Plant Propagation

Rhizome water prop

So, I know this sub is mostly house plants, but I figured I'd post here for the occasional outside gardener that stops by like myself.

I looked and looked and couldn't find much advice on rhizome propogation, even though it's often mentioned as a way to propogate certain plants. I certainly couldn't find anything mentioning rhizome propogation in water!

But I dug up a bunch of lilac suckers, divided them and their best rhizomes into pots, but was left with some really good roots and no soil. So I thought, hey, why not try water? (Water typically works better on tropical plants, which lilacs are not.)

That first pic is the most surprising. Within days it started popping out that first little shoot. I thought, well, sometimes they panic grow a little when chopped up, so that's maybe not a real indication.

A week goes by and I swear I can watch that little guy grow day by day! It's been a few weeks now and the other two have started budding as well, so it's not a fluke.

The cons:
I don't know how all those roots will like transitioning to soil.

They have been battling some white mold looking growth for which I added some hydrogen peroxide, which has not seemed to harm the plants and cleared up the mold pretty well.

The last pic: just wanted to say that yes, basil roots very easily in water! I took that cutting only a few days ago. rubs hands together I hope my tomatoes get big this year so I have to "prune" them 😉 and can see if what the internet says about them is also true.

I want to see how long I can keep a single tomato plant alive through cuttings. For science.

by KeezWolfblood

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