Front Yard Garden

I GAVE him THIS after MOWING his yard for FREE

During this overgrown yard clean-up, a neighbor approached me & asked how much it would cost to mow his yard – of course I said FREE! When I was done with his yard, I GAVE him an AWESOME GIFT-watch until the END to see what it was!

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excuse me I might just come do it for free for you are you the okay let me ask you this I got you something what’s that how much you want for it I was going to give it to you really yeah well what you think looks good looks better it looks really really good what is up guys welcome back to another video today I have a really good one in store for you in today’s video I actually got to help out two different people so when I first saw this yard I saw a little lady sitting outside on her porch directly across the street so I went and talked to her she said no one’s lived there for a while and she said the yard has always looked bad she was sitting outside every single day I was there so I know she likes to just relax and enjoy the view and this house was really messing that up for for her so I told her I was going to get it cleaned up for her and for the neighborhood and she couldn’t believe it and she was super excited about it when it was all said and done the yard looked great and I did talk to her afterwards to get her reaction so make sure you stay tuned for that and when I was about halfway through this yard another neighbor came up to me asking me how much I would charge to mow his yard because he hadn’t been able to get his mower start in the past month or so so of course I did it for free for him and when I went to Mo’s yard I also brought him a really cool gift that’s going to help him out a lot so make sure you stay tuned to see what it was was and see his reaction to it these jobs are getting tougher here guys it’s getting a lot hotter you can tell because my dog here can barely move after just a few runs I really do mean it when I say we love you guys out there it means the world to us anyways I’m going to stop talking and try to get this dog inside and get her some water before she passes out we’re just going to jump straight into it I hope you guys enjoy it get your Frisbee okay let’s go [Music] [Music] [Music] that okay guys so the little old lady’s still sitting outside just relaxing so I’m not going to blow any of this off yet it’s just going to be a huge dust storm if I do and I don’t want to get all that dust all over her so I’m going to move on to the next part and then we’ll blow these sidewalks off once she goes inside [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] like Tik Tok or something yeah YouTube TK Lawns just like this trying to grow it up though I appreciate it man sir I appreciate that sir you have a good one yes sir you too [Music] for trying to keep the Dust down as best as possible cuz there’s people cooking outside and and it’s dusty [Music] oh excuse just I got a weed e blow my lawn where you live around here right is it bad it’s not too bad I might just come do it for free for you Ser I mean I don’t have a problem paying you it’s just I hadn’t got my lawn more F okay I can come back tomorrow probably uh I’m getting kind of late here tonight um nice to meet you man absolutely hang on okay what’s your number I work at a Home Depot I’ll keep you posted on uh like they have all kinds of good deals like Mulch and side and I work I work in outside line the garden too so oh sweet I always have the and like I said I don’t have a problem paying you you know just no don’t even worry about that don’t even worry about it all right appreciate that man yeah man thanks a lot I just sent you a message got okay we’re going to go mow his yard for free he said it was easy so we’ll see he seem like a nice guy I like having people nice people out [Music] oh [Music] okay so we are back for day two we’re going to start mowing cuz that’s all that’s left is some Mowing and cleaning up the front of this house which there is a bunch of poison ivy but I’m going to deal with that when I get there so we’re going to get this yard in shape and then we’re going to go help the neighbor that stopped by yesterday and I brought a surprise gift for him so make sure you stay tuned to see what I got him for [Music] know for for oh for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I’m going to get what I can that’s growing off the front of the house right here I’ve got my surgical gloves on because there is definitely some Poison Ivy in here and I do not play around with that stuff so I’m going to do what I can here it’s not going to be perfect but we’ll see for for e is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] I have a quick question do you make YouTube videos yes are you the okay let me ask you this it’s the blackb I just watched did you just did you do a video recently where a guy like it’s like like oh I’m calling neighborhood I’m neighborhood watch oh my gosh I just watched you I’m yeah that was here I was just watching that video I was like man he really had such like Christlike patience I was like he was so patient and he wasn’t I thought he was mad at me but I’m not sure what he was really mad at truthfully when I was watching it you were like So Graceful and just doing your thing and he popped up and I was like he’s just got something on a spirit he’s just got something cuz I was thinking he’s doing a good deed like I’m still not sure why he was mad it was so weird I was like I’m going to go home and tell my wife about this guy cuz your patience is what like oh yeah I was like man he was so patient and nice and that takes this only saw a little bit of it we probably sat there and talked for 15 minutes oh man and he was just on you and I was like the guy’s trying to bless cuz I was like I was like what’s going on is he mad at me I could never really tell I think he was mad at I don’t know it’s insane to me I was like still not sure yeah I was I was so bful and I was like passing by and then I saw the camera and I was like no way I just watched your video it’s TK long proud of you for your patience that’s awesome I appreciate you stopping man sir I’m going to yeah appreciate it amazing work have a good one so he is in my town clearly and he just saw the video where the where the neighbor kind of was mad at me or mad at the city or whatever he was mad at I’m still not sure but he saw that video and it did it was me so that’s pretty cool I guess I’m famous not really shout out to that guy I love when people stop and and say hello so I appreciate you stopping man hopefully he’ll see this video but we are finally done with this one now we’re going to go right down the road and help the neighbor with his yard the guy that St by yesterday and we’re going to give him a pretty cool surprise I think he’s going to like it so we get to actually help somebody out in this one let’s go well what you think good looks better looks good looks really really good it a been like that about two years two years or so but it looks real good well good I hope it I hope it brightened up your view a little bit oh it will I know you try to relax out here and enjoy the view I do it looks good all right well I’m glad you like it I like it I like it nice talking to you nice talking to see you later I got you something that how much you want for it I was going to give it to you really yeah I’ll take it yes sir and uh once you get yours fixed you can sell it or do whatever with it I’ll tell you what somebody posted on my neighborhood for free and it needed a few parts and so I bought the parts and fixed it it was just something wrong in here um it’s got a dual motor too yeah I’ve only got one battery but you can yeah and this is the charger the only trick to it is you got to push this button that’s like the safety right and then uh and then pull it down and then and it cuts decent this I don’t mind you know helping you out too I know you’re not good I’m good man you sure yeah like I said man I don’t want you to no man I I totally get that but um I’m the same way I’ve been giving a lot of stuff in my life so I’m just being bless yep just just paying it back that’s all you don’t even worry about it pay it back when you get your mower give it to somebody that needs it straight up yeah just keep it going I appreciate you yeah man what’s your name again but I know you got a lot of work to do my business a’t big enough he man it’s going to get there bro yeah I swear I if you bringing me a blessing I’ll bring two back I appreciate it man absolutely man have a good one man you too sir okay guys I am hot and tired actually I’m not hot cuz I’ve learned if you don’t talk about how hot it is then it’s not as hot as you really think if you just try not to think about it or talk about it but anyways I don’t even know what I’m talking about we just gave him that mower he’s kind of like me he doesn’t love electric mowers um but for his little yard it’s going to work good for him and he was definitely happy with it he kept trying to he kept trying to offer me things or money or but I was like man no you just keep it pay it forward but he was happy he was really cool guy he works at Home Depot he’s going to give me some Home Depot deals so Mr Home Depot if you’re watching this get bring me some of those deals um but like I said I found that mower for free in my neighborhood and it just needed a few little parts to get it fixed up and running and it it cuts really good actually hopefully it’ll keep him from having to pay somebody to moow his yard for for a little while at least but anyways guys I got to get home and wash off all my tools and myself cuz I’m pretty sure I have poison ivy all over me as always I love you guys out there thank you so much for all the love and support it means the world to me and I couldn’t do it without you I hope you guys like these before and after pictures and I’m out [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] a [Music]


