in the evenings so it has a chance to it does it come as an oil and you dilute it or what well it comes in an rtu ready to use or it comes in a concentrate that you mix yourself oh okay and uh my next question then is about something um with my patio blocks in my back backyard uh lower um ground level deck or or blocks in my it’s on next to my lawn and um I called you a couple well probably four five years ago because I had um uh what did the ant or the uh bees that get into the ground the um yeah the leaf different uh sell them at at bands Mason be yes I thought I had to get rid of those because I had little grandchildren and I was worried about them you know bothering my grandchildren but anyhow you told me how lucky I was to have them and I was and I loved having them and I had them for about five years and they just buzzed around and did whatever they did under between my patio blocks um and last fall they just suddenly were gone and I missed them but um now I’ve got something in the in between the P patio blocks that are making holes in you know the collection of dirt and whatever is in between the blocks and they’re they’re putting out little they seem to dig up sand between the blocks and they’re they’ve got holes could be ants are um like black ants yeah yeah are they down there eating the stuff of the Mason bees they might be they might be but uh they are just uh existing and doing their thing uh you know you can get some little ant traps or you can get uh some ant dust that has dious Earth in them there’s all sorts of things that you can get to control those uh they’re not doing any harm though um to your blocks or you know unless they’re huge amounts I imagine they could kind of compromise the Integrity of the blocks but I don’t think there’s that’s a problem uh you know and they’re just mixing up the sand they they do that I’ve got them all along the side of my sidewalk little piles of sand with a hole in the middle of it okay that’s what it is not hurting anything we’re going to have to move forward though we love you and we appreciate your call well thanks for your help have a good day you bet luck by and we’re going to do that we’re going to take a short break and we’ll be back with more am 1150 [Music] Garden oh like that new voice behind the show hey Ken oh yeah Don Bernett and Ken Sil that’s pretty good okay we’re awesome we’re uh we’re gonna go to the phone line and we’ve got uh um who Rick is on the line morning Rick morning fellas wonderful day in the neighborhood oh is it ever I’ll tell you I’m I get so excited at this time of year things are popping in the garden my beans are 6 inches high now and yeah great yeah I heard how excited you were you’re throwing your fertilizer by hand yeah I know I know really excited well you know Rick uh you do these things when you you think oh the fertilizer spreader is not working so I just oh I’ll do this again I why did I do that that happens to me all the time why did I do that you think you’d learn you know it’s like maybe having one too many beers before and the next day you say why did I do that I’ve I’ve you know I’ve never done that before I don’t anyway or you’ll do it again never do it again yeah that’s right got two questions for you the first is I have a black knight butterfly bush at the back it’s maybe 8 ft 9 ft tall I planted it uh yet last year the year before last year it did beautiful now it’s just a bunch of scraggly uh branches some of them starting to show the uh put the flowers on probably 25% have flowers the rest don’t am I supposed to trim it or does it automatically automatically does it regenerate itself in those old branches uh typically with with all the butterfly bush families the buas are always subject to Winter damage and so that means that you get always get a little bit of a percentage of the branches that won’t come back the following year so you just basically go in and can cut out any of the Dead branches there and that’s a normal thing it’s just this year we had a colder than average winter uh just that snap we had right at the end of winter and that’s caused a lot of damage to butterfly bushes and so yeah we have to snip out the dead stuff but if it comes from the B it’ll be it’ll be fine it’ll come right back okay so I just Ed a knife thing where you just cut it a little bit and see if there’s any any growth uh if it looks dead it’s probably dead just use your snippers if you have like a pair of pruners ideally and just snip out those dead branches perfect my second question I’m really getting frustrated over this I planted a u hyrangea at the beginning I uh last year I guess it never made it it died so I pulled it out so I planted another one about 3 4 weeks ago and the poor thing it’s uh it’s about the little tiny tiny branches with a couple leaves on it or maybe 3 4 Ines high and I watered it but the end of the the leaves little tiny leaves start look like they’re dying um I don’t know what to do I water it twice a day and uh when I planted it seem to do it plant it all right and everything is it going to uh come back itself or am I doing something wrong or if I if I was looking at that plant I would carefully lift it out because it still would have the solid root ball that went went into there right because you just planted a couple weeks ago yeah so lift it out and have a look and see if you got little white roots or if the roots are brown oh that’ll tell me whether the the white ones would be the White’s good Brown’s probably bad because it’s there there might be rotting you might have a root rot but if it’s white Roots then you just got to get more water to it and Ken and I talked about that so much about how you got to water right at you got to water right at the the root ball with these new plants like you got to put the water right there because because that’s the only Roots it has is right in that root ball and sometimes you have what do you call it Hydro hydrophobic Hydro the soil that the plant is in repels water like the water that you put around the plant it can’t get into that root ball so you got to put it right on the plant now what I do what I did was I cut a circle and then in the center of the circle I put the the hydrangea and when I water it I water it and I give it about an it goes about half inch high all around right in that ball that area I’m suspecting you probably are watering it so that’s why I say if you know watering it properly if you lift it out and have a look see what color the roots are that’s the key thing but just be careful because I mean it’s hot weather and everything just lift it out and if those roots are white you’re not getting enough water to it if they’re brown it’s probably rotting it may have been a new plant what can happen uh on on a new plant and Ken and I both know this we’ve been in the nursery business all our lives in the winter like we’ve just had this February freeze yeah Nursery stock is very vulnerable because they’re sitting the nursery stock is sitting over winter in a pot right and and it all depends on how that Nursery stock was wintered the roots can get frozen in the nursery stock and so you plant them and there’s still viability in the top of the plant because it’s got some green and Juice in there and the leaves try and come out and they come out a little bit and then they fail because there’s no roots cuz the roots got frozen over winter so that could be the deal that makes sense that’s what I’ll do and and if it does then you can explain it the nursery you take it back to they’ll go holy mackerel this guy knows what he’s talking about explain to him that way tell them you know I think it I think this plant might have Frozen in that in that in that February Frost when it was in the nursery The Roots might have got frozen the top stayed alive because it it’s not vulnerable to Frost and uh but now the roots aren’t there to support it so now it’s turning it’s going so I’m sorry I have to bring this plant back that’s what I’ll do definitely and I’m going to goow in the next few minutes after I hang up because it’s nice and cool out there and I can at least do it without getting in the intense heat that’s right well I appreciate that fellas get on that take care butterfly bush and the other one perfect fellas okay have a wonderful day yeah thanks Rick thank you byebye okay we’re going to get back on track here we’re