Garden Plans

Small Space Makeover | From Forgotten to Treasured ๐Ÿ’•

This weekend we embarked on an epic journey transforming a forgotten, neglected patio into a treasured oasis. Come with us each step of the wayโ€ฆ from massive blackberry and ivy removal to all the finishing touches! Whether youโ€™re tackling your own small space or simply love a good makeover, this video is for you.

Wishing you a day filled with joy and gratitude,

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*Videos Mentioned*
Super Simple Drip Irrigation

Crescent Planters:
Cup Planter in Olive (taller size currently not available)

Mod Planter in Caviar Black

Flex Ridge Planter

friends I want to welcome you to the most ridiculous back patio you’ve ever seen in all seriousness welcome to my back patio this is the exact condition that came with the house multiple years ago it is a teeny tiny patio it is 8 and 1/2 ft by 10 ft it also came with these two glorious adona chairs that I’m sure everyone has seen um at a home improvement store or where wherever what have you this space we do not have it in the budget to do a full renovation on at this time and also we haven’t decided what we’re going to do up here however I do want to make this a beautiful space so welcome to what I am calling our small space series because there’s so many of you out there who are watching that have small spaces and they want to know what to do with them and so I’m going to show you what I’m going to do with my small space so you saw in my one of my videos from last week when I talk about long Laing a project and asking you know the family or the homeowner what uh how they live their desires for the space wish list all of that I want to walk through my desires my wish list what’s working what’s not working okay so my desire is to have a quiet space and this is it as you know I have a dining room in my front yard which is very very public and so I am cre I want to create a little introvert space a little little introvert moment because even though I clearly have put my gardening life on the internet I still like to have a little bit of privacy and I like to have a little bit of time where I’m by myself so that is the main goal and objective for this space it is a quiet quiet moment so already that sets the tone and the energy of what we’re creating the next thing uh I actually love this as a reflection point for the cut flower garden which we actually look down on something happened last weekend that actually I think is really really cool to point out as you know I’ve been on a journey with my cut flower garden it’s a space that I really let go after my dad passed away which I think if anyone out there and I think this is probably everyone if you’ve gone through grief there are certain Seasons where it’s really difficult to do the things that you enjoyed and for me after losing my dad um it was really hard to go down in my cut flower garden and so it got taken over by weights but now that it is coming back to life for the very first time last weekend I woke up early I was the only one awake in the house and I made a cup of coffee and I came down here and I just kind of sat and enjoyed my cup flower garden and so in kind of honor of that momentous turning point we are going to start this project all that having been said there’s some things here that I’m not going to change and this is a key point if you are a renter or you live than like a condo sometimes you have limitations and so it’s not about like focusing on the limitations but how do you amplify the limitations okay limitation number one is size for me I like I said we don’t have it in the budget to renovate this backyard yet this upper area so our limitation is size however this is a beautiful bonus because it is a more introverted quiet space so it actually that restriction is a bonus because it emphasizes the energy that we’re creating back here okay uh number two we are stuck with the surface that we have and like I said would I love to change it up absolutely but you know what we are going to do honor to what is here we’re going to sweep it off we’re going to pressure wash it we’re going to give ourselves a clean slate now number three you know I love my flowers you know I love my color and this right here is just a sea of green I have nothing interesting to speak of here so I’m going to bring in some containers that I think are going to be perfectly designed for those of you who are living in smaller spaces because you need something especially if you’re going on like a deck or a balcony it needs to be lightweight it needs to be durable and also if you are a person who is Aging in place containers are a great transition point because as we get older it’s harder to get down on the ground and do hard digging you’re going to want something that’s a little bit easier lifting so limitation turn to positive we’re bringing in some amazing containers that are perfectly suited for those of us with a deck or a balcony patio lifestyle we have a very clear definition of zone so we know this is like Chill Zone quiet introvert zone now we move forward into design all right item number three that is a limitation I am not going to Rel landscape what is in back of me right now unfortunately it’s a little boring to look at but I don’t know if I’m going to get to pulling out all of the Ivy and all that that is a project and a half and so when I think about my space and and this is important for you too when you think about your condo your town house um your apartment you want to think about what is the view that you want to take in well if I put my seating area over here I’m looking right here I am seeing the edge of a chamelea that is not in bloom and I’m seeing blackberries okay now if I put my seating area here all of a sudden this view becomes very joyful it’s actually more open where I’m seeing right here