  1. You always do such a nice detailed job and are an exceptionally magnanimous person who strives to bless all those you encounter. Undoubtedly a rare few will do what you do for free.

    It’s really a shame to see so many decent properties looking so neglected and overgrown until you come along.

  2. You are sooooo awesome. What a blessing to that neighborhood. I sure do wish that you’d use gloves when working that shovel tho.

  3. I have watched other channels like yours. And while I like what they do, yours holds a special place in my heart. First…I like your dorky hat (you called it dorky in a past video) lol because I don't think it's dorky and I actually really like it! I know your channel is smaller but I know that yours is going to get bigger like the others because it is different. I like that you interact with other people and we get to see that. Also your end product is always cleaner. My dad always made me rake up the grass clippings after I mowed the lawn so when I see grass not having been picked up it "grinds my gears" lol. There are other channels that don't do that and I am like yeah I have to go over to TK Lawns and watch an episode there. You work is much cleaner and that is a testemant to your work. Again I am not knocking other channels because every one doing this kind of work is amazing and I hope you all know it is really kind of you all to do it. Again, TK Lawns has a special place in my heart and I support you fully and wish you great success for the future!!! Thank you for what you go!!!

  4. What state are you in,because you Excellent work. Because my sister could use the help bad.her husband passed away, and her Neighbor use to help but he went to Prison,she use the help. You are being a blessing to so many people keep the good work up.

  5. Ha ha! He’s not doing it for “free”. He is using these properties as a platform for his YouTube videos which makes $$$ for him.

    Remember there’s no such thing as a FREE LUNCH.

  6. I love what u doing and I love doing it my self just can’t forward a riding mower but I do have a push mower and some things but I really enjoy cutting grass and I’m good at it I do it to survive, but my goal is to get a rat mower and get my own lawnmower business

  7. If a white guy said you don’t belong in this neighborhood and I don’t belong in yours to a black man, is it racist?

    As long as race isn’t mentioned GTFO is acceptable? We know. You know. We know that you know that we know. Stop it.

    Here come the, “It’s different because…”

  8. I just found your channel, and been watching. I like the long videos I always watch until the very end. I live in Opelousas. Not that far from you. Looking forward to more videos!

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