Front Yard Garden

A Whimsical Fairytale In The Making

Well, well, well… Look what moved into the neighborhood! What a fun change up from the traditional garden video this will be. Join me on a project that is sure to pack a lovely surprise of whimsy and imagination clear to the end.

Here is the link to the Veradek Pure Series Lane Bowl planters:


okay good morning friends welcome to Moxy Gardens I’m mik Tumi and today I’m coming to you from my little land here in Kansas Zone 6A should be a lot of fun we are going to work on this project back here this was a huge success a lot of you um chimed in and I absolutely loved it a lot of you really love the sun probably 90 some per said let’s keep it so got have a little secret regardless if we liked it or not on this video mama said to keep it so we were keeping it anyway um but thank you guys for all the um entertainment through your comments I really liked it it seems like you probably really liked it you know that this video was the most commented video I’d had and I’m so excited because that means that um we were relatable in some way so I appreciate you guys for um watching that video and and um you know chiming in so thank you very very much that being said today we’re going to work on that we had some morning showers today which is great because here in Kansas we start to really slim down on the rain the more we move towards July so um I popped in a video this morning and talked about it on my Instagram so if you have Instagram or thinking about downloading it um follow me at Moxy Gardens that’s a lot of fun I really like um that little part because I can use uh different music and and short videos and so I I really like the Instagram um page that’s a lot of fun so join in if you’d like um let’s get started we’re going going to go ahead and add our little Whimsy today this is going to be a work in progress this video won’t be the conclusion of this we’re just going to continue on and we might go to the other side of the yard and work on something else or might go to the front yard and work on something else and then we’ll come back to this um throughout the season and because I don’t want to rush through um because sometimes you you take shortcuts when you rush through and um although a lot of you had a lot of uh Charming things to add and that I should add we’ll probably incorporate some of those um some of those we were probably already going to do um so we’re thinking a lot alike I like that so you’re my kind of people um that being said let’s just jump in here let’s get dirty and let’s see where the day takes us and hopefully this video finds you uh with a little smile and a chuckle and and um and some inspiration so let’s get started spe sh you on [Applause] it’s for what for is go w for for okay guys uh yeah I like it I like it a lot it’s very fun interesting again this is just a little pocket in the room or a little room in this Garden everywhere we turn every bin that we take we want to create a new a new um Talking Point a new adventure in this garden and as the trees and everything have matured I’m allowed that opportunity to come in here and do whatever I want in little pockets and that’s why I created this you can see that sidewalk where it comes around the corner sharply and that’s really what I was really just trying to get at years ago uh when I was creating this garden and the more my imagination took me and the more I wanted to create different rooms in a garden versus it being just you know um the garden just being towards one general idea I I just didn’t like that because I I appreciate and like so much that are out there so I wanted to incorporate so many things into the garden I thought what better way than to create little pockets little rooms however you prefer to describe it so let’s move right along a lot of fun um I had uh the question for this video will be what do you guys think about this little fence I popped it in there and I’m really interested what you guys think uh my wife’s on one side of the fence I’m on the other but I think it looks like it looked like uh used to be a fence the housekeeper didn’t keep up and here we are um sometime later that’s my imagination but what a lot of color as we go through here I know we did this video um last week and and so I don’t want to really spend too much time right there but I was trying to figure out what can I do different around that door to kind of you know make it look more like a door or um how can I make it look like it’s not just uh you know an image on a piece of metal so hopefully that hit the spot I will um go out there on an adventure and try to find me um the hinges I still think that is a u really good idea so we’ll see how we can incorporate that um right off here to my right and I didn’t make any purchases for any of this so that that ladder right there that I’ve Incorporated in here I think it fits the scale for this Garden you could think for this space Maybe somebody had to get up and work on the roof and um that’s where their their ladder left the last time they were there and I really really like the uh the old paint and the different colors tells a story maybe painting a frame maybe painting a window doors house whatever um you get to use your imagination let the story take you where you would like um so uh when I seen that ladder years ago I had to pick it up and I brought it home um found it at an antique store I’m always looking for a story so um and then uh well of course then you saw the door frame um that I was talking about I think might have just jump past that but let me jump back on it uh went to Hobby Lobby sorry about that pause there but went to Hobby Lobby um made a purchase of two wreaths and then I cut them down to in halves I uh spared you the boredom of watching me cut those down but instead of cutting it straight across I went through and and uh cut up and down and found Twigs you know 6 7 in off from the other one so I could incorporate those together so it didn’t look like it was just uh cut right across and then I had to try to figure out how to blend it I think it turned out really well again we’ll get the hinge on there the little door handle still really incredible uh piece to for me I really like that door handle so um this is somebody asked me uh a suggestion was to go and weather that a little bit I thought about weathering it when I was building it but I also had um this in mind and I really wanted to still keep that color I think if I would have weathered it too much or even a little bit I might have um distracted from every all the color that was going on from there so still still a possibility who knows and I don’t know that I touched on it the last time those nails that are in there wonky and then bent over I did that intentionally so that you know you again it’s all about the story the story this little Garden’s telling I talked about the fence right there I