going to take one break and ready the bottom of the hour so that’s what we’re going to do we invite your calls 250 862 2525 to get through and we’ll be back with more am 1150 [Music] Garden oh I can’t get over that voice that is really really something um but it’s good it’s good a nice fresh new uh new voice introducing the garden show it’s been kind of cool isn’t it yeah I love it I love it um let’s talk about roses um the uh this rose bush that I found the problem is for me is trying to get the name of the rose bush I said wow that’s a beautiful rose and people will often say what what’s the name of this Rose how many thousand roses there are there out there thousands and thousands yeah and I know I I I see them all the time I’ll see a rose and it’s like oh I love that Rosa man I’d love to have that thing and you you see them especially just driving around you’ll see the same one and you see it blooming and blooming and blooming and all summer it’s still blooming it’s still looking good and you’re thinking what is that and you know and there’s these little metal uh tabs that often come with the rose Unfortunately they put them on such a flimsy little wire that the wire fairly quickly I think it just disintegrates and the thing falls off and gets raked up and it’s gone but that little tab is the way to keep track of your roses and what varieties they are and I saw a Persian yellow rose just uh yesterday actually and it was just spectacular Persian yellows and another one very similar is Harrison’s yellow yeah Harrison’s yellow that’s an old species roses yeah yeah yeah there’s some Beauties and and you know this is when to catch the species roses and the Roses the single Bloomers yeah the ones that bloom once and then that’s it I mean they have their their their place in society there’s no doubt about it the the Practical not practical but the Eon no the the roses that uh produce are floriferous all summer long are important too but some of these species roses and some of the early uh roses and some of the David Austin that are just single time Bloomers um are are fabulous I mean they have their own Beauty uh uh however for um for uh you know purpose of of of color in the garden through the summer i’ I’ve been dealing with lots of folks again this year on designing their Gardens and and and and and choosing plants for their for their garden and I have a vast amount of uh pictures that I that I’ll show people M and can you know you’ll you’ll you’ll come to armeria oh I want some of that in the garden and I said well it blooms for about 3 weeks and then it’s grassy oh no I don’t want that so well and in small yards in small gardens that may not be the right thing to put in because it only blooms for a short period of time you got a small space when you’ve got a large Rockery having batches of armeria throughout the Rockery there’s a moment that that Garden shows off its armeria then there’s a moment when it’s showing off the iris moment when it’s showing off the Tulips moment when you know so that’s how you can do it and I guess you could do that in a small garden too but it’s more difficult well yeah you have to find a companion to the arm area that would be later blooming that also stays small and that that’s the that’s the problem with these small narrow areas arm Mar is great for small areas uh but it’s only going to bloom for that one little shot so you need to find a companion plant that would Bloom similarly meaning staying small and compact but blooming more later in the season and uh then you would alternate them or you’d have three and three and three and three or something that you develop a you know some sort of a rhythm there or you could even go with three plants so you’d have your early your mid and your late season plant and uh away you go and that’s really where your annuals come in sometimes too you cank anual for the solid color through the summer well the arm Mar Bloom before the annuals right right right get that out of the way and yeah um and then of course you’ve often mentioned foler color yeah yeah I like using foliage because you can see it also from a distance right you you know there’s certain plants are are sort of designed or best viewed up close and uh plants that have nice colorful foliage you don’t have to really rely on them to flour number one they might flour and that’s just just a a you know a bonus but just to be able to enjoy the color of the foliage and even if you’re like 200 ft away you can see that color wherever you are whereas if a plant’s In Bloom you may or may not be able to see it hook hooker is one of those you don’t you don’t see the bloom unless you’re close up it is spectacular I love it and I love it for cut flower arranging you know putting Arrangements together they’re beautiful for for that but as a blast of color it’s not it’s the foliage that really is the key to the hookers and and there’s so many of them out there now I love them I love them yeah and I still like the oldfashioned uh just a standard Coral belt yeah Huka sanguinia and that’s one I have it’s I just it just lives in my yard I I didn’t plant it it just it was just there when I when I moved in but I really love it it’s a great plant and it’s blooming right now you mentioned they’re a little bit subject to Weevil Weevil yeah it’s a weevil favorite food so they you know they’ll they’ll get into uh hukus but I also find that if the environment is ideal for the Huka then it’s got a better better odds of of surviving but there also the favorite food of deer cu the deer love to eat hukas and well I’m fortunate because I have no deer and I’ve got about eight varieties of HRA right now yeah that’s awesome and I’m not sure about the mermaids but I would suggest probably mermaids a really tough one because they’ll eat plants that that no other animals will eat and particularly a lot of the grasses which you know a lot of animals don’t eat grass but um it’s just interesting that the marmots love grass they love grasses do they love hookas no you’re saying well I’m not sure but I would say most likely most likely yeah because we have we have some clients that have hundreds of hundreds of marmots and you don’t have much luck there’s not a plant in the yard right no everything gets well the deer are there too so you know like you’re just you know you have wishful thinking that’s where the artificial plants might be really nice touch yeah yeah right well um but I’m I’m in love with hookers I got I’ve got Georgia Peach I’ve got purple Palace I’ve got uh amber waves I’ve got a number of hookers and and a and they keep coming out with them I mean more and more different but there’s different species of hookas hook micrantha and then there’s a hooker or something else and one of them is much more tolerant to our condition here in the Okanagan one species and and the one that I have is purple Palace that’s McAn MTH I’m telling you Ken it Donna finally because it was getting kind of Ratty we’ve had it in there for eight years nine years and it was getting ratty Donna murdered It To The Ground yep and you should see it it is fabulous right now it’s gorgeous and it’s kind of Evergreen that’s why it was getting ratty because we had that cold you know February really knocked a lot of plants for for a loop this year oh yeah um didn’t necessarily kill them but it really nailed them Dam even with a bit of snow cover it didn’t seem to help it was damaging and there wasn’t that much snow it it was a it was a bad February but um yeah so the the hooker is uh oh another thing I cut back this year and this is this is this is this is a lesson you know like sometimes we experiment uh in our own yards just to see so we don’t tell a customer to do this and we screw up um so I have this beautiful bed of small bed of kinic Arc dfus mhm and it’s one plant I planted a 4-in plant years ago I bought it at naps and 4-inch plant and it spread out nicely and just above my rock wall but again the cold winter the February the leaves thought they were in spring because and they were starting to move and that and then all of a sudden February hit right because we had a mild winter then February hit so there was a lot of black in there a lot of black and brown and I thought I started going in surgically trying to remove these leaves and I thought I’ve got better things to do than this so I grabbed the black