and also if I sit in this direction I’m looking down on the cut flower garden as opposed to here I’m looking down on the pathway that we take to get down to the alley to take out the garbage so not a good view glorious view okay now here we are in introvert zone so we’ve discussed the different viewpoints so that’s something you want to take in as well also the other thing that I want to kind of say is if I’m out over here funny enough I’ve got this little arch of greenery that offers just the babiest hint of shade and in the afternoon if I simply shift my seating area over this direction I get a little bit of this shade here and I have a giant magnolia tree out there that will block some of those late day Rays as well so this is clearly my seating area the next thing we have to keep in mind uh or the next thing to consider is what kind of seating am I going to bring in well we’ve established this is more of an introvert Zone um this is not going to be made for lots of people so I’m going to be looking to replace these two terrible Adera with something more elevated and I think I might also search for like a third side table piece that maybe I could like move around or I could option into a seating stool as well next when you are working with a small space like this you want to think about container placement now if this was say the railing of a balcony for example I might consider doing low slung modern Arrangements all right here so that when I sit down I’m a little bit hidden and maybe I have some beautiful grassy movement now for this area and this is where I uh when I talk about furniture placement I always measure measure measure I’m going to want to sit here because I know if I bring something tall out here I’m going to get a beautiful view of the sky but I’m not going to be able to see anything down to my cut flower garden so immediately I know I’m not going to put planters out there I’m going to be placing Planters here okay next since this is a small space I don’t think I’m going to be utilizing a lot of big round Planters I think I’m going to go with something sleek and modern in addition this gets hit with a ton of late day sun which is very intense so I’m going to be choosing full sun plantings and I am also going to be choosing a self-watering container because these puppies they need to have moisture in their root systems um the other thing I’m going to be doing is a bonus to the particular planters that I’m choosing is they are double walled so they have a bit of that insulating effect when it comes to the root systems they’re not going to be up against the Heat of the exterior of the container so all that having been said welcome to the small space series let’s clear this patio and start cleaning it up [Music] in [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] hey friends it’s the end of day one um we have swept the patio we’ve cleaned the patio we have done massive amounts of blackberry removal Ivy removal I mean really kind of some of the most exhausting gardening and then we decided we’re going to pressure wash this little patio and as I was PR shhing as sometimes happens with me um I get a moment to think and I get a moment to reflect on life and what I’m doing and the thought occurred to me that at one point someone put in this patio and maybe it was the previous owner um this was a rental for many many years so maybe it was one of the renters who put it in and yes I would not have chosen this size and yes there are errors with the construction and yes water pools to this corner behind me but at the end of the day this was once the best someone could do and they put it here with purpose and I like to imagine that they enjoyed it and I just thought to myself instead of saying like oh yeah yeah yeah let’s let’s put on some furniture put on some pots make do make do with it right now I kind of thought to myself n let’s let’s pressure wash this and then let’s apply some polymeric sand and not just make do but take this little tiny slice that someone had originally installed and make this into a special little place with its own little magic energy and um anyways I was just was just having all these big thoughts as I’m out here pressure washing and and the other thing that occurred to me and I and I purposefully wanted to sit back in this chair because the thought occurred to me that there may be someone out there watching that the best they can do today is go to their local Home Improvement store buy a plastic Aon at Ona chair and sit on a patio and maybe that’s the best you’ve got today and I want you to know that that is okay um and I hope that this video brings you Joy and I hope that this video brings you life I think if I reflect upon today and I think about just all these beautiful thoughts I was having as I was pressure washing which I know seems really silly um the thought occurred to me that I think today’s lesson is wake up with gratitude in your heart and do the best you can do and if doing the best you can do is just even the tiniest sliver let that be okay and the next day when you wake up if you can do better do better and let that be okay but never stop moving you know so I just so those are just like Deep Thoughts with Kate from pressure washing but I I think it’s really important I think it’s really important in this YouTube immediate gratification world to take a moment and um I just want to express some gratitude for this little 8 by10 patio that may not be my dream but I am making it a dream and I am making it a little space and how lucky am I that I get to sit on this sweet little patio and have it Overlook my cut flower garden which is that in and of itself quite frankly that c Flower Garden I feel like is a miracle this year so I’m going to get cleaned up tomorrow’s a new day I’ll see you then start of day two it is actually super muggy today because we had rain