Backyard Garden

Beautiful NY Backyard Garden Tour // Early June 2024 | Chris’s Garden

Welcome to my NYC Urban Garden! My name in Mari and I’m gardening in Queens, NYC zone 7b. Today I’m touring my friend’s Chris Garden for our new “Urban Gardens Series” Featuring gardens in NYC and surrounding areas.

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[Music] I’m here with my friend Chris today hi guys and we’re going to take a tour of his beautiful garden so Chris also Gardens in New York he’s part of the Garden Club and you want to tell us a little bit more about your garden yeah sure so I’m gardening here in New York and Yonkers um this is uh Westchester just north of the city and I’ve been gardening here for a couple years um right here we’re just on my front porch with all these beautiful roses and we also have a beautiful garden in the back which we’re also going to be touring so these roses were here they came with the house there is one rose that I did plant all the way in the far Corner sadly right now U we had a lot of rain and it’s not exactly In Bloom but it is a very pretty rose um might be able to get at least a little snapshot of it yeah it’s a climbing rose it’s the generous Gardener by David Austin and really fragrant but the rest of all these came with the house and I’m not mad I’m not complaining I can’t tell you what the variety is or the name or anything but they they they look beautiful I just I don’t know what they are and so this right here is just the front garden where all the climbing roses are and we have a little bit of lawn here and two different fruit trees this one’s like a I think it’s an Asian peir tree but we never get much out of it we also have this big apple tree which I probably should have pruned a little bit more but I kind of just let it go but it does provide like beautiful foliage and there are a lot of apples on it so hopefully the pets don’t get to it all do you know what kind of apples those are um oh there’s one right in front of me sorry to be honest I H it was planted a long time ago and I don’t I know we got it like from one of the big box stores so I can’t I I honestly can’t tell you what kind of apple it is this is the first year that we’ve been able to get like any decent crop from it cuz we usually have like a lot of pest issues and um last year it didn’t produce anything but this year it it looks like it’s going to give us something so fingers crossed very good oh look at this view over here this Roses Are So Beautiful yeah the Roses do put on this beautiful show these are all I know I know they’re rambling roses cuz those are the type that will Bloom like crazy for like a little like a set period of time these go from late may this will be like this for like another 2 weeks and then they’re gone until next year so definitely while they’re here I at least really do try to enjoy them cuz they’re just beautiful and every spring I try to come out and prune them a little bit all the kings that are diseased or dead I’ll prune I’ll add a little bit like fresh uh compost to the bottom and um I usually mulch this year I didn’t cuz I haven’t gotten to it I’ll add compost I’ll Mulch and I’ll prune them and that’s that’s really all I do to them and I’m rewarded with this beautiful sha every late spring here we’re in the side Garden this is just a part of the house that is next to the driveway and here this is really shaded so on this part it’s mostly hydrangeas these es were also here with the house and right now they’re going in they’re they’re budding out so hopefully we’ll get some flowers last year we didn’t get any flowers I think it was like a weird hydrangea year for people so I don’t I don’t know but it looks like we’re going to get something this year this one is like um I think BL like purple like purple bluish this is the limelight hydrangea they really get they get big like if you let them and if we come further uh I have um more h range is here a penny back here that just was In Bloom and it’s gone but while it’s here I we did enjoy them this one is a big um mberry tree and they’re it’s full of fruit right now if you want to get a shot of all the ones that are here because they’re like and they’re really easy to pick since the tree like just comes down so yeah it’s um it’s really nice to have this tree here this is the entrance of like the um the back uh garden and so this is what I this project here is is new I started this um I think in Earnest maybe like a couple years ago and I’ve been like this year was the year that I like kind of like went crazy and added I don’t even know how many pots but a lot of pots so I wanted to just transform this whole area into like a beautiful like potted flower garden cuz this was a part of like our um patio and we weren’t really doing much with it and I didn’t need need this big of a patio so I said I’m going to take over this and it’s just all going to become blueberries and flowers so that’s what I did a lot of the things that I have here like are roses but they’re not in bloom so I won’t like I’m not going to say too much about the ones that are not in bloom but back here I have like I think it’s like six or seven mature um blueberry bushes so those are high Bush blueberries right some of them are high Bush yes and and some of them um and some of them aren’t they’re a mixture of different ones okay I got to close up a bit so you guys can see how many blueberry are chis is going to be loaded that’s so many for this summer there’s a lot of clusters even here too like big ones already for me so do you find that the birds eat them a lot too or you can still get a good harvest honestly the birds will eat this to the point where I can get like a little bit of a harvest but it’s not going to be like a lot um last year was the first year that I put netting over the blueberries and I did get a nice Harvest that way but I’m very big on like Aesthetics so putting the netting over saves the berries but then to me it looks ugly I know I I’ll tell you something I’m right there with you too with the Aesthetics I think it’s I still want to appreciate it so I like to kind of leave it open too so I understand so I’m like