and Deckers and I just sheared it right to the right to the to the bones right M right down to the bones all was there were sticks that thing is just flying right now it’s just leafing out and just pushing and it’s going to be packed with brand new foliage did the same thing with the um with the uh a is a monks Monk’s uh not Monk’s Hood but that monks or Bishop’s hat or whatever it is oh epimedium epimedium yeah I did the same thing with that right to the ground Y and it’s gorgeous Donna almost had me rip it out because she said I hate that stuff it’s brown in there well that brown is from the winter MH but if you shear it right to the ground and just renew it it’s beautiful yeah a lot of plants need that they need to be they need to be cared for or gardened a little bit and they do sometimes well they always seem especially with perennials they like to be rejuvenated and it brings back that that juvenile growth and ni soft beautiful foliage and they do really well it’s just you know with the the kikic like you say there it’s kind of I guess depending where it’s located and how what it’s uh you know water supply is and whatnot it’s quite drought tolerant but in a really tough tough condition they sometimes they would maybe suffer a bit from a hard cut back but your timing is what’s key just as they’re starting to push in the spring is ideal for cutting plants back and rejuvenating so that’s a good time to think about it for sure well it’s a time for a quick break here um we invite your calls 250 862 2525 Ken and I are waiting for your calls we’re welcoming your calls because that’s what we do on the garden show uh and uh we’re going to do that and we’ll be back with more Amo very [Music] oh boy I tell you makes you feel like somebody when Don Brett and Ken sville that’s pretty good I like that um we’re we’re uh days are getting longer MH they’re getting longer Ken we uh our day right now is uh today is 16 hours and 3 minutes long 7 hours and 41 minutes longer than that short day that we celebrated back in December just prior to Christmas yeah we’re so glad to see it Go short days amazing they’re okay but uh you live those are the Sleepy days you get through them yeah when the days get short I start falling asleep early you know when the Sun goes down it’s like time to go to bed now it’s you go to bed it’s still light out so and it’s kind of nice now you know both of us are very busy guys uh still and um we um you know we were work into the evenings now and we have some evening to work into yeah it is that is nice out in the in the garden is the place where I want to be after work yeah oh for sure other people’s Gardens yeah it’s uh it’s just it’s was rather hot at the end of the day I hate to complain but you know at the end of the day that’s when the sun’s really cooking 4:30 it’s nice in the morning in the morning oh real nice in the morning 4:30 beautiful this morning was Unreal Ken you remember back in the day you know when we were young and Vig and whatever and uh my dad would um well you weren’t around with us at that time but you can remember the similar situation cuz you’ve been out working as a landscaper as as a youngster um Dad would get us working as long as we weren’t running Machinery of course in our day we it was picks and shovels you could you could start the pick at 5: in the morning and nobody complain yeah but you can’t start a bobcat at 5 in the morning but um we’d be out I remember we dad would we had a job out in uh in Lake Country on the lake it was in um right down in uh Okanagan Center and it was right on the lake there was a Warf there a big dock where people would dock boats and that M and uh the property we we started there at uh about 6:00 in the morning we’d get out there and start our work at 6:00 in the morning by the time about 1 1:30 came dad said we can quit so we ended up take going on that hot day hot Okanagan day and we go in and get into the lake I just never forget the feeling that was of you know you’re hot and sweaty and you’re just dirty and grimy and you jump in that Lake it was just a beautiful feeling um and the Clear Water you know and even today is clear people complain about our Lake we got a beautiful Lake that you know there’s areas that that perhaps aren’t as as as clear as they should be but for the most part it’s clear just up at Mara Mara is a beautiful Lake too Mara Lake is a beautiful Lake yeah did did some work up there well there’s lots of I I think we have to be aware that when we do have the occasional algae bloom that happens whether it’s here or whatever Lake it’s in is that those are just uh sort of a natural process that happens and hopefully it’s all natural but that does happen from time to time and then uh hopefully the at some point the lake turns over and things cool down you know the the surface of the lake seems to get so hot right on the top and especially Okanagan Lake you dive down deep and it’s it’s pretty chilly down there but uh anyway the water is fabulous and that’s the one thing about uh Lake water is that when we do utilize Lake water a lot of the communities around Okanagan Lake they’ll use the water from the lake pump it up to a to a sstn on the hillside and then it’ll you know service a given area and that water is really your choice water for watering plants that’s for sure the uh Lake water is the best it’s fabulous beautiful Ken we’re going to go to the lines we got one last caller before our break at nine it’s Dennis good morning Dennis good morning guys just a quick one I don’t know whether you found out already but last week I heard you asking about Olympiad what it was I have one it’s a hybrid tea it is a hybrid tea I thought it was a grand of Flor but it’s I know you did that I just I just caught a snippet over and I didn’t have time to tell you last week that’s good I actually went down and double check the label and it says hybrid te well it doesn’t surprise me because when we cut Olympiad it it cuts like a tea like it’s it’s it’s got a nice big Blossom at the end of a a long stem so I I should have realized that in a way it is beautiful and being a hybrid tea though Dennis yep is yours ever Frozen down oh this year I had to cut it literally down to the ground and it’s just now got one or two shoots which are 6 and 9 and 12 in long it so I I was almost at a stage where I was going to dig it out and I thought no I’ll leave it and all of a sudden it started to sprout a couple of weeks ago well I think I should clone and sell the buds from this Olympiad that is in a tree form that never gets covered and it’s perfect this not the location though is it well it could be the location but it’s still in that location with the freeze we had it should not have come through well I I literally with two exceptions I lost every row and I’ve got about 30 y down to the ground everyone without exception even the Queen Elizabeth wow wow yeah there’s I know one property that we service um I think they had they had nine or 10 roses and every single one of them was Stone dead like not even shooting from the bottom yeah what what uh you know Ken has often said to me the reason that some of these things come through so nicely in your yard is all the hot air that’s in your yard oh yes there’s plenty of that it some of it comes from the sun yeah yeah the Roses you were talking about yellow roses and all the BS that gets put around there well that’s a fertilizer I had a rose I had a problem with last year and I asked you about it and you you said it was susceptible to this Leaf problem and what have you and I wasn’t that Keen on it so I dug it out and I went to buy a yellow rose and this is 3 weeks ago and I went and I bought a rose called St ping and it’s a beautiful yellow it had one rose that was almost in bloom and two large Buds and that was 3 weeks ago and those flowers are still there after 3 weeks and the original one which was almost in full bloom is just slightly paler but it’s three weeks and the three roses are still that’s a good sign yeah very a good sign and another good yellow is Summer Sunshine oh I haven’t had that one yeah it’s a beauty it’s a it’s a it’s got a number one rating High rating so yeah but you’re saying this is St Patrick no St St Patrick St Patrick okay I’m going to think about that uh could use a yellow rose last question before you get to the news I I put celery in for the