all day yesterday and unfortunately that does foil our plans a little bit um today we had planed to wake up and put polymeric sand down we even waited a little bit to see if maybe it would dry out but the pavers are simply holding too much moisture I have to wait for more sun more heat to kind of allow these to dry off but I do want to keep going and here’s why that is not a problem I going to be using lightweight containers for this area because I really want it to be something attainable for someone who is in a balcony setting um has maybe like a little patio that can’t hold a lot of weight and so I want this to be something that you can take away from so we’re just going to keep soldering on so where we’re at right now is we are setting the stage for the functionality of this space I think so first things we’ve established that I want to face this direction so already we know in this small space this is going to be our seating Zone since this is my backyard and I don’t want to block The View down to the cut flower garden I am going to be placing my Planters back here also it’s disguising I feel like Planters are a really good opportunity to disguise less desirable elements so one of the things that the previous owner decided to do with this patio is they decided to dig it down um now some of you are saying like water intrusion d d da there’s nothing else below this also I with you um building code does require I install every patio sloped away from the foundation of a home um that is good common sense it’s good practice clients always ask if I can install flat and the answer is always no it needs to be slipped away from the home so with this installation they did dig it down we’re not having any issues so now we just kind of have to disguise this little ugly bit and also for those of you who are wondering these are the supply lines for the front irrigation as as well as the cut flower garden that is behind the camera um since we do not have an irrigation system that was INR in place and we didn’t know what we were going to do back here we decided to run this off of our hose bib I will gosh maybe if you just search through our videos you can see where we’ve set up the irrigation system and we walk you through it step by step I will also link it down below um so I need to kind of Disguise some of this because it’s not Subterranean so this is going to be placement Numero Uno the other thing that I want you guys to take into consideration is do you remember in the furniture shopping video where I walk you through like measure measure measure and we’re not measuring just floor space what we’re measuring is also like window height or a view that you want to uh take advantage of or something likewise you want to disguise so out this basement window I think it would be really sweet to have kind of like plants kissing the bottom of the window so when you look out you have this like kind of sweet little view so all that having been said we are going to bring in some awesome Crescent Garden Planters and we’re going to play with some arrangements well friends this took an unexpected turn I went to go grab a couple of plants I just needed like three more things and when I got back Not only was it like brilliantly sunny but now the patio’s dry so before I we actually just removed all of the pots that we put here and we removed them and we’re going to throw down some polymeric sand so essentially highlevel view polymeric sand is what you put in between your pavers this goes in all the little joint markers it’s kind of like grout between tile and essentially the polymer is what binds all that sand together and it is water activated so that’s why it was really important that we not do this on top of wet papers so uh we have a gosh each one of these bags is about 50 PBS we do have a probably 2third of a bag left over from the front yard so we’re going to start with that we are going to kind of um I don’t know we’re going to try to pour it in most of these lines and then we’re going to use a broom to brush it the rest of the way in we do want to make sure that we have the surface of the pavers brushed clean before we wet the product down so that we don’t end up with a bunch of like gunky patches on it all right here we go [Music] all right friends I have my polymeric sand applied we have gone over this a couple times with the broom um you want to take care not to actually brush it back out of the uh cracks so we started with a light hand broom moved to a push broom for more even coverage and then we just swept off all the excess also we used way too much um I’m always nervous that I’m going to run out of product of course you can always reapply so we actually ended up taking a ton of it off okay now I’ve got my hose and I’m going to start with my nozzle on shower and then may change it to Cone if I feel like I need more coverage [Music] so we’ve applied the polymeric sand and it we’ve let it dry for a little bit so I want to move on to essentially what I have chosen for these containers here so as I mentioned earlier I’m using all containers from Crescent Gardens um these are lightweight they’re portable they’re great for balconies they’re self-watering just tick tick tick tick checks a lot of boxes and what you’ll notice I’ve done is I actually have four containers and you might be thinking to yourself Kate odd numbers D and to that I would reply uh rules are made to be broken so um and once I kind of explain you’ll actually notice that I actually will have some nice odd numbered groupings here so to recap we’ve established my seating area is here I’m going to have two low-lying chairs and with this container behind me we actually form a really nice Trio we’re going to have some nice varying Heights they’re going to play nicely together all right this is essentially Arrangement number two we have a nice little Trio here as