Plant Propagation

Help! I received a cutting and not a rooted plant and I don’t know how to propagate it.

I purchased a 4inch rooted plant but this is what I received. I only have experience water propping smaller plants. It wasn’t dark at all on the tip of the root at first but now it’s getting angry after trying perlite. Can I get an expert in here. Please help me prop this baby. I don’t wanna lose it. I put it in perlite from sphagnum btw, because it was started to look a little upset in the original sphagnum it was shipped in.

by serahentity


  1. Rude_Section_6816

    You could put it in water until the root grows quite a bit then it could be potted.

  2. Scrubtimus

    If you are really worried about rot what I do with pineapple crowns to prevent rot is wrap them in paper towel. I suspend them above water so only the paper towel is in while the plant is not touching water at all. Water reaches the plant through the paper towel but doesn’t soak the plant. I then just leave it until the paper towel is full of roots.

    I can’t speak to the specifics of your plant species but that’s an option.

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