first time this year at what stage do I start banking it celery yeah you know I’ve never grown it but I understand what you’re saying this is to blanch it right yeah it’s the first time I’ve grown it that’s why I need to ask yeah what do you think Ken uh I I recall uh I haven’t grown it myself either but I I do recall uh reading about it I I was planning on growing it and then uh I just decided not to but as far as I know uh what I recall was that you would let it grow until it was a fair size well this is only about 6 or nine inches tall at the moment yeah you’d let it go more and then then you’d start to Mound it up just like you would you know healing potatoes sort of thing there’s a there’s a question we can put to the audience people have have probably grown celery when would you start uh uh healing to blanch your celery we can also Google it during The Break um there was a lot of celery growers in the okaga I remember an old green Chevy about a 1949 Chevy one ton with the flat deck on it and it has Okanogan celery Growers and I remember seeing that truck driving around you know in the old days back in the old days uh but we don’t see as much of that nowadays we don’t see a big celery operations anywhere but um yeah it was the okan aa’s good for celery because they grew it commercially for quite a while H so see what we can do yep we can see what we can do there okay thanks very much guys thank you sir thanks for the for the call we appreciate it bye byebye byebye we’re going to take a short break pretty quick here um just want to mention strange movies blues band my band from the 60s how many bands Ken in three days after we put the tickets out on Wednesday I just checked it we’re 98% sold wow for for the Friday night 98% of the tickets are sold for Friday night and Thursday night is 29% sold so you got a book right so if you want to get in on the strange movies reunion Thursday night sounds Thursday night July the 4th go to go to uh um you’ll see the strange movies reunion book in and we’ll have a party on July 4th and July 5th coming up and on that note we’re going to say uh we’re going to take a short break for the news and we’ll be back with more am 1150 Garden Show [Music] Ken how can you how can you refuse to lift up your phone and give us a call after that introduction yeah I mean holy mackerel that’s really well done okay well we’ll stop talking about that because pretty soon it’ll just be the normal thing right yeah every Saturday morning we’ll hear that voice and it’ll be just fine um what show is this uh like numerically what what show what number it is uh it is show number uh well depends on what you’re thinking if it’s just on this station it’s show numers 1,025 there you go so that’s the that’s the show we have the new music new intro oh let’s me let’s write that down I’ll put that down uh and but it totally with all the shows prior to coming to this station in Colona 1698 we’re almost at the 1700 Mark yeah I knew we getting very close yeah and we’re I’m getting old you’re you’re semi you’re semi-old no you’re semi-old I’m old no I’m getting younger yeah right two you know what the secret to staying young is hanging around with old people oh I gotcha yeah older people thank you very much hanging around with young people doesn’t help 250 862 2525 to get through to us today we’ve got a great show going on here uh talking about roses talking about watering talking about fertilizing ing your lawn by hand and not doing that and uh we’re just talking about the day length we’re talking about Elaine Cameron’s Garden is coming up we’re going to talk you know recite from her June 1952 what she was doing in in the garden back then um everything is out now from the greenhouse other than my I’ve got my succulents still in the greenhouse and but pretty well all the plants are out uh you know and I just want to mention uh if anybody’s looking for um a really unique I mean unique beautiful tomato grows into a large large um almost a paste looking tomato like it’s a heart-shaped pointed end tomato I got this seed from my good friend s Caruso yeah great Ox heart it’s like an ox heart tomato it’s solid it’s got lots of meat and it gets to be so big you need one slice for a sandwich one slice makes a sandwich I got a picture of it one slice spills the entire bread piece of bread and they’re tasty they got that deep tomato taste it’s so good A little bit of salt on there Andes wa tomato season sometimes you put a little bacon on there a little lettuce oh boy beautiful and uh I’ve got some of these plants I just marked them S for S and I have some plants so if anybody you know is interested in them um you know I I’m not in the business of selling plants I’m in the business of enjoying giving my plants from the greenhouse away now it may get to the point where I’m starving and I need to buy and I need to start selling plants again and I might do that but right now if somebody has if somebody has a um you know a desire for a special plant give me a call at home or email me dawnthe gardenexpert and I’ll put I’ve got I’ve only got a maybe a five or six or eight of these so yeah okay we’re going to go to the phone lines sorry to keep you waiting folks Dory good morning oh good morning I was just talking my Garden during your break a while back I’ve got those little black Hopper little flea Beetle things on my tomato plants again I had a terrible time last year but uh what can I do what can I put on them well the dious Earth is something that works quite well for Beetles for small be what is it called it’s uh the the active ingredient which is actually is is not very active but it’s a it’s called dious Earth and it comes in a form at Garden Centers as usually it’s a squeeze bottle because it comes out like a dust uhhuh and it is um it’s like an inert material um but it’s uh usually they have name like crawling insect killer or it’s it’s made for things like ants and it’s good for earwigs it’s good for little beetles and those little sa bugs that hang out in the garden so you can put it on the ground around the plant or you can actually dust the plant and any of those little beetles that come in contact with that stuff that that’ll be the end of them and if you if you moisten the the bottom of the foliage a little bit let it moisten and then let it drip dry so it’s not wet wet and then with that little duster that Ken described you poof poof it up underneath the leaves because that’s where those beetles are a lot as under the leaves so you poof it up so the dious Earth sticks to the leaf and then when it when the water dries away they they they become little tiny raor blades and when the beetle walks through he gets cut to death oh dear they’re fossilized diet yeah that’s where they get the name dious Earth and and the name of the product do you have a name uh there’s so many different products that have it have the product that have dious Earth in them that you could go to any Garden Center I’m sure and you can look for a crawling insect killer and just read the label and it’ll say guarantee right on the label and it’ll say diet Tous Earth yeah and you know you got the right product or and ask ask the folks at the information desks at the Gard centers they’ll help you out with that and um yeah the um there’s nothing out there that says diet to but every product that’s on the market doesn’t matter whether it’s one of the old chemical products or what whatever it has what they call a guarantee in tiny fine print and you look closely you’ll see guarantee it’s can said dious Earth or they might say datom they might say there’s one other phrase they use but it’s very close to that and that’s that’s what you’re going to get but you ask ask the clerk for diet to M’s Earth and they’ll find it for you very good thank you you’re very welcome you’re welcome thanks for calling and we’re going to go back to the phone call phone numbers and I I’m gonna have to get this from grener I know line I’m sorry I I pressed the WR button on my phone and I can’t see things and so line good morning good morning now it’s clear it was very Buzzy before I uh heard heard that uh previous conversation and I just used some of that I was getting these black beetles in the house M and um and they would I’d find them in my toilet and um although I hadn’t thrown them in there and uh crawling on the floor but it seems