Garden Plans




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said have you got a budget in mind no what you got no budget nope are you sure go for it I uh you’re talking 30t in length so a little bit of an update on the koi Studio we got some really exciting news for you the whole boundary around the outside here is all going to be a [Music] pond hello everyone welcome back James the Koy Whisperer and Mrs Whisperer so yeah we got some really exciting news for you we’ve got some great content coming up basically long story short we’re on me parents farm and uh they want us to design a koi pond don’t they yeah Mom wants a pond well more of a nature Pond more of a nature Pond Koi pond to be fair with you it’s a bit of the unknown for me to be building a pond like this I mean me mom does want koi in the pond mom wants it a little bit more natural with plants feature Rockery waterfall so let’s spin the camera around and show you what we’re looking at so that’s my parents house absolutely massive as you can see down there where Mrs Whisperers stood and Rod dog is where the Pond’s going to be I don’t know if you can make out the sort of outline that’s there already should I walk around it yeah if you do a walk around people get the idea of the size it’s going to be a massive size Pond I mean the garden is incredible what Mrs Whisper is walking around there used to be a massive Rose bed and me mom was recently visiting mine and she just said she just loved the sound of the water and she wanted a pond so she’s very kindly let me sort of design it for her she’s willing basically whatever I come up with she’s seen what I can do and what I’m capable of she knows that it’s going to turn out good but if I uh let Mrs Whisper take the camera a minute and I’ll just explain what we’re thinking what we’re planning to do but the scenery behind the backdrop there I reckon it’s going to be absolutely amazing the garden here is really really nice and I reckon just a a natural KO pond in the garden itself I reckon it’s going to be some great content to be made here hard work hard work but we like a bit of hard work and uh to be fair me having the Koon Studio over here this will uh make good content before I start that as well so that being said I’m going to give you the camera let’s crack on what we’re thinking is the whole boundary around the outside here is all going to be a pond but it doesn’t have to keep to this shape we’re pretty much we can shape how we want it but Mom’s got a few requirements that she wants she wants to have a nice seating area so what we’re thinking is designing a nice seating area across here raised up in the pond so you sort of sat over it looking into the pond itself but building an in ground Koi pond we’re pretty much we’re available to do anything that we want really and one advantage is that a lot of the earth that comes out of this ground we can Bank up one side we can make a cracking waterfall a feature running down through returning the water back to the pond we can have flowers and raised plants coming up out of the ground we can have irises coming up of the pond we can have a lovely Lily Pad feature in the middle all the way around the pond itself as well we could add like mulch chippings whatever we decide to do as we’re doing it it’s obviously going to be a line upon there’s certain features like this one here this has been on the farm for so many years there’s certain things that needs to stay it doesn’t have to be in the center but we want to sort of try to use this as a feature maybe make a waterfall Fountain over the top of it and sort of Set It Off to the side of the pond over here something like that I mean I can already see what it’s going to look like and I don’t know if you guys can see it as well but just imagine yourself sat here on a Sunday evening the sun drops down here would look incredible You’ have the pond you’d have natural plants in the pond irises at the back Lily Pad in the middle fish going round we can have all of the Rockery and stones in the pond I know there’s a lot of people that will say don’t put rocks or gravel in the bottom of a pond but this is going to be an ecosystem Pond this Pond’s going to complete the full nitrogen cycle having the plants in there it’s just going to be a lot different to a normal you know style Koi pond and I really one myself I love inground ponds I can I can already see it now I mean there’s a lot of work to be done here but it can be done and having the koi whisper involved Mrs Whisper involved I reckon it’s going to be the absolute Amor and if it saves me a little bit more space in my garden you can yeah well the thing is with the space that we’ve got here the availability of the space and the amount of Earth we haven’t got no problem with getting rid of Earth mom’s already told me that there’s a lot of places over there that she wants to bank up with Earth you know we’ve got a 2 50 Acre Farm that we can get rid of some of the earth that comes out of this ground and it’s going to be no issue at all the thing is with this build more than the builds in our house is there’s actually room to get to it there’s room to get to it there’s room to put materials I mean digging it out itself I mean I am going to be using the Spade but we can get Machinery in here to dig it out make it a lot easier than doing it all by hand and wheelbarrows there’s a couple things that I need to learn self as well because I’m very good at building a normal style Koi pond an upto-date modern style Koi pond but this is a bit more of a natural so there’s a bit of research that I need to do behind the scenes of learning how to how it works really to make it work to the best it can do making sure I’ve got the returns and the inlets and the pumps and all of those type of things I need to learn how to do it but I can certainly see that it’s going to be a cracking project I can’t wait to get this video started really or get this project started it’s it’s not going to happen overnight and I’m not going to do it in one video I’m planning to document it as I’m going step by step because me myself personally I believe there’s a lot of people in this fish keeping hobby that you know don’t have the modern style cpon like I have with the glass window and I believe not everybody likes that I think opening up a different level of content now building this and designing it it’s going to make some banging content but at the same time it’s going to be interesting so other people can watch and learn and maybe have some ideas and do something like this themsel depending on how big your garden is but I’m really liking the idea of the Rockery around the outside the waterfall at the back that is a must cuz your mom likes the the sound of water so you have to have a feature of some sort definitely the the the waterfall itself is something that is a must like you just said it’s something that me Mom wants the main reason why she wants it is because she wants to listen to that sound of water that slow trickle sound of water constantly running and um I can’t blame her for it because I love it myself and it all started off because she was