Japanese Garden

I Built a Whip that Crushes Bones

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a few months ago I wanted to find out how dangerous whips are and so I learned to use and so I learned to use one and even though it’s really powerful when I tried to replacing the original cracker which is a tiny nylon rope at the end of the whip with a steel wire the damage got definitely higher and so I started wondering if a whip was entirely made of stronger and heavier materials compared to a normal one and it will still be able to travel as fast as a normal whip could it slice through anything like if he was a blade well I have a ballistic dummy so now I only needed the strong whip at first I wanted to buy one so I started looking for it online and I found just a few steel whips but they’re not actually whips whips what I found was a lot of videos of Asian guys cracking massive chain whips but a problem with something like that is obviously the weight that chain is probably impossible to lift and that makes it the deadliest weapon in the world to use against St colonies I got nothing against St though and I want to be able to crack my whip me there because they do dislike mosquitoes take that so I couldn’t find anybody that was selling the whip I was looking for maybe because it’s a bad idea probably because it’s dangerous for everything and everyone around me and me but I guess there was only one way to find out I was going to have to build it myself and then compare it to the normal way whip by testing both against a bunch of different targets so to make the whip as powerful as possible the first step was to figure out how whips actually work and after a while I found a few articles and videos that explained exactly what I needed basically when you swing a whip your hand and the handle of the whip move relatively slow but they also generate momentum which is the loop you see there and a few years ago this guy basically said that the momentum at the beginning and at the end of the whip has to stay the same but since the base of the whip is much heavier than the tip the only way momentum can stay the same is by increasing the speed so the loop needs to travel faster and faster as the section of the whip gets smaller till it gets to the Cracker a tiny light rope that travels really fast like 900 mph fast so basically instead a whip a big Mass with low speed turns into a really high speed when the mass is small for this reason when buying all the materials I looked for something really heavy for the base of the Whip and lighter for the tip something more durable and more dense than a normal whip but also flexible so that it could still move very fast and also safety goggles so for the body of the whip I went with progressively smaller wire ropes a 6 mm one a 4 mm one and a 2 mm one and then a tiny wire rope that I was going to use as the cracker of the whip somebody actually already makes self-defense weapons out of wire ropes and they are really cute because now imagine that traveling faster than the speed of sound but the main reason I picked why ropes is because they are heavier than the classic materials used for a whip and since they’re flexible I believe they could still create the loop and behave exactly as a whip does and to make sure the whip was going to be as powerful as possible increase the weight even further I got this big chain that I actually stole for my bike and the plan was to place it right after the handle I knew chains could work as whips thanks to the end killer guys but I still wanted to double check that and see how he behaved and I almost lost my knee while doing that okay maybe I’m being too dramatic my plan was to make the new whip about as long as the L one a shorter whip will probably be easier to handle which wouldn’t be too bad because when I spanked myself with a normal whip I basically just stopped thinking and I felt the need to leave because of the pain and I don’t want to even think about what would happen with the still one but a shorter whip would also be less powerful so so yeah so I cut the four ropes 2 m for the big one 1.5 for the medium one 1.2 for the small one and then a few centim for the cracker and like that I ended up with a total length of 3 me and about 1 foot plus the chain in the handle that I’m going to realize I didn’t take into account later now the hardest part was putting them together at first I thought about welding them but since the ropes are really thin I feared they would just melt moreover I went back home for Christmas and I have no idea where my father keeps the welding machine luckily though there are a bunch of ways to connect wire ropes together it must be that somebody had my same idea of making a powerful Whip and they ended up making Bridges anyways my top priority for this was to find a connection that would let the ropes move freely without interrupting the loop my second priority was that it looked kind of good and my third priority was that the connections were strong enough to resist the stress avoiding to launch supersonic steel ropes into my neighbor’s Garden spoiler I think I failed the last one and for all those reasons I decided to go with swag sleeves sorry swage sleeves these are commonly used for steel wires and even though they don’t look too solid to me when installed properly the strength of termination is 90% of the breaking strength of the cable when installed properly did I reset that there are also different kinds of connections like these clamps but I figured dangerous spikes and Super Sonic whips wouldn’t go well together and so I picked the option of the Swit sleeves and I tried to make the eye as tight as possible so that it wouldn’t slow down or stop the loop of the web then I connected all the cables together and the last step was to secure the switch sleeves to do that you need to crimp them using the switch tool and like that the body of the whip was basically ready this was the easiest and fastest way I could find to connect all the cables together and I was actually surprised and happy that it worked for like 5 minutes because in that moment I started to have a few DBS that almost made me quit this entire idea basically I randomly tried moving the Rope like a web and I noticed the connection between the cables was