like I’ve um beating them down now I had them last year also yeah but yeah that’s it’s it is called crawling insect yep and then my problem is uh I’ve been going on the internet now I’m so confused I don’t know whether I’ve got moles Vols or dorms in my lawn but it’s a mass and it’s um lumpy bumpy and I get the and I have these uh uh not huge craters or volcanoes but small ones about 2 in and they’re little they’re almost like there little balls of Earth yes yeah that’s that is dorms and um that’s you know they’re just telling you that you need to aate your lawn because the dorms are trying to aate your lawn for you cuz their conditions are the same they like the same conditions the lawn likes air in the lawn they want your lawn is probably quite compacted and the dorms are saying this is compacted let’s aate yeah and they love lawn they eat lawn yeah so it’s another thing they do is they they’ll live there because it’s they’ve got food readily available so they come up is it too late to in the year to to air a or no you could do it anytime sure anytime okay um yeah the last time I had it they only went around once and uh then took off and I thought do is go around four or five times well yeah there there’s there’s ways and ways not to but um you know my buddy Brian Minter I was on this radio with him in Vancouver one time and the question was asked about dorms and he he just he says do you ever see dorms on a golf course and you know I’ve never seen a dorm on a golf course why maybe because they use all these pesticide maybe not I’m not sure it’s also it’s pure sand yeah they don’t need to aate they don’t need to aate they they’ve got their own you know and as Ken said they do eat uh they’ll they’ll come up and eat some of the grass but they also uh eat the decayed materials that are uh under the ground too so worms are good in the lawn there’s no doubt about it you just want to keep them down below and to do that you want to make sure lawn is in good condition and well aerated yeah it used to be um what I also notice is uh I don’t know whether it’s that or where they’re they’ve been traveling that’s why I thought maybe I had vs but well I get these kind of yellow uh Trails a little bit the vs that go around underneath the snow will leave act actually Trails just like a you know a squiggly line Trail through the through the thing but um that disappears uh you can throw some seed down and that’ll clean that up in uh in the growing season but I think I did have one once before and caught it because it chewed off a few of my plants the RO The Roots yeah that’s a I went to prun my rose bush and it just fell over oh that’ll be a that that can’t be a v that’ll be a pocket golpher goer oh yeah MH yeah it was quite a good size one I’ve seen that happen yeah okay well so I’ll have to have it air then okay thank you dear thank you bye now bet you um so that was Lorraine we’re going to Bert good morning Bert good a shop bag worth full of Canales or CES they they grow about four or five fet high and have a red flower on them and they’re for free vert we you gave me a call and I asked you to call into the garden show this is uh this is a great thing Bert’s got some beautiful canaly uh t uh ryom and and uh are they the Red Leaf one or the green leaf one B the red one and the green leaf but the red flow red flower Green Leaf beautiful plant and uh so Bert do you want to give your phone number or do you want 250 y 764 yeah 20 71 okay 2 five 0764 2071 2071 thank you Bert we appreciate that that’s Canales Bert’s got some can lies for you thank you buddy I’m back okay byebye calling and yeah so we’re going to go right again to the phone lines and we’re going to go to uh is it Linda yes Linda yes good morning good morning morning I have a quick question I I purchased a tree it’s a Sunburst Locust at the um the neighborhoods program two years ago planted it and last year it kind of struggled a bit this year there’s no new growth but the the theand brances are pliable and when I use my fingernail and just scrape the tree trunk it’s green and it’s vibrant but there’s no new growth if you looked at it you’d think it was dead there’s no leaves nothing yeah well not even any buds but it’s it’s still alive yeah it’s it it’s uh it’s not going to be it’s not going to be viable I don’t think I think that that sometimes sometimes plants will give you some symptoms that they’re still alive and and I have seen plants that would Leaf out late but there’s something severely wrong with that plant where it’s just you know it’s hard to tell from this like we can investigate but you know if you learn the techniques of planting and maybe try again this year but it’s a great tree those trees are really good they’re suitable for the environment here and they do really well and their root systems tend to be quite deep and depending on the pot if if it comes out of a pot the The Roots do need to be teased apart at planting and then they need to be planted quite shallow so that the roots are literally almost above the grade and so quite high if they’re very deep are they prone are they prone to to pests at all because there are on some of the branches there are very very fine webs but very few of them and I’m thinking because perhaps those those branches aren’t producing any leaves something’s just set on them yeah I there shouldn’t be anything that would cause uh you know or eat the leaves back or anything like that uh there might be some spiders just taking advantage of the space and the framework you know handy to build a web but um yeah typically that’s the thing if they’re not showing any sign by now I would be looking at replacing it and getting going again with something new and starting with something small is generally easier than starting with something big because it should be easier to take just remember the watering regime at this time of year is basically uh once a day for the first maybe 14 days or so and then after that you can start going every second day and the amount per watering is somewhere in that 2 to five gallons per watering right right and then that okay generally that’ll work but if you need more tips on tree planting it’s usually wise to get as many tips as you can then you get a good start and uh get a good product get a good get have good success all right yep okay thanks very much yeah thanks for calling bye bye-bye okay um we’re going to take a short break we’re going to take a short break there you go all right we’ll be right back with more am 1150 Garden [Music] Show uh we are back with you on am 1150 Garden Show I like that voice um yeah so we’re going right back to the phone lines here and we’ve got uh just a minute now don’t tell me because I can do this I can do this we’ve got uh we got Beverly right right Beverly is on the line good morning Beverly good morning and I’m phoning about St Andrew’s 90th annual flower show in tea which is next Saturday yes the 8th of June well you know I was about to mention that because we’ve got it right on our notes about the St Andrews flower show and tea it is a a fabulous event and um we uh I mean I feel sort of a part of that because it’s as historical in Colona as I am you know there I’ve been around a long time well I haven’t been around 90 years but certainly been around long enough to know that that’s been an annual event that’s fabulous and I’ve attended it as a matter of fact I think I even was a judge there one time and it was pretty cool pretty cool and give us a detail okay it’s it’s um on Saturday from 2: till 4: but most people come between 2: and 3:00 um the admission of $5 includes the flower show and tea and if members of the public would like to enter which they bring their flowers in in the morning um they certainly can if they phone me um I’ll give you my number or if they phone the church St Andrew’s Church then they can get a copy of the flower show schedule I just hope my Iris will last long enough so I can enter the my favorite Iris isn’t that the way you know that’s what happened I know that’s that’s what it’s all about with flower shows you know it’s it’s timing it’s keeping your flower you know that’s exciting because I know uh I because the giken garden show the flower show is just around the corner from me I’m live in the neighborhood and I can get things there before the garden show starts like the radio show um you