sat in me garden the other day and she said she really thought it was relaxing just listening to that sound of water and having it with the feature of the plants and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea having the plants in the pond me myself personally I haven’t got plants in my koi pond but my koi pond never ever completes the full nitrogen cycle and I have to constantly add fresh water to my pond having an ecosystem like this which will sort of take care of itself cleaning will be minimal something else my mom wants is that she don’t want to be coming out every week checking the water quality checking maintaining filters and cleaning filters and she wants it to sort of look after itself down to a point and there’s a way of doing that and I’m planning to show you how to do it but I know I need to do a little bit of research myself I’m buzzing for it so that being said so got the tape measure out because I’m sure people’s going to ask how big the Pond’s going to be if I do the sort of the length of what sort of area we’ve got so that’s 5 m and I’ve messed up the tape measure so five I’ve actually unrolled the tape measure all of the way way you’re talking 30t in length and in width 16 17t across so 30t by 17t that’s going to be quite a decent Siz Pond I believe myself personally but now I got to go in and explain to me Mom I not only got to build her a new Koi pond I got to buy her a new take measure because I rolled it right the way out never mind yeah that being said that’s enough y yab about this new pondon building I wanted to also explain about the koi Studio as well so while we’re here today on the farm this is somewhere that I’ll be coming on a regular day basis a lot of you know that I’m planning to build a koi studio and I just wanted to run you through a few things so a little bit of update on the koi Studio basically we’ve got the quotes haven’t we all sorted roof yeah so we’ve had the quotes sorted for the roof basically we’ve got asbest off on the roof and it’s all sort of clapped in and it needs to come down my parents are fitting the bill for that but the quilt that they had back was the pretty much for a little bit extra to replace the whole shed so it’s going to be a brand new koi Studio it’s the only thing they’re not replacing is the concrete flooring yeah the concrete it’s already blocked up as you can see we got Block Base and obviously this sort of comes down the ship lat comes down on top of the Block Base so we’re just going to Tin Roof it and um get it all insulated what we was thinking obviously the why we’re building this new Co Pond for me parents this is something that when the weather starts getting crap even though it’s raining today it’s something that we can do over the whole winter it’s a indoor sort of project so for now once you knock it down it’s not going to be indoor well yeah once it’s knocked down but I mean the roof the structure yeah it’s going to be a Winter’s project more than and for the people that don’t know I’m actually planning to build a load of coons in here loads of different styles different types you know some expensive ones some cheap ones if there’s anyone out there that wants to help sponsor any of this Pond build along the way just H us up on our Instagram I mean I’m going to have loads of different types of pwns in here it’s not going to be a shop I don’t want to be selling fish I’ve said that from day one I’m going to have loads of koi in here but the reason it’s just going to see how each Pond Works isn’t it with different different ways of doing it the cheaper version the expensive version how much different work goes into each Pond and and the results that you get from different types of filtration as well like yeah like the way the fish the koi grow the the way they grow the way that the water’s kept by using different types of media different types of systems and I’m buzzing to get it started and I really want to make it look the absolute hmer but in the meantime time we’ve got a cracking little project here to do haven’t we on the farm it’s it’s going to take a little while to do that last one Lev a pond it’s going to be one elev upon yeah that being said we haven’t actually started any work up here yet there’s a lot to do but don’t think I’m helping you with the size of these spiders yeah we got some big tarantulas over here that being said though you can see along the top of the base my parents basically said we were just going to replace the roof but they want to replace the whole car now and that will allow us to put better Lighting in the shed itself it’ll just make it so much better by redoing the whole lot when it obviously getting rid of all of this stuff in here we’re just going to take a lot of it to the skip a lot of it our stuff yeah a lot of it is actually from our back Garden when we had room yeah as you walk in you’re going to have a pond in the center I’ll explain exactly what’s going on up here when all of this stuff gets removed but that there is still going to be a DIY filter I might take that back with me today to have a little play but that being said we got loads of content to be made I think we best go and have a little chat with Mom a minute just to make sure the viewers know exactly what Mom wants but on that note I’ve Just Seen son you can start cleaning it out if you like why you ain’t using that to clean this out yeah that ain’t no good at all let’s go and speak to Mom let’s crack on then Mom I uh I got me Mom on the camera I just want wanted to ask a few questions have you got any requirements that you really want to happen in this Pond something that you really want to keep as a feature yourself or any plans you’ve got I want a bench cuz I’m old so I need to be able to sit down yeah and that thing that that thing that bird feeder has got to stay because it was um parent-in-law from the garden so that would be nice if you could get some water running down over it so that would be good yeah I can come up with an idea I’ve got a little plan for that I can come and I’m sure there’s people out there that’s got a decent masonry drill bit that I can borrow don’t worry about that I’ll be able to drill through it and break it I won’t break it I’ll make a nice water feature from it and there’s one massive question that I’ve got to ask yeah well basically I don’t mind doing the work you owe me yeah I owe you I owe me Mom a bit of free labor but that being said if you got a budget in mind nope what you got no budget nope are you sure go for it go for it I want a pawn want a pond welcome to the Obby it’s all going to start kicking off soon not COI nice nature Pond nice little Pond easy you said to me you wanted a few koi in there it’s going to be easy it’s going to be a nature pond it’s going to look after itself you don’t have to worry about that no no no no no any looking after comes Day to you I’ll do that for you that being said thanks everyone for watching this video and um yeah watch my pond watch the pond start developing so that being said if I don’t see you in a week I’ll see you for a window and thank your mother for the new pond [Music] [Music] [Music]


