Plant Propagation

Anyone tried to prop American Blueberry cuttings in a banana?

Have anyone here tried it? I would like to take some cuttings from a American Blueberry bush.

I read that it could be kind of hard to get them to grow roots.

I just found this video and thought it sounded interesting:

Have anyone here tried this method? Did it work?

by CaptainBooby

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  1. It’s a method that’s been floating around the internet for awhile, with a lot of the articles/videos talking about the banana having “natural rooting hormone”, or that it’s because of the high potassium levels. Also some of them mention it’s location-dependant, since your banana could attract flies, or mold, or ants if you’re somewhere prone to those issues. 

    One thing I haven’t found is a really good source that can provide some detailed explanations of why it could work. I’m kinda curious now though.

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