know I’m three four days before the show I’m putting things in the fridge taking them out of the fridge putting them in here you know messing around trying to time the thing but it’s lots of fun it’s it’s too much fun it is fun did De side and the cute little one the little miniature ones they’re so much fun because they have to be a very small size or even in a teacup that’s a challenge to keep them in the teacup how do do how do people get the um if they want to enter their their their flowers and plants into the show show schedule yeah we need the the schedule well the church number is 250 764 2626 right and Bev aerin’s number is 2504 7478 and by email we can send these schedules or they are at some of the Garden shopo how about do you have an email some do you have an email there that um people could just say I need a schedule for the show sure um mine is w and Bev W A and D Bev at Shaw okay Bev wil from Bev Shaw Shaw so you you you’ve got her I appreciate it Bev um maybe I should tell you this is going to be the last one oh we’ve decided with the change of demographic interests um uh younger people soccer on Saturdays little gardens or no Gardens at all in housing that um and and the workload to do sort of as people are aging we made the decision that this would be our last one Bev I can totally get it uh I was involved with the gikan Garden Show not the flower show but the garden show I was involved with that for 10 years uh as as a member of the committee we worked so hard to do to put on the show and at the end of the day uh and that show was put on really to uh to uh help Finance the Okanogan Central Okanogan Heritage Society right and um at the end of the day our last meeting for the last show we ever put on we said you know what by the end of the day we we we uh work so hard to put this together and by the end of the day we net out about you know maybe $1500 maximum for the whole you know to that’s what we profit so with all the work we put in we decid let’s all kick in through 300 bucks and Bob’s your uncle we’re done that’s our donation to the society it’s sad to give a TR I mean remember we had to give up the Colona rata oh I know we remember that there came a time a situations circumstances and so we thought about this you know the church committee and the and the guild and and those that work on it and say well it’s not a fundraiser at $5 it’s not a fundraiser but it’s it’s a tradition that’s right and we don’t like to give up tradition well another tradition that was done this year is too is the uh the the um okaga the Colona hospital auxiliary Blossom fair and that was the last year and and that was that used to happen on the front lawn on do Street in front of the hospital we remember don’t we and then it moved to cottonwoods yeah and uh it was a bit of a bane for us because right around Mother’s Day our busiest time and all our parking got eaten up and they you know whatever you know it is what it is but we won’t go there Bev we appreciate it and please folks if you’ve ever thought I’m going to attend that uh St Andrew’s Church flower show it’s the 90th annual flower show and the last one so if you ever thought of going you might as well go now it’s a tradition and Bev thank you so much for calling in you’re very welcome I’ll call I’ll call um next Saturday morning just to remind folks bet and um I hope it’s not raining like it was last year it was so wet to go out and do my arrangements oh I know it’s it’s rough yeah thank you okay okay byebye now bye bye and uh now we’re going to go back to the phone lines and uh we don’t tell me we’ve got Donna on the line morning Donna good morning morning I have a few questions for you um we have a split bark maple that seems to be losing its leaves right now and of course it’s just gotten leaves is that just last your’s leaves that’s coming down do you think like a paper bark M Maple paper bark yeah yeah yeah um it’s chances are it’s it’s going to be having uh some major issue uh but it’s not um it’s not really um something that’s uh a natural process in yeah we haven’t noticed it before so what could be going on with it uh normally what happens is the plant will will often develop a little bit of a girdling root situation down at the ground level oh no and that and that can be one of the things so that’s always the first thing I think of so what I would do is I’d go up to the tree and I’d pull back the soil away from the trunk very carefully work my way down when I start to see some Roots I would take a hose and wash wash the roots and and I can often I’ll often find that you’ll see these roots girdling and starting to choke off the tree at the ground level so or even below the ground level and if we do see that then we go ah we found the problem we carefully snip out those roots to prevent them from choking the tree off and then just Supply the tree with water and a little TLC and hopefully uh the thing will will start to recover and come back um but if you don’t see that then we know we have to look in a different direction and again with the most Maples are not particularly drought tolerant so they do you know you can give a little extra water we’ve got it in a water you know we have underground Sprinklers and stuff it’s watered well it’s just um but it’s not a little tree anymore it’s quite a large tree and uh it really really grew this year like we we both looked at it and said wow it all of a sudden just sprouted so what so it’s be easy to go down to the roots but we will try that we we’ve unfortunately we’ve had this happen with a number of the trees in our yard whoever put them in originally didn’t do it properly so that’s why the o no Donna Donna that’s a sad situation ation really that girdling root thing and it it quite often is caused because the plant stayed in a pot too long uh in its original pot too long before it was planted out and those roots start circling through the pot and then of course they don’t unravel themselves when they they go in the ground and often people will work the roots open but uh that’s not always the case um yeah so maybe you want to send some pictures to Ken and I we can maybe help you over the over the uh email just to add to our comments on this tree okay and then the second thing hanging baskets 20 2020 or 1530 15 either one is fine either one I mean you know I guess 15 305 Ken would be maybe a tad better but they’re both going to do the same thing yep they’re both going to be the same yep okay and they do need to be watered daily right the baskets oh yeah yeah often even I would check them in the afternoon you know if you if you get that hot afternoon sun you know they that can just dry them right out just in a couple flowers so depending where okay then I have a potentilla which I’ve we’ve got lots of them and usually they make a whole bunch of little offshoots and whatever but I have one that’s got the pink flower and I just planted it last year and it’s it’s just not doing well um so I pulled out my book and it seemed to suggest that it was just because it needs a lot of good drainage we have a lot of clay where we are so should I dig it back out of the ground and maybe put some more mulch back down to the hole again do you think or what can I do to try and bring it along because it’s a new planting you could carefully exume the plant you know last year it was planted last year yeah when in the spring uh spring of last year I think closer to the fall of last year maybe because you know potent tillers are pretty tough and don’t do this in the middle of the hot day but in the evening when it’s cool you might want is it just in a one gallon pot or two gallon pot it was in a one yeah one gallon yeah just carefully dig around without disturbing that original pot thing lift it out again and have a look at the roots and have a look you know if it’s in heavy clay yeah that could be an issue because they might be rotted but if it’s in uh if it if if you know that again we talk about that root ball being hydrophobic and once it dries out I mean you November December January February March and sometimes into April the thing gets no water and we had very little water it was planted in the fall it this could be the issue that we see all the time right now is you know so get the water right to the plant not just sprinkling around it right and then if I can just add one last thing is