really think that’s kind of fun and um you guys will have to let me know what you think so this video was about this piece particularly I think it turned out really well I took those railroad ties and Incorporated those in there again I wanted to kind of enclose this area a little bit and and take it from the depth of what was behind um I will be doing uh the waterfall to the pond on the other side if you’ve been follow me for any time um you’ll know that on the other side let me raise this up a bit the waterfall and the water um Pond is back there but I’m going to create a larger Pond up top and so that it Cascades down as a waterfall but really I wanted to kind of personalize this space so I closed it off from the back another um uh particular part that I was really interested in was softening all the brown and and all The Hardscape that is around it so um you can see I added all these boxwoods in and that’s the sole purpose for that if you’re asking why did you put those in there I really wanted to just soften the metals um the railroad ties all those different things um and you know over time those those uh boxwoods will come up and kind of blend in and it will all just kind of um you know fit the story and and as the seasons go on and and I’ve changed out different ways and different ideas through here um that will still be a main drop and soften up all The Hardscape so that was another important part to this piece uh let’s see those lanterns I picked up those lanterns years and years and years ago they were on another piece of the garden and oddly enough those pieces got had gotten forgotten about had forgotten forgotten about had been forgotten about because they um the vine that was over overgrew so my wife uh ventured past all the bugs and went in there and dug them out for me while I was over here so thank you very much Jessie so oddly enough as well I bought this one um back at the college or the town where my kids went to college and then I was up here uh when I bought that ladder I purchased that one and I did not know that when I purchased those they were exactly the same so when I got them home I was shocked to see that that happened you know the about three hour drive away and I brought home the same one out of all the ones I could have picked out this one is missing the glass um and that’s okay not worried about it at all uh they are not functioning but they might because I might incorporate some lights in there uh some solar lights or something you never know what this Garden might bring you okay so let’s go into the Planters I will throw those Planters um again I did this video last year and Incorporated them into this space I will drop the information so that if you are interested in purching those they come in I think three different colors last year a white a bronze maybe black I don’t know but you can go on the website and see I want to say they were from but I’m sure I’m wrong but we’ll figure it out and we’ll put it up there for you guys to uh um go online and see what you will think so I really wanted to incorporate like a vegetable garden idea into those um the only thing is is I again I don’t get very much sun back here if at all so you’re probably wondering why would I put potato vine when they Thrive off the sun um two parts one because of their color I think that color will really brighten up this darker space back here we like again once again we we get very little Sun then you look around and you see all the dark um Hardscape that’s Incorporated in here so I needed something to come out with a little bit of fire and so I think those uh chartreuse colors really pop off the screen and we’ll do a number and it won’t take long those of you who have ever messed with a potato vine it doesn’t take them at all long at all um I pumped in a bunch in there again shaded spots so they won’t perform the way that uh they would if they were getting 6 to 12 hours or 8 hours of Sun whichever um but I think they’ll still highlight this area and so when they grow in U they will be at the bottom of those lanterns which I think will be really cute and then um if you are a doodler or someone who likes to just go out in the garden and not really um take on big projects throughout every day of the week like myself it’s kind of fun to come in here and and uh bring a pair of Clippers I’m always walking around a pair of Clippers and a leaf bag and I’m just kind of trimming up and tidying up as we go and losing the day behind me and and kind of just having fun and and getting lost in the garden and so this will allow me to come through here and kind of doodle as I was saying and and trim up and you know just allow me to be part of the garden and do little projects and still feel like I did something at the end of the day so that’ll be fun so they’ll really you know really fill in those spaces and I won’t let them hang over they’ll hang over probably a little bit like this one is or maybe like this but ultimately um that they’re going to fill in that space but you won’t I won’t allow them to get crazy in here CU I still want to share everything that is around it plus the Planters I think the Planters are really cute um then we went back here and we got some colus now again I’m trying to incorporate the garden idea so we got the potato vine you know so then when I did those um colus they look a lot like somebody helped me they’re the they’re the little pepper plants they put off the little yellow and red pepper plants so in a way my mind tells me I still did the uh accomplish the task by adding um a little bit of fairy garden in here if you if you will um so so you’re wondering where I got this piece those of you have been with me once again um if you’ve been following you know I took that gazebo out behind me and we’re incorporating a new project back there uh as the season progressed last year and I cut down that Trump the Trump Did I Say trumpet vine I meant was stero Vine and then when I came out this spring This was um laying there and I thought oh my gosh that’s that’s art I can incorporate that into the garden so about 3 months ago when I was um you know imagining this space what was I going to do with it I thought oh my gosh that’s going in the planter um the good part about all this is I can take it out whenever I want and we can change this so this isn’t a forever thing but I think that piece will stay with me in the garden and I can move it throughout the garden like moving furniture in the house um as every season comes around or a new season comes around and I come up with a new idea um those railroad ties that are back there once again they’re holding in the soil in and then you you will not have seen it obviously uh because I haven’t done it yet but um as the season continues and I get back there to do the pond there will be more soil that tucks up against this from that side so um it will station station that together but