I’m going to enjoy them they look pretty if I can get out here and harvest some before the birds get them I’m happy with that and if I don’t then I don’t because you know what it’s still looking nice even when it doesn’t have berries it like just gives it like a good um like formation right so I always have like the leaves especially like even in the fall the leaves will turn like orange and red so it still looks pretty with like with no berries on it so they’re I don’t know I really like blueberry bushes I think they’re very like what’s the word I’m looking for they’re um they add form and structure and interest yeah and interest and you get interest through them throughout the season so it’s not only about the berries and also it’s okay to provide food for wildlife if they eat birds eat them it’s okay yeah so I’m not I’m not too mad um so yeah so apart from the blueberry bushes I have a lot of uh roses that I planted this year um this is a beautiful rose and it’s I’m not going to say too much about it because it’s not in bloom but it’s it’s um it’s Princess Charlene de Monaco M it’s supposed to be like a very pretty like peachy Rose something like this one here that’s why I put it next to it um and this one is a carding Mill by David Austin and yeah she’s just looking gorgeous right now this is like one of my favorites right now it’s beautiful and it’s actually it’s a first year Rose like I planted this one be root in uh late March and I’m surprised at like how much growth it’s put on already for like one season I’ll say a little bit more I I also have they’re also not in blo so I won’t talk about them too much but I do have Encore roelas um they grow really well in containers if you’re looking for a plant that’s low maintenance and that’s going to give you like blooms throughout the like spring into like the fall I love these it’s what’s the name again they Encore aelas it’s too bad that they’re not in bloom cuz they are really pretty this one’s like a purple one did they just bloom or did they they just Bloom they gave me like a first flush like right after the tulps went these came on and then and now they’re off and so now the roses are here or like most of the Roses but um yeah I have four of these bushes like spread here it’s a shame that they’re not in blo right now cuz they are really pretty um the color palette that I sort of was going for here is like orange like you see this beautiful beautiful rose and like fuchsia and like blue purple and so I can we’re getting the blue and the purple from like the the Salvia that I planted and then I also have uh a lot of dalas that I planted here you gifted me a couple of these um Cornel bronze and I have them right here on either end I hope they do well for you cuz I did love them in the garden last year I hope they do good too um and so the other varieties that I have are also this one I think is like a peachy orange the Cornell bronze yeah yeah so the other one it’s some it’s more bronze it’s like Rusty like terra cotta sometimes it changes color with the season but it’s very beautiful it’s very full also so it’ be a little darker than this you know but more but it’s yeah bronze kind of yeah that’s sort of like in the color that the colors that I was trying to work with here cuz the other ones that I did plant are um like a orangey and like dark red um Arabian kn I planted a couple here oh it’s going to be beautiful and then the Cornell bronze and yeah so it’s a mixture of mostly yeah orange and and like red and dark red Chris can you also tell us why you plant Saia close to your roses yes so the salvas are something that I learned from uh a UK Gardener that I that I follow and I read and her name right now is Sarah Raven um she had almost given up entirely on planting roses like in in her garden until she started uh companion planting salvas with the Roses cuz they emit sulfur that the Roses will take up and that helps them uh be uh disease free black spa and rust and and all sorts of fungus issues can be prevented just by planting just from The sulfur in the salvas by planting in next the rose that’s amazing I’m definitely going to be trying that in the garden next year too so I try to have salvas planted next to all of my roses so right now the salvas are looking really nice I have the we got a lot of rain overnight so my patunas uh if you can see the color it’s like a really pretty fuchsia color and they are also doing really good right now they’re looking just a little bit um a little bit better but that’s only because of the rain so much rain that we got and if we want to talk about some of the stuff that I have here on this side again it’s more Salvia I have this rose bush here that’s it’s not in blue I wish you could see it in blue and I wish you could smell it it’s called sentous that’s a picture picture so that’s it’s an absolutely gorgeous Rose and it’s yeah unfortunately not in bloom but it that just means I’m going to have to come back to your garden Chris yeah it’s a newly planted one that I just planted and I I was blown away by the scent um so hopefully and it’s got it’s putting on some new growth so I see shoots that’s one shoot there so hopefully we’ll have some more we’ll have some more um roses soon on that plant um this is a hydrangea that I planted uh maybe 2 years ago um gorgeous I can’t remember the name right now but this one changes colors it’s like it starts white and then it like goes into like pink and as it goes into the fall it goes into like almost uh almost reddish I have uh geranium here rosan this is one of my favorite ones cuz the flower is like so pretty it’s it’s it’s common it’s not like uh anything special but it’s I love the color it’s pretty um and I have more dalas here Arabian KN so that’s a very like dark dark color Dalia this beauty right here if you can get her in the picture cuz she’s just this one is a also a newly planted rose I just planted this one in in the winter um from the bear root rolls and this is um simply magnificent I think her name is it’s not a David Austin rolls this one was from um what’s the breeder it’s not a breeder that I’m too familiar with cuz I don’t I only know d a so you educating