that when you do have heavy soil sometimes what you do is burm up upwards so if you did lift that plant out you could add a layer of soil and burm it so it’s a little bit higher maybe about say it just depends on the location how much room you have but if you could go about 12 in Nice Nice mound of soil above that poor clay soil and then plant your plant in that and it just allows it to root down and work its way into the clay but at least it has some air to breathe in a little bit of drainage on top they find the sweet spot as they say great okay thanks very much day and you as well have a good day as a beautiful day to be in the garden thanks byebye grinda we’re going to take the next caller we’re going to the we’re going to take a break we’re going to take a short break now and we’ll be back with more am150 Garden [Music] Show [Music] oh yeah on a beautiful Saturday morning just a few wispy clouds up there that I can see from the studio window here um yeah it’s a it’s just darn be and no snow in the Hills that’s what they say Ken you can plant after you see no snow on the Northern face of the Southern mountains you can plant annuals annuals yeah yeah that that’s when your tomato and things like that can go yep or if the ground feels comfortable to the bare bottom mhm that’s another way to tell but some people are embarrassed to go there and test it that way but anyway we’ve got uh Bobby on the line good morning Bobby good morning guys good morning I’ve never tried the bear bomb well you put a tent up and uh yeah yes um I have weeds and grass growing between uh bricks and on my patio and I want to use the vinegar recipe but uh I’m not I forgotten how many things to go in it well the only way I could figure that out is to get the percentage that you see on the commercial products because you buy you can buy commercial uh uh weed suppressors with the vinegar in it and I’m not sure what that is so you’d have to work it out get that you all garden centers have them have it oh oh okay yeah well I bought some 5% the other day some which and so so I thought I it would give it a whirl well you know if you’re if you you bought some cider vinegar yes yes okay white vinegar 5% oh 5% white vinegar hard to say uh the regular food grad stuff that you would normally buy you pretty much have to use it straight without mixing it yeah it’s pretty much and and like for me my water at my house because I have well water it’s so alkaline that it would eliminate if I ever put that in with the vinegar it would be no more vinegar effect because it wouldn’t be acid anymore I have so much uh alkalinity in my water but if you have water from the city of Colona then that’s better water and that water wouldn’t affect it as much but I like I say if you buy a product that’s designed for that and there’s a label instructions you have to to follow that label instruction and then if it’s just the straight vinegar that you buy from the grocery store then you just don’t mix it you just use it straight perfect oh okay um well I guess that that’s it then yep yep and you know you can’t overdo it on your bricks because there’s nothing around there to kill but if you’re doing it around your plants you want to be very careful right I do you know where I could get a hands sprayer like a just a pump hand sprayer or one of those yes you know it used to have the for fly spray and garden centers would have a hand sprayer available in the hardware stores they have them I think Grinder says even the dollar store has them right now oh okay wonderful well thank you very much you guys have a great you’re welcome weekend and you as well thank you for the call Bobby we appreciate it y okay byebye yep now we’re back to what were we there was uh the the the Lake Country on the Peachland thing Lake country garden tours on next weekend so if you haven’t got tickets you should get them now and that’s always a fabulous treat to go out on the garden tour I’ll be speaking on the garden tour this year right on and find Ken it’s find find Waldo Waldo the same idea find and uh uh Peachland they’re having uh the rose show yes and I think you’ve got the detail I’ve got the detail on that the annual event organized by the Peachland sers and Growers Society uh features several hundred roses in Horticultural exhibits and displays in vases bowls and baskets come and see this spectacular Rose show the only Rose show held in BC outside of the Lower Mainland the show will be held Saturday June the 15th so it’s not this coming week and next week but it’s the following week at the 50 plus Center fourth and Beach Avenue in Peachland the show is open to the public from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. this this is a jured show and Exhibits are evaluated by qualified judges who will award ribbons to the winners in each section as well as a trophy for the Show Champion and miniature rose Champion hobby Growers are invited to exhibit their beautiful blooms by taking them to the 50 plus Center between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on June the 15th the those wishing to enter exhibits for the show May obtain a show schedule by sending an email to Beachland roses show at with the words show schedule in the subject line come and enjoy the show there are three row growing workshops available during the day as well as Refreshments entrance by donation this is a fabulous thing Ken um that’s that’s come up June the 15th uh you know and it’s good timing because it’s peak of Rose blooming time you know the gushiken show which is held a little later sometimes you know I say oh I wish this show was two weeks earlier because that’s when the roses are just peeking right um however it’s still a great show and we it’s a little more competitive because you know you’re trying to hold your roses back but uh no this is ideal you’re going to see some fabulous show roses we’ll talk about this again next week but um if you want to uh get more uh information on it Peachland roses show Peachland roses show at and if you need if you haven’t you know if you want to get more information and you need help you can always email me dawnthe gardenexpert domcom and I will forward you this information so there you go and now and then of course the late Country Garden Tour which is happening this coming Saturday a week from now 9:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. tickets are $25 per person and they’re available at Lake Country Kell Lake Green Houses Lake Country Ace Hardware The Greenery in Colona Bin’s nursery on the West Side Swan Lake Nursery land in Vernon and the flower spot Garden Center in Vernon so great thing um hey and those folks who will be sort of you know uh flower garden tour envy and garden tour deprived this year because the colonal garden tour is not on this year yep um there’s a fabulous one it’s always great it’s always a wonderful garden tour out in Lake Country and here’s your chance to get that garden show or garden tour fix is what you need yeah for sure with with only one I I think it’ll be really popular this year great yeah that’s right you know and a lot of the Colona folks that normally wouldn’t be going to it are going to be out there so we’re going to take a short break invite your calls 250 862 2525 uh we want to uh hear from you before the end of the show the end of the show is at 10:00 we got 15 minutes left we’ll see you with more am 1150 [Music] Garden oh we are back and uh another beautiful Saturday morning uh in the oag and Ken we we talked briefly about uh watering some of our tips of the week and that are all about watering right now that it’s important to watch your plants for stress I I believe you know using your irrigation wisely is is also meaning uh monitoring it all the time you don’t want your irrigation to come on when it’s not necessary and also you know you can you can back off sometimes of the irrigation a little bit and go out and hand water the things that really need it some of the times like some of the times like my for instance my front bed I have Juniper I have a cinus a Smoke Tree I’ve got three barbaries I and and uh all those are quite drought they they could survive if I turned the irrigation right off right so because it’s a small area and because I have a few plants in there that do need the water I don’t turn that Zone on I just go out and water the plants that