making the system bend on itself while a normal whip has some sort of rigidity it’s not completely flexible and it doesn’t fold on itself but in this case the medium cable kept folding over the big one and I was worried it was going to prevent the whip from working like a whip yeah so I decided to quickly test it and with that I realized two things the first is that the whip wasn’t behaving like a whip at all and the second is that the whip kept spanking me and the crazy part is that even at that low speed it was already hurting so I had two problems to fix the first one was fixing the whip so that it could go Super Sonic and the second one was not getting spanked by the Super Sonic whip so I tried first Tien in the ice making them so tight they basically couldn’t move but even though the whip got slightly better that didn’t really work then my father came home and we found the welding machine so he tried welding the connections but as expected the welding machine was way too hot and it simply melted the wires of the cables so I spent a while thinking about new ways of making the connections and do you remember those clamps with dangerous spikes well I decided to use those the reason why I did that is because when I tried making a connection with these kind of clamps I realized they were making the whip much more rigid than before solving in theory the spanking problem hopefully now before testing the whip had the chain and the handle left and honestly I wasn’t entirely sure if the chain was going to exponentially increase the power thanks to the weight or simply slow everything down because of the weight or even worse since the whip is already really long the extra weight and length could make it way too hard to handle and much more dangerous so because of that I decided to cut the chain in half and then I used the climbing clamp to connect the two portion the idea was try attaching half of the chain to the whip first and then the entire chain and see which one worked the best also I know it doesn’t look pretty but my goal was making the most powerful Whip and not the prettiest one and I’m sure he has a great personality anyways I attached half of the chain to the web and I quickly wanted to test it mainly to see if I was at least on the right path and from this test you can tell two things one I’m not really into fashion and two even with half chain this was actually kind of working like a wave and when I tried to crack it this happened so after quickly destroying a pomegranate and painting the house with it I attached the second half of the chain to it because I was confident that was going to make it even faster and even though I felt like my arm was about to fall off because of the weight of the whip my technique was also slightly improving and with the full chain I got something similar to a track to be fair it was not the classic sound of the whb it was different for now the whip was picking up water from the ground and turning it into mist I think because of how fast it was flying and I know it looks like I’m not happy about it but I really was it’s just that the sound this thing makes combined with the idea of it being a Sil cable traveling as fast as a 9mm bullet not that far away from my face well it was unusual to say the least I mean what would you think if you saw some random dude you SE a super Super Sonic chain whip in his backyard well I was thinking the same thing anyways before actually testing the Whip and compare it to the normal one against all the targets there was one more thing I had to improve to consider it complete if you pay attention in the slow motion here you see that the whip moves on the same plane till it gets to the connection of the big cable with the medium cable and I wanted to fix that because I believe that that movement was actually slowing the whip down if you remember I scrapped my first design because I was worried about the lack of rigidity of the whip yeah but the chain is completely flexible and it’s free to move in every direction and still it was perfectly working like a whip and so I started wondering what if my first design with the switch sleeves was actually better than the new one My Hope Is that with the old connections everything was going to be able to move in a fluid way exactly how it was happening with the chain so to find out I tried making it once again and even with half chain this whip was not only working but it was actually working better than the previous design and my only explanation for the fact that now these kind of connections are perfectly functioning and before they weren’t is that I was the problem meaning lack of skills on my side then I tried attaching an even smaller cable at the end of the tip and for the first time I got an actual crack out of it the body of the whip without the handle weights 4.2 kg or 9.25 lb and that makes it seven times heavier than the normal bull whip it’s probably not the best looking whip out there but with the eye connections I felt it was looking pretty good at this point only the handle was missing and also the cracker I mean I actually had it before but I think I lost it right after cracking it for the first time so I left it without the cracker what I didn’t know is that that would eventually make the whip literally sound like a gunshot and as per the handle I thought about building one but all my tools are like half Europe away and I didn’t want to use stuff from my father’s Workshop to build one so I decided to use a wrench and like that the whip was finally complete now I wanted to find out if the custom whip was actually more powerful than the normal one and if it was how much more powerful and to do that I get a bunch of different targets starting from the softest apples then soda cans pineapple and pumpkin and I also got ballistic gelatin that I already used in another video but I’m going to use again because it’s expensive and then finally AB balistic dummy the plan was to test Stitch whip against all these targets and then compare the damage all right apples are first so I’m going to start with the classic bull whip and then I’m going to try the chain one there’s like a 99% chance I’m going to hit the table table well it’s been a while since I properly used the Whip and you can clearly see the results but after