well I am if you’ll notice I am mixing up textures I’ve got some nice vertical lines I’ve got some nice horizontal lines I have a lot of different shapes so I’ve got this nice big rectangle in the middle I’ve got a couple circles here and a circle over here so they’re all kind of reading and relating to one another and this feels very modern and fresh what you’re going to notice also is I have brought in this little guy which you may remember from container design 101 I am going I’ve stripped out the violas they have done their done their job it’s too hot for them now I’ve actually dug out the osteospermum and the HRA as well those may find a different home TBD and we are going to play with this little Cyprus and the wire Vine next I want to talk about this placement this is like the major anchor and it essentially is the piece that is dividing our spaces uh this one is this beautiful rectangular moment I was thinking of centering it originally in front of this window but then it felt like everything was hiding behind my chairs that wasn’t going to work so instead I’ve centered it on the oneir marker of this beautiful window now the next thing I want to talk about that I actually don’t think I’ve discussed on this channel before is just the energy of the space okay now you may be thinking like Kate that’s super woo yada yada but let’s just break it down with our most like practical mind if you walk into a party and it’s like a birthday party typically you are going to see bright colors it’s cheerful it’s boisterous um those those bright colors they bring a certain energy to the party right now we’ve established that this is going to be my quiet more more like introvert moment and if that’s the case I’m going to lean into colors that I find very soothing so I find blue really really soothing I find like very muted color palettes to be very soothing uh but because I am a designer because I do love a little punch of color I’m just going to bring in a few little dots of color that are going to have a very they’re not going to be bold they’re not going to be primary colors they’re all going to be a little left of center they’re all going to have a little bit of like softness or moodiness to them think of it as like a I don’t know like um Southern Bell meets Moody teenager we’ll go with that okay so all that’s left to do here is to fill these bad boys up and get to planting and I wanted to give you another note here since I am using self-watering containers how these work is the roots of my plants dig all the way down to the reservoir on the bottom to find the pocket of water so therefore I am not going to put my usual drainage Taco that I normally place in the bottom of all these containers that’s not happening we are going to do soil all the way to the very bottom so that way the roots have a nice little Avenue to reach that Reservoir and also as I fill them I’m going to kind of pack things down with my fist as I go final note here as per usual I like to use a lot of Organics in my work because my face is in it so I am using in organic potting soil the one that I am getting is available uh locally to where I am it’s made by a company called carpinitos and it’s just kind of my favorite potting soil consistency that I have found in my local market I have talked about this in a lot of different videos one with Janie in particular from dig plant water repeat and I am starting with a lot of movement because this is on a patio and it is literally up against the back of my house I want to make sure that up against this real static wall I’m bringing in something with texture and movement because I want this to feel um more loose more fluid and so the contrast of a firm surface especially this concrete with something loose and fluffy like a grass that is just for me chef’s kiss it’s just wonderful wonderful and it immediately makes any patio space feel more luscious okay the next thing I’m using is these sad little chickens um on the way to the backyard they accidentally fell so I’m going to use them anyways don’t care so this is a caly called Paco they are going to perk back up here I think any minute and they should Bloom for quite the long time but they are in this beautiful Moody Plum I am I am pretty obsessed with this what I might actually do is I might clip these and bring them in as a cut flower because they will last forever in a vase and then check this out this every once in a while it will send out a rogue leaf with this incredible incredible purple so yes I Dro them yes they’re droopy no I don’t care the next thing I’m bringing in is something that I never usually put in a container but I really want to play with because I want to see how this is going to perform and potentially use it next year this is eucalyptus now in my climate it’s not going to grow into a tree but I do want to see how it’s going to work throughout this season because it’ll give me an idea of how I can use it moving forward I’m going to be putting in two of these and also the other thing I feel like eucalyptus is I hate to be cliche but this is the Vibe back here this is my introvert Zone this is my quiet space this is my little moment eucalyptus it just it speaks that language so in she goes okay what else is really cool is that I don’t know if you can see this but there’s just a little bit of this like Dusty plumy pink to the stem and it’s just that subtle little touch that is going to tie this into the rest of our Arrangement okay next I bought a few things to play with I have this cute little monster that I was thinking might be pretty over there and then I also have these this is a vinka this is actually a really great choice you see this come on late in the season you’re never going to see this early on but you are going to see it a little bit later and I thought gosh with that midtone green I think I’m going to put a little bit over