  1. Nice one on sorting that out for you Mum I look forward to see your progress and also with the studio. It will be good to see how the pond water is running it as an eco system.

  2. What an exciting project, can't wait to see this get under way. It's good to see you so happy and buzzing and your Mum, wife and family are so supportive but you need to come up with a Whisperer name for your Mum and also a name for your new studio, maybe something like "The Whispering Studio" or just "The Warren" (reefrence to rabbits). 🐰🐇😀

  3. Big wetlands filter cascading back into pond would be the best low maintenance filter. Certainly have the space.
    I describe the ponds you have as ornamental.

  4. this is gonna be the absolute ammer cant wait for the build to start. thank ye mother for the koi pond

  5. just seen the master plan for the koi shed omg even better get in there thank ye mother for the koi shed

  6. Really enjoyed seeing you planning this James and good to see the farm and your mum 😊 that's the absolute 🔨🔨🔨🔨

  7. I can see it myself in my mind now, all I can say is by the time you're finished it will look the dog's danglies, I can also see you'll be moving into a new house with a bigger garden and be doing one for yourself, I would also like to say Mrs whisperer is really coming out of her shell, she's lovely, you're a lucky fella

  8. Excited for you mate, personally I love the natural waterfall outdoor type ponds, but with a modern automated twist ..something I want in the future – go for it mate 😊

  9. Hi James. If you want to run the pond completely natural, i.e., no filtration except plants, I would look to America Greg whitstock the pond guy & aquascape both on YouTube. If you want to come & look at my in ground pond which has seating on a decking area & overlaps the pond so when it's warm you can sit on the decking & dip your feet in your more than welcome I think I'm quite close to you just outside newton abbot

  10. Love this channel mate its real positive vibes and it's great to see. So pleased the barn is all on track to be done and really looking forward to seeing the progress on this traditional style garden pond.