a fiz I finally hit the target I was expecting the whip to cut the Apple but it actually exploded instead to be fair I’m not sure if IIT hit it with the cracker or with the body of the Whip and my camera in slow motion doesn’t give me much more information and then I wanted to try with the chain whip the plan was to start gently to be as accurate as possible but at the first attempt this happened and when I checked the damage on the table I got excited for the Whip and also set for the table I dented the table like let me show you and in that moment I realized that this thing might actually be more powerful than I thought I did that and that theory was confirmed on the next attempt well it cracks now this is so scary that was the loudest crack I’ve ever heard in my life you probably can’t tell the difference from the camera but it was way louder than the normal bull web it basically sounded like a gunshot and I believe it’s the handle that made the whip much more powerful than before and as a reminder that cck means that the steel rope was flying faster than the speed of sound that is insane well what wasn’t insane was my accuracy with it using this whip is pretty painful because of how heavy it is and every time I cracked it it was kind of pulling my entire arm and body with it moreover I was shooting High to avoid destroying the table but after trying for a while I decided to just give up with the apple and I moved on to the next taller and a harder Target s can let whip this time I got a clean hit with the bull whip and he kind of banded the aluminum but it didn’t cut the can so I moved to the chain one and like before it made me dance for a while it is so loud but then after a f rice I realized that if I wanted to crack the whip on the target I had to aim a little to the left of it and like that I got it and even though I still probably didn’t hit the can with the cracker the whip cut it in half and I was really happy about it the worst part is gone with the small targets took me a while and I lost an arm you see the problem luckily now we only got the big targets and then the ballistic gelatin let’s do it as usual I try with the bull whip first but this time I actually hit the target a few times and that’s because even if I hit the pumpkin clean I basically did no damage to it basically just scratches it you see the chain whip was a different story though the first hit wasn’t clean at all but it made me realize that this whip would be actually perfect to grab stuff and I’ve been finding it useful especially when I sit on my sofa and I forget to grab the remote control before I used to stand up now I’m simply using my chain whip and it’s been working flawlessly anyways even with that first hit the whip left a deep cut into the pumpkin so then I Tred again and even though I left another big cut I also realized something this part of the whip is wet but the cracker is totally dry that means I’m hitting the pumpkin with that part so before moving to the fancy targets I guess I had to learn how to use the whip this time I walked further away from the pumpkin it doesn’t really look like it hit from the camera but I’m probably at 7 m from the Target and this way I got two pretty good hits the first one that almost broke the pumpkin in half almost with the cracker and then the second one cracker and I left a nice deep cut with it and even if my arm was basically just a dangling useless thing at this point after quickly testing the whip against a pineapple and splitting it in half I was curious to see what kind of damage the whip could do to the ballistic gel and most importantly to the ballistic dummy the ballistic gelatin should simulate the density of muscle tissue but they usually test this against bullets and also it doesn’t have bones anyways I Hit It First a few times with a normal bull whip and it just left a few light marks on it but basically nothing that’s when I started to believe the gelatin might actually be much harder than skin I still wanted to see what was going to happen with the custom whip though so I flipped the gelatin and I also replaced the cracker of the whip with a brand new steel robe and this time I got a perfect hit right away the cracker left a deeper Mark than the bull whip but it didn’t cut the gelatin and I honestly can’t believe that’s accurate there is no way that that wouldn’t cut and so I decided to move right away to the ballistic dummy this one not only has a layer of ballistic gelatin but it should also simulate bones anyways I tried hitting it with the bull whip and it did basically nothing to it while for the chain whip the first two hits kind of scratch the head of the dummy but at least apparently I couldn’t see any damage to it probably because I was looking at the wrong spot so for this one I decided to change strategy my plan was to hit the dumy 10 times and then check the damage only after those and honestly I got a few clean hits the problem is that from far away I couldn’t see any damage to the dummy so I kept going and even though my arm was about to fall off I couldn’t stop thinking about how fascinating this thing is it’s insane that just by using physics in a certain way you can turn a flexible stick into a Super Sonic flexible stick anyways after the 10th hit I checked the actual damage and it turns out the damage was actually much higher than what I could see deep cuts and broken bones basically everywhere cheekbone top of the school right side of the school and a huge crack on the left side and the back of the head and I think I kind of felt it when I did that so to answer the initial question this thing is a lot more powerful than a normal bull W next I’m going to build an insanely powerful slingshot and a very special Katana so if you like this video subscribe to see when they come out also big thanks to my first supporters on patreon everyone who supports me gets to see my videos one day before I release them on YouTube and if you support me with $7 or more you also get your name at the end of the video like you see here thank you for watching and I see you soon with the next one


  1. The whip is really cool. Doesnt do as much damage as a belt. Like a belt sends you flying bro. Its crazy. insert potential dad joke

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