here maybe a little bit on that side I’m loving this real softness but I feel like I might need something Punchy okay let’s take a look at this look at this Punchy monster here okay I think that’s it because look it pulls in the black of this Blacky sweet potato right into the middle there yeah this looks really good oh and a couple of these leaves are a weebit yellow I’m not worried about it it just means it’s been in the can for too long um a lot of these are left over from projects that I’ve done for other folks and this one is called headliner dark Saturn in case you are curious this verbina right here how gorgeous is this you rarely see it in this muted apple green and this one is called lenai green apple okay I’m going to repeat the same thing on this side over here this looks really good doesn’t it it’s like super drama mama you know all right guys Finishing Touch is this verbina this or excuse me this vinka this this is the annual vinka that comes on kind of later in the season I never see this in my area in April or May this is really like it comes on in June and it just kills all summer it’s awesome this one is a particularly Moody selection I love it this one is called tattoo black cherry and I think it’s going to be just the perfect little pop at the back oh and by the way these come in a sixpack and here is the deal do not sleep on these six packs because this allows you to purchase a lot of plants for very little and you can put them in several different arrangements so they all start to read to one another as per usual just amending with a little bit of biotone before I start planting okay for this one I decided to do something really really fun and this is for all of you who are late getting in your containers um where the annuals are kind of making their way out of the nurseries sub in a perennial look at this gorgeous penin this is a beautiful pentamen um it has this incredible dark foliage and it just blooms Forever This is onx and pearls and just look at that isn’t that absolutely stunning and this is going to be my centerpiece it just has great height and as a bonus when I am done with this arrangement for the season actually think I’m going to turn it this way um when I am done with this arrangement for the season I can take this out of my container and I kind of was thinking I might plant it in the front dining room border because I have that um dark Sedum out there but I’m really hankering for something else dark in that space I need I need some more dark foliage and I think this may be the ticket and just look at this blooms blooms more blooms this is just going to be absolutely Sensational okay next next I want to bring in two more elements the first is my Dusty blue gray element and for that I’m going to use a sedum this one is called Sedum cold ey and what I love about this Sedum selection is it picks up the blue gray of my eucalyptus it has a tiny bit of that Dusty Rose at the edges and this is also a selection that I could pull up and I could put in my garden and if you guys notice I always if I ever use a SE in a container I always kind of hang it off of the side because the typically the edges are where you get the least amount of water um and so I kind of hang it off the side so it gets a little drapey it stays a little bit more um dry than the rest of the components in the container all right the next one is a theurgia okay this is blackeyed Susan vine and I don’t even think I want to use this little trellis I think I want to install this drapey and cascading all the way down because this is such a tall container I think it’s going to add a lot of drama so I’m actually going to take this out and by the way I’ll have to look up and see if I can find the name of this particular blackeyed Susan vine um it has if memory serves it is really like the stupidest name it’s like itsy bitsy pink or twinkle Dazzle hooy pooy I don’t know I don’t know who was in charge of naming all these things but like they really do a disservice this could be named so many cool things other than what it was this it’s just not doing it for me okay I could come in here with margarite actually that’s pretty it’s actually really pretty and just pop a little bit of chartreuse or I could go Moody teenager again okay we’re going Moody [Laughter] teenager shout out to all my parents of Moody teenagers okay Brian just looked up the name of this it is sunny Suzy Rose sensation seriously are you joking me right now that is the stupidest plant name okay I need to whoever is out there is in charge of naming plants I would like to make a stab at it I would like to give it a go because I I I think we can do better I really do I think we can do better woo she’s Moody Brian just pointed out that it’s actually really appropriate that we have a moody teenager with like Sunny Suzie Rose this is like when you have a teenager but you also have like a little elementary school kid who you know is just happy as a clam okay all right next container off we go okay friends so yes we have a very eclectic seating arrangement eclectic group of pots however I do like them to relate to one another so just like we have the penan Onyx and Pearls over on that corner we’re going to do the same thing over here this one is just a slightly different shape it’s just a little bit more bushy um but same thing blooms all season really really lovely and this is going to be just gorgeous anchor here on this side and I’m think instead of doing it like here which one might think of because this is the back of the house I’m actually G to angle this Arrangement because I want to enjoy it from my seating area and so this is more of my sight line so angling it over here is actually the better choice okay another thing that I’m thinking of doing here is bringing in some real frothy texture actually really loving that silverness here okay but I also want some