what else is important is that those boxwoods will stand a better chance um so you know I have clay soil and then you know uh above me are all these trees I’ve got Red Buds I got Maples so those roots are just mangled in there and really can’t dig into that soil so in order for me to incorporate those boxwoods into this Garden I had to get kind of clever a little bit or maybe not clever to some of you but if you’re new to gardening kind of clever and and Elevate this space that’s why I took these Planters and elevated them up on to um Center blocks to give me the height and then of course they’re in three separate um Heights I added that double um center block there to really kind of uh really lift that up off the ground and then those box Woods um can sit down in some soil should I Mend my soil that somebody’s going to ask me why did I not um do a better ratio of the natural soil versus uh what I implemented it you know what I’m taking a chance those boxwoods were almost Dirt Cheap here’s how I get a lot of my plants if you’re wondering how’s this guy end up with plants a lot of the times I will find especially that I live in the Metro I will find um and search out box stores not not not your not your um nurseries but box stores we all know which box stores are out there and we all know which neighborhoods they’re in and you can find really sweet deals out there by just going in there and talking to someone because because they’re not nurseries um this this is an added burden to them to carry the plants and so they’re not out there properly watering and maintaining right so if you can find those box doors that struggle throughout the seasons not only can you get it in the spring not only during the summer but you can go into fall um with mums and poinsettas and different things and and incorporate those into um your budget and that’s what I do I find a lot of times a lot of PLS if you’ve ever watched this video these videos and I’ll say I stole from a what I think was I was going to do a project some other time um and and I’m going to add it to the project I’m currently working on that’s because I’ll go and I’ll snatch up all these good really good deals and we kind of nurse them back together my wife will come out here in the morning and she will water and she will get these things getting back to healthy We’ll add the right um nutrients and get them out of the planters that might uh you know be be harming them um for whatever reason sometimes after windstorms these are laying around and they’re getting ready to throw them away you throw them a nickel or two and then before you know it you’ve got enough to bring back to the garden and look like you know what you’re doing and that’s kind of how we we manage this Garden so um I would tell you to do your research especially if you’re in a big Metro areas like I am uh there are box stores everywhere and you can find really good deals um and you know treat people good and they’ll treat you good back and so what I mean by that is there’s someone out there at a box store that’s uh just waiting for a friendly face to come by and you could be that friendly face and you’ll get a sweet deal so um nothing wrong with being nice to everybody so okay so we went through all that we understand um why I didn’t add the soils and mend those together we know um that those Planters uh are going to stand out this season just based off of that if even if I’m looking right here and it’s late evening you can see how bright those Planters are um as this as the darker that we get during the the the evening time so um I really think that’s going to pop and I’ll come from the other angle here in a second but uh let’s let’s look at this last little piece that we put together and of course um if you’ve followed me for any length of time or if you missed the video years ago uh my daughter and her friend were coming back from college and I found this little wheelbarrow on um Facebook and I did not read the entire description and I was like hey this will barel is like five bucks it’s got a cute wheel bring it home um my daughter and her friend were like well it’s not going to fit in the trunk and I said well give it a shot anyways um I really want it it’s super cheap and it’s cute so they came home and they’re just laughing their back sides off they get into the the uh front or to the backyard where I’m standing and now the whole family is bought into this conversation um of how this happened and then they pull it out from behind their back and I’m like what is that and they’re like that’s what you wanted so little did I know that was a little whe Barrel but uh I thought it would be incorporated into here is it off scale yes it is off scale compared to the little hobbit door the ladder I think those two um do well together I think the uh Planters and everything play well together um scale-wise I think the little um deteriorating fence plays well together uh but the wheelbarrow does not and that’s okay cuz I popped it over here I even think um this little water piece that we put out last year again it is off simply so that the noise isn’t picked up on this camera and then you’re annoyed by the sound of the water in the background but if I get you down here close really intimate spot right through here how cute is that and I didn’t even want to line them up perfectly I want them leaning and whatnot so I don’t know guys I don’t know this is one of my more fun projects and and the results absolutely um they make me happy uh it it pushes me forward to do some other projects but again a small piece of the room right a small piece of this garden and you cannot see it from any advantage point in the garden you literally have to walk back here if I bring you around here and then come back the other way nice and slowly because I know some of you would rather Jesse videotape for me rather than then me um send you down some roller coaster of a ride let’s slide back around here sounds like somebody’s puppy is in trouble if you can hear that from the background but look at this nice and slow just really cute this video is probably longer than any of you will probably watch but I think it turned out really well and there’s going to be a little bit more coming um I’m not I’m not 100% sold on what is coming I will tell you um I think for the most part I if you if I start to do any more it might be just too much and so uh I’ll calm down from this project and I’ll move on to the next project so that being said I just want to thank you guys all for watching um thank you for um all the comments and the the friendly um back and forth the emails uh especially on my Instagram thank you guys for that thank you for the emails wonderful humans out there and I can’t be uh more happy than what we’re doing here so thank you for watching uh hit the like hit the Subscribe and we will talk to you folks another time see you on the flip side bye-bye now