need the water doesn’t it only takes it only takes me 10 minutes or something to go out and do that and you get you feel closer to your Gard when you do that so you use your Irrigation in that regard rather than just okay let’s set the clock and go you know forget it well that’s that’s a problem that there a problem actually that we come across all the time it’s just that you know we we service a lot of different clients and um they have automated systems and those automated systems they literally have to to function flawlessly because they’re not going to be out there on a hose watering so um the thing is is when you do go out and and hand water it definitely it puts you in touch with the garden it gets you you can visually see how the soil is accepting the water whether it’s soaking in or not I always suggest that multiple waterings light waterings several times sometimes four or five times to get the water to soak down deep and that’s one of the things is knowing how deep the water’s going so important because you’re just wasting water if you’re just applying little little tiny amounts that that just land on the surface don’t soak in at all and just evaporate away and there’s no point in that so irrigation is all about depth of watering and you must understand that and you the best way just go out with a shovel and just dig in after the irrigation goes off and have a look and see if it’s penetrating if it’s not then you’re wasting 100% of your water so it’s just one of these things if you if you can understand your system a little bit more and understand how it’s watering and and know how it’s watering you know that even if you just watered once a week really nice and deep is way better than watering every day you know a 16th of an inch deep uh and another thing too is maybe I would suggest watering in the evening you get more use out of your water because you don’t if you water in the first thing in the morning the uh the evaporation will take a lot of it away yeah it’s it’s really nice and and the multiple waterings as I mentioned a way to go yep we’re going to go to the phone lines we got Nick good morning Nick yeah good morning good morning oh I would turn your radio down Nick there we go you got to turn your radio down buddy you got her yeah yeah okay okay you here that’s better no turn your radio down Nick yep there we go yep there we we back on no I can I can hear you now oh yeah there we go okay how do I prepare Last Christmas I ped you people but our Christmas cactus how do I prepare it before Christmas Comes to get it to get it blooming again yeah that’s right yeah Ken is the schlum bergia expert you know uh it used to bloom like a son of a gun but last last two years no way yeah it’s all about night time temperature so they have to have cool nights in order to set okay now what do I do with it it’s in it’s in my I’m in the apartment it’s right in front of the the patio door so what is it too much sun or what no you just let it do its thing from now until August basically and then once August comes you you need to start cooling it down at night put it outside well if you can absolutely until about to the close to the end of September you got to watch No frost allowed but you can get it cooling down at night outside and that usually triggers it to start setting Bloom and then once that thing triggers you can just bring it back inside and it’ll be good it’ll Bloom generally through about mid October through till about the end of November typically and sometimes you’ll get Christmas you know you might hit Christmas it just depends and how happy it is yeah I I hope so I hope okay so I don’t start putting it outside till about August right yeah even end of August how about watering how about watering it uh you just water as it needs it it’ll dry between watering a little bit and that’s what you want but uh just when you water water well okay I’ll phone you in Aug and see what happens okay perfect wish me luck we’re wishing you luck right now Nick thank you buddy yeah bye bye good luck bye bye yeah for sure they love those Christmas cactus and i’ I just have great success um just having those flowering plants indoors it’s one of those things you you don’t you don’t see it natur many plants naturally blooming indoors I’ve enjoyed mine as well I brought got three from Brian M and I’ve got uh one that was my dad’s last plant that he had before he passed away my sister bought him this little little uh Christmas cactus schura it’s a kind of an orange color it’s a beautiful uh well no it’s no it’s more of a more of a peach color it’s really pretty and um mind you I’m colored blind so I can’t really yeah tell them but they’re beautiful they’re beautiful and and uh uh so I’ve grown a few of these from Dad’s original this year and uh I’m going to pass them around to the family and just tell them this is Dad’s last whatever sentimental stuff I just want to tell you one another sentimental stuff the old band from 60s are getting together strange movies blues band we’re having our first like the three of us Bill can’t be there cuz he’s in Toronto but we’re going to be the three Jim Wilson and Jared de Hayes and I are going to get set up in my garage tonight and just run through some tunes uh run through some scheduling how we’re going to do going to talk about uh lights and sound and all this stuff because we’re not a band anymore so we got to do all this most bands just walk into a place they got their guys they come in they set it up they bang we got to do all that for these two nights of July 4th and July 5th July 4th is a Thursday and July 5th is a Friday July 5th F now folks has two tickets left 98% sold out two tickets left the Thursday is 28% uh sold out we’ve sold 25 tickets out of 88 so it’ll just be sold out fairly soon now too so if you want to come and enjoy the strange movies blues band the original strange the original four guys that got together in Colona in 1967 and we played all throughout the province went down to Vancouver recorded some music and the band ended up in Bermuda for two years and played in New York and Toronto and uh I just want to tell you it’s going to be a fun night boys uh the two uh key guys Jim Wilson and Bill Campbell both play every weekend still so they’re not just old guys that are getting their picking up their guitar for the first time in 40 years no these guys play these guys play and they play well it’s going to be a good concert and dance bring you dancing shoes and have some fun so go to event bright. CA to get tickets and you still got lots of tickets for Thursday but um Friday is darn near sold out so there you go we are got to do got to do our chips and plants of the week and then we’re going to go home you bet you well not go home we’re going to go to somebody’s yard and help them with their plants yeah um tip of the week and I’ve learned from my mistakes several times uh never attempt to fertilize your lawn by hand use a fertilizer spreader and follow the directions as Ken said I blew it again uh roses roses roses enjoy them right now folks this is the peak season for Roses um you know this is a time to go to the Garden Center and see the Roses In Bloom so you’re buying something you know you’re going to get good one yeah and uh my tips for this week is uh make sure that you’re aware that when temperatures increase plants require more nutrients so adding a little extra fertilizer this time of year especially to potted plants that’s those are the ones that really need it uh this is perfect time to start a regiment and start Fe feeding uh my plan of the week this week was the German Iris uh one of my favorites and I have a real beauty that I’m I’m going to put on the internet on our website grower under uh Garden tips and plant of the week and I’ll be putting that up this afternoon so should be good to go after that uh check it out grower that’s my tips and plans for this week thank you Ken and the shyo Cote of the week which is uh important to us he’s a father of modern Arbor culture out Dr shyo what his quote this week is consider the birds who walked into a flying Workshop then walked home yeah you know they they got to learn to fly and that’s he’s deep sometimes isn’t he yeah we’re gonna take the break till next week we’ll see you next week with more am150 Garden [Music] Show

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