silver down here that or that gosh those are really mimicking each other’s Leaf shapes okay hold up let’s look at that oh I don’t think I like that either okay in case you’re wondering what I’m doing do you see how the Artemisia and the Cyprus they’re a little too frothy together so I want to keep these two in different containers this one this looks like a like beefed up wire Vine look at that really similar structure so I don’t think I like that in there however this is very silver and interesting here okay let me play with some more options all right here we go now there’s something I kind of like about that in there however my gosh that’s too stiff I don’t like it okay that’s silver for sure that’s that’s the jam okay that is interesting to me there okay I’m going to try I’m going to try something this is very similar do I just 86 the wire Vine dude I think I’m going to do it I think I’m going to get rid of it maybe I need some of this on top of it to Mellow it out maybe I need that it’s not bad what do you think about that okay ooh okay I think I like that better the stripy of this almost is too much activity that actually is pretty good but I could do that and I could do that and I could do that there is that better does this is this too much of a hog I actually think that might be better but I kind of like that here this is very monochromatic I need something different it’s too matchy I think I like that better and so I could put that in here to break that up I could also put it up here maybe that’s what that needs okay I could also put in that or that feels too chipper also move this more forward and I could put that back there I actually feel like having a little pop of that bright green there is good this still feels too stiff to Me Maybe I put a couple of these in there I just don’t want it to feel too samsy I almost don’t I almost like just one maybe I don’t need that little bit better yeah that actually is way better that corner one isn’t quite there yet I could bring some moodiness down there that that feels better put that here all right this one took a little bit more finagling I’m bringing in a few brighter pops here everything else is going to remain pretty darn neutral I think I’m actually going to selectively remove some of this wire Vine here and what we’ve done is we’ve brought back in my gorgeous apple green verbina I brought a CIO front and center and then I’m using the petunia kind of scattered all the way around I’ve got another dark Moody teenager bringing in some vinka here a nice little strappy grass this is a carck and oh and then I have a Salvia here this is um gosh I forgot the label darn it didn’t have one anyways this is a um Salvia has come in a lot of different varieties but this is one of the more shorter statured varieties so this is going to get about 14 to 18 in and so while my penamon is going to be nice and probably like almost three feet tall this one is going to stay half that size also this over here is emisia this is called pois castle and then over on this side I’m bringing my eucalyptus one more time and on the back here I have another CarX this one is called evero all right let’s get it all in so for this space we literally got these at Costco okay so we were walking through and we saw these little chairs they were kind of cool modern and at first I was like n I’m not going to get chairs at Costco and then I started reading a bunch of online reviews and then the more I thought about it the more I was like I can’t have something with a big footprint I need to be able to fold it up and put it away because these aren’t going to be sitting out all year and I can’t be investing in some giant piece of outdoor furniture for this space and the more I thought about it the more I was like I think this could actually be perfect oh and we got him on sale what did we get it for was it 6050 or originally 60 and I think we got them for 40 or 50 which was a pretty good deal okay let’s set them [Music] up and by the way these are made of Acacia and are sustainably harvested which is really a big deal for me when I am purchasing wood furniture [Music] he [Music] so it’s was late in the day I still have my coffee but you guys I am so tickled I am so tickled so tickled um this little mushroom stool I’m not sure if you remember that but that was from my furniture shopping expedition trying to locate and track down the perfect dining room table Miss mission accomplished accomplished check and I oh and here’s the thing I was going to tell you I knew we were going to redo this space I knew what I wanted in my mind and I already had the dimensions of this particular seat I measured the butt to floor distance and then I kind of sat at that distance and then was like okay if I was to put a cup of coffee down put a coule a cup of tea down how high would I want it and so when I was at World Market and I saw this I immediately measured and I was like ding ding ding we have a winner this is the perfect height as a side table for this area all right my friends I think I think that’s going to do it for me all that is left to do is a little tiny bit of sweeping up and just I I just think that this is going to be the best little Refuge throughout the season thanks for coming along on my small space renovation and um yeah just following up onto on yesterday’s thoughts to close out the video today I am filled with such gratitude for this tiny little space and I hope that this helps you kind of Envision the small space in your life because I don’t think you need to have a palacial space in order to feel loved held and just completely connected to the space around you thank you so so much for watching I’m going to see you in the next one and as always please say hello to your garden for me I can see the cutting Garden like perfectly I’m actually totally getting emotional this is like it’s perfect