  1. Mike this is amazing! You are so creative and inspiring! I love your stories that you tell that help us get a glimpse into your vivid imagination! This really is the most creative garden of all the videos I watch. I’m so sad we weren’t able to come see your garden in real life! We probably won’t be back to Kansas until next spring. Hope it works out next time! Deanna

  2. The large twisted trunk… It gives me an idea. I've got some great twisted shrubs that are too close to the house for fire risk, but, I could save them as architectural pieces. Great idea!

  3. This is VERY cute! I wanted to make a pun about how I was on the fence about the fence but I couldn't, that fence is just too cute! I am looking to create a whimsical garden as well and I love this!

  4. Just incredible work. Personally, I like the fence posts! They draw the eye along the path to the lantern and branches in the corner, and I think they give a nice structure. Coral bells and ferns were an inspired choice in front of the door, and the colors are really harmonious. It's like a magical woodland patch.

  5. I’m on the fence about the little fence—-lol. I would maybe string some wire around them or some of them for it to read as a broken down fence?

  6. You can never go wrong with heuchera spilling onto the walkway. Beautiful tableaux. I have the same coleus in pots in my greenhouse. Zone 3a here, so they must be inside.

  7. Like the grapevine around the door frame. Unlike you my garden budget is very limited, but then again so is the zone 3a climate too. But I have rocks galore and we have made many beds surrounded by large tractor moved rocks with various ground covers now spilling over and between the rocks. Most of my garden space is devoted to growing food since I am dependent on my garden to eat throughout the winter etc. However, I strive to make it beautiful too. Like the railroad ties on vertical too.. looks good. Mi am not fond of the wooden “fence” I think it distracts from the lovely heuchera and the sun motif behind.

  8. Around the door maybe some copper pots that with age will get a patina, also maybe some broken glass like the old blue and greens. Marvalous job!

  9. I’m late to the conversation as this little gem popped up on my feed just this morning. We’re of the same mindset in using available ‘stuff’ to repurpose into art. I live on a wooded acre+ and am building pocket gardens linked by trails. Each to discover within a tidy forest floor. Working in the three dimensions lets the observers enter the creation and yours is a lovely world. Thanks for sharing.

  10. You could wrap wire or even matching fairy lights around the old fence to make it feel more like the lines of an old fence and to make the little door glow at night

  11. Japanese Hinoki grass ( likes shade) might work well instead of sweet potato vine if it doesn’t do well in the shade. Same color

  12. Fantastic garden !!!!
    Excellent video

    Your more than achieved your goal

    Looking forward from more from both of you

    Very organized

    Really appreciate the reuses you both did!!!

  13. Hai Max.saya dari central borneo kalimantan .bunga mayana yg ditengah bawah antara dua lentera itu adalah yg warnanya merah hati dan pinggir daun hijau bergerigi.ditempTku dipakai masakan danging ayam /sapisaat mudiangkat baru dimasukkan aduk sampai layu angkat. Dibuat camputan omelet telur bisa juga ambil beberapa daun muda potong halus campur lada garam bawang bombay telur aduk didadar di teflon ,sering membuat untuk sarapan pagi .7pucuk daun muda 1/2 cm l buah pala tumbuh halus peras ambil airnya saja + 1 kuning telur +1sendok makan madu aduk rata ,untuk pengobatan luka dalam / jamu setelah melahirkan & untuk muntah darah / luka dalam itu pengalaman saya daunya bisa dijemur sampai kering disimpan ditempat yg tertutup /toples kaca .vidionya sangat bagus ya max ,sukses besar max

  14. I am new to your channel, but Love your gardens..❤ you are so inspiringing. I got so many tall weeds..I don't have to do this, but I am glad to someone have this..❤🙏❤

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