  11. James I had a natural pond before I made my new pond…. One must is sheer sides and not sloping, this will discourage the heron. If there sloping they can wade in a heron will not land in water they wade in. I made that mistake with mine and cost me a lot of fish

  12. What a wonderful blank canvas to work with. Really looking forward to watching. BTW, just been to SW Koi today. So much work going on there too. It’s gonna be one hell of a place. 15:34

  13. Haha I love it getting free will to make ya mum a pond you must be buzzin,
    I’m trying to work out what to do cos I’m wanting to get a pond sorted pretty much like yours mate but on the cheap if it’s possible plus make my own filter so any help would be appreciated

  14. Cant Wait for the progress reports 😀 , I built 15 of those , just remember to go deep ( min 1.5 m ) , also remember to make the filter area 1/3 of the pond volume. also , have a look at where the rain will runout so you dont get mud in the pond. good luck and "hammer on" , cheers from denmark

  15. Natural koi ponds are quite challenging to maintain, unlike the expansive, hectare-sized ponds with thousands of Koi found in Japan. In my experience with a more natural koi pond—which included two 55W UV lights, numerous air stones, waterfalls, hundreds of liters of forced air biomass, vortex filter, a brush filter, and heaters—I still encountered several issues.

    1. Koi Digging: Koi are notorious for digging up plants, even if you use baskets and pond soil balls topped with mats & large stones/pebbles. They have the strength to move large pebbles and rocks, even whole planters across the pond. The only solution I found is to create a separate planting area walled off from the koi. This area can still be part of the pond and filtration system but keeps the koi away from the plants.
    Get your levels right and you may find water Lillie leaves and flowers venturing into the main pond.

    2. Summer Algae: An unshaded koi pond, despite the filtration system, can experience significant algae blooms if exposed to direct sunlight. While lilies and water chestnuts offer some shading, koi will often destroy these plants. The best solution is a pagoda or similar structure to provide summer shade. Considering your mum's farm and the koi pond project, a large pagoda would be ideal and a pleasant retreat for mum on a hot summers day, that’s if we get one!

    3. Predators: Various predators will see your koi pond as an easy meal. I had issues with herons, kingfishers, mink, stoats, weasels, feral cats, and even house cats though they are more likely to play with the koi but can hook one out but then house cats don’t seem to know what to do and leave your fish on the pond wall, especially when their preferred meals are served up by humans. Frogs can also be problematic, as even they will eat very young koi and degrade water quality if they spawn in the pond. Herons and kingfishers can harm your koi, leaving beak marks even if they can’t take the fish. Providing hidey holes, such as large overhangs, can help the koi feel safe.

    One solution I found was netting the pond about a foot above and down the sides, although I didn’t prefer this aesthetically. Another effective deterrent is a big dog that’s happy to sleep outside and patrol the grounds. My choice. Additionally, having steep sides to the pond can deter herons, although not kingfishers. Owls and other birds of prey can also be a threat, and seagulls have been known to dive into ponds for an easy meal as I’m told by an acquaintance from West Wales.

    4/ Leaves and will somehow be drawn to your pond so a good well maintained skimmer.

    5/ Levels: Dont have your pond level at the same level as its surroundings, it needs to be higher to avoid grass clippings and garden chemicals from entering the pond.

    6/ Overspray: koi ponds next to farm land can be contaminated by anything that’s sprayed on the fields. Make sure the pond is protected when adjoining farmland is being sprayed.

    7/ Winter: we can have the occasional hard winter, if the surface freezes and your feed is from waterfalls the pond pump will empty the water from below the ice leaving you with beached koi.
    Solution is to have a winter feed around a foot down from the surface.
    A pump room is ideal for protecting your filters but not always possible. So lag and insulate the top of your filters and lag exposed pipes.
    A water heater in the main pond and filters can help.

    Wild life looking koi ponds can look stunning with excellent examples around the world but where koi are concerned concentrate on a good well filtered, balanced, protected koi pond then add the wildlife look after.

    8/ Koi first: self explanatory!

    Hope you find this useful.

  16. Definitely a wetland aka bog filter, they work a treat and very low maintenance, really help with the full nitrogen cycle

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