  1. I just listened to your thoughts at the end of day 1 and you're so right. No matter how small or insignificant your little patch of happiness may be, just appreciate that you have it because so many people have nothing to call their own, no little patch where they can feel safe and happy. Thank you for the words of wisdom. I love the simplicity of your finished project and the plants were inspired!

  2. Dear Kate..throughout your video you touched my heart with your words of encouragement and kindness and then at the end when you became emotional, I too, teared up..over the last three years I lost my dear sister and mama and this was a healing grace today..just perfect.God bless you and enjoy your beautiful spaceโค๏ธ

  3. I think you need another mushroom table, or something like it, to put your feet up on, and a little lumbar pillow with strings to tuck between the top of the chair to rest your head on. And then you'll be napping.

  4. I did not expect to cry watching a garden video, but this one stirred the grief of loss and the sting of lack and let me sit with them, honor them, and make peace with them. Thank you, Kate.
    (Also, to your comments at 23:29—I'm here for the "super woo.")

  5. Hello neighbor!! Many thanks for the reminder to start each day with a grateful heart. We have lived in our home for 50 years and our yard has gone through many changes (both major and small). This summer I have found a deep satisfaction in our newly reseeded lawn and beautiful pots on the large patio. I see so many lovely things outside and hear bird song to brighten the day. Your patio turned out perfect. Love the choice of containers and plants. Enjoy the view!!

  6. My dad recently passed away. So glad that somehow I was brought to this video, my first time watching your channel. Just what I needed, as I prepare to tackle healing yard projects. Thank you.

  7. New subscriber here! I loved your video and can't wait to go back and watch more. Question: what variety of eucalyptus is that? I'm looking to plant some but there are so many varieties and I love how whispy yours is. Thank you!!

  8. Thank you for this video. I loved watching you put pots together at Janey's and now I got to watch you put an area together that those of us with small spaces and/or income can appreciste. And the attitude of gratitude you shared was beautuful. I am so happy Janey introduced you to us.

  9. This might be my favorite video of all time! Kate you truly are a gem. I have a all plants named Ruby garden of for sister who passed away 7 yrs ago. I will also celebrate her and your remembrance of your Dad surely hits home. "Sunny Suzie" is a silly name, but totally a moody teenager. Love the word "tickled"! Your go Kate!

  10. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your father, although remember that he really will always be with you. I lost three loved ones recently, and have been struggling with the grief. Although I have some physical limitations, I have been finding my garden-in-the-making to be a healing place, and I am so grateful for that. Thank you for this beautiful video, and sharing your story with us. You have clearly touched a lot of souls. โ™ฅ๐Ÿ’

  11. This was the first time I have watched your video. Im sorry for your loss. ๐Ÿ˜ข
    Iโ€™m thinking the chairs would have covered the cost of several cans of spray paint for the Adirondack chairs, can of paint for that wall, thrifted coffee table (painted) a small outdoor rug. Spread the plants out more and if no pot – put them in the ground. Only my opinion.

  12. The motto that I live by is, "Don't quit until you're proud." Most of us must live within our means and do not have unlimited budgets, but you can still do your best with what you have.

  13. Wow your placement of plants for your pots was amazing. Me, buy pots and put one plant in each, water and hope it grows ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. Iโ€™m now sitting on my patio and looking at how disorganised it is. Cluttered and not even close to being coordinated, chaotic actually. Iโ€™m now going to remove everything, clean and start fresh. Thanking you for the inspiration. Your special space looks amazing.

  14. This is the first video I have watched of your by yourself. I have watched you with Janey. Thank you so much for being down to earth. And remembering every one does not have sponsors and thousands of dollars to burn on gardens . I have pretty nice gardens but have been working on them for 20 years. And I am proud of them. Family and friends come to see my flowers every year. The person who made your patio was probably so proud of it and I am glad you realized it! Again Thank you I am sure you are going to make it gorgeous again and just think if the person who did it first is watching!!!!๐Ÿ˜Š

  15. Would you or could you put an outdoor carpet/rug down to soften under feet. Because sometimes when I go out on my back patio, I like to takeoff my flip-flops and just let my feet breathe and I love the feel of my bare feet on the carpet. of the under my feet and I bought mine at Aldi for $39.99 and it lasted for three years outside and it is great.

  16. Looks great. You (or anyone) can also buy those stretchable screens made from bamboo and faux leaves to hide less desirable features. I used one to disguise my central air unit and the put planters in front. The screen makes the planters look even more lush.

  17. I just subscribed. You are a gem. Your spirit is blessed. Thank you for sharing your reflections on day one. You helped me ๐ŸŒŸ

  18. I really want to thank you for this video.
    Money is really tight for us right now so Iโ€™m not feeling like I can go buy new plants or a new trellis that I have in my vision, BUT I can take time to take joy in what I DO have. My garden is producing vegetables that Iโ€™m able to eat and also share. My flowers are blooming and make me happy to see but also bring color to the garden and Iโ€™m picking small bouquets to take to the office to bring joy there.
    I am physically able to go pick apricots from neighbors loaded trees and share with many including four boxes this morning that I dropped to the food pantry.
    I have a yard many would love to have and I need to give myself grace and say to myself that Iโ€™m going the best I can.
    Thank you for your thoughts today!

  19. What a beautiful sentiment, appreciating what someone once built and embracing it. I hope years from now someone will do the same with my efforts

  20. That little spot has such potential! Excited to see what you do. (If you continue that dark grey color down under the windows, it will pull it together.)

  21. I so enjoyed your video. I've been a sulky former New England homeowner who lived on 3 acres that bordered a nursery transplant to a condo in North Carolina with a tiny excuse of a yard. I was never a "gardener" becuse I was surrounded by natural beauty and an established landscape. I have finally decided to "bloom where I'm planted." I bought a few planters and plants and am learning as I go. Good thing I'm a perpetual student. I want to know who you are wearing! I want those overalls~

  22. I love those chairs! Perfect for the space. I have a couple suggestions. Add bistro lights and hang a window treatment over ur window. U could use a boho style shower curtain or a drop cloth and make curtains. Just to hang on the sides of the window to make it feel even more cozy. โค

  23. Consider painting the skirt and patio same color as house. We have a navy house and made builder paint the concrete skirt same color so it disappeared. And the guttering. Also I spray paint with paint for plastic old chairs and makes them look brand new.
    Love your channel๐Ÿ’–

  24. WOW! What an amazing transformation! You are an inspiration, Being happy with what you have or can reasonably do is such an important message in this "get more" world. Well done Kate~

  25. Howdy neighbor, Excellent makeover with those pots. Beautifully done. Love your cut flower garden and you are able to reconnect with it. I lost Momma last year day before Mother's Day/& my birthday. I was unable to do anything, as my grief crippled me. We moved into her house, but i couldn't get into the garden.

    I was able to venture out, slowly, this year and back into the gardens we worked for over 40 years together here in Lakewood. Grief is a fickle beast indeed. I'm so glad you are able to see your cut flower space and work in it with your father in your heart. Blessings to you from Lakewood. ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ’›

  26. Its a massive improvement but it doesnt look very inviting. The chairs look really uncomfortable and everything is pushed in one area. I think you could do with a rug and some decor. However, its an attainable makeover

  27. Sweet. You know, cleaning the area and trimming the overgrowth doesnโ€™t cost a single dime. It makes such a big improvement. Sometimes thatโ€™s all you need to do. You could have pressure washed those plastic Adirondack chairs too. If they are not broken, plastic chairs like that clean up very well. I love your self-watering pots and your generously crammed flowers, but they werenโ€™t really necessary for your lovely spot. You can have a quiet haven without them since you are surrounded by greenery and a nice view. I agree with others who commented about painting your concrete the same dark gray as the house. This is just lovely. Thank you for your tips and your kind thoughts. I hope you enjoy your little patio. ๐Ÿ‘

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