me if you want to say the other ones um it’s something Perkins it’s okay I can’t think a Jackson Perkins that’s the one um this one is also this is the David Austin rolls it’s a very pretty rose and it has a really nice like old Rose strong scent so it starts dark pink like this this one starts dark pink and it sort of goes into like a very light pink apricot and like a little bit of violet like you can see sort of the Violet here like right there um and it’s an absolutely beautiful rose like unfortunately the rain got to most of the petals as you can see they’re on the floor down there but like it’s absolutely gorgeous and it’s very vigorous it has a lot of growth um this one is new from David Austin it’s Elizabeth um I think they named it in honor of um Her Majesty Elizabeth II and absolutely it’s one of my favorites like right now over here on this side if you want to get some of the um the green stock that I have with the strawberries oh the green stock yeah the pink one show us the pink one everybody was Raising about the pink green stocks so I have two of these and this is like I’m very new to gardening with um with a green stock so this is actually my first season with them so as it goes we’ll see how it goes I’ve never really done this before but I do love how much I I’ve I just love how much you can get out of this little space like I know we’ve talked about it a lot and everyone is ADD interest cuz it looks different like you don’t see something like this like you know it just is it’s different and so it just adds that pop of color and interest and yeah I love mine too so and it’s really saving me a lot of space because like one of my beds actually was just full of strawberries and while it was nice to grow the strawberries there like it’s also I couldn’t use that bed for anything else cuz the strawberries had to they’re perennial so once you put them in the bed they stay there and so I was like I want to use this bed for something else like I want to change I want to be able to grow spring and and summer and fall crops and I really needed the extra space so in came the green stocks and like that kind of saved my strawberry stuff so that’s great and strawberries are supposed to do great in the green stock I haven’t grown much many strawberries of mine but they are known to be very good for yeah I mean it’s got It’s got a lot of growth like you see a lot of flowers there’s there some flowers here this one I planted a little late that’s why it’s not like you don’t see a lot cuz this was planted like I want to say maybe 3 weeks ago oh I was doing good for 3 weeks if it was only three weeks ago oh yeah I I yeah it was late so I have the other pink one that I have I planted it like maybe like maybe two weeks before a week and a half before and it’s got more growth um this is my little I also grow Citrus right now they’re not this this plant is like struggling it’s it’s got blooms and stuff but it’s not like it’s not what kind of citrus is this this is Myer lemon um this one is also Myer lemon it does have a lot of it does have a lot of little baby lemon so maybe I’ll get a lot of maybe I’ll get something this year from this plant oh yeah do you over do you put them inside to over winter or they stay outside full time no these these go inside my little greenhouse and they they live in there they live inside the greenhouse from uh from November all the way through like um the the the last frost so so several months out of the year they’re living there um this one I just planted I won’t say too much about it but it’s I’m excited for next year this is an a blood orange lemon tree oh that’s amazing a blood orange tree not lemon it’s Orange it’s got like one little baby orange here so maybe maybe we’ll have one orange this this season but this is how about the investment in the future right yeah I’m okay cuz right now it’s just like putting its energy into like its roots and growing and it’s got a lot of new little shoots here so I’m happy with that um so we’ll we’ll see what we get with that one so yeah this is this is where all the magic happens this is like the the kitchen Garden oh it’s so beautiful yeah kitchen Garden that’s slowly morphing into a rose garden cuz I keep adding more and more roses into it um this is all my mint here I God Chris it’s so much did you think it’s like over the years just took over this bed or what’s the story of that mint over there so this is actually one of the first garden beds that I had when I started this Garden because when I started um believe it or not I only had about maybe five beds and they were all like up against this wall and that’s all that I was like kind of trying to see if I was going to light gardening I didn’t really know too much about it and so I started out like that very small and now you have all yeah now now it’s crazy but I planted mint here not knowing that mint was so aggressive and that it would take over this whole bed which it did and but you know what as the years have gone by I’m not mad about it because it it’s very fragrant and it doesn’t go this this bed right here is 2T by 2 ft wide by 4 ft long and you know what it it flowers like really nicely you get like a really nice white flower from the mint and I like to use it in my like flower arrangements and the mint I’ll also use it for like putting it into the water and um it makes really nice Mojitos and so it’s it’s it’s a beautiful plant I I love it and I’m not mad that it’s taking up all that room it’s cuz it’s it it’s just Lush and it looks beautiful so like I said here I try to grow everything this is the grape vine that I have here and right now it looks crazy because I haven’t come out here and pruned anything this in theory is supposed to go up to this this wire here and I’m you know I’m trying to grow this uh Vine across the these two wires here so I have to come in here really and prune and pick which Vine I want to like choose to grow along the wire but it’s a concord grape and I love I love concord grapes and it’s one of those things that you like only find in like specialty farmers markets you can’t find this in the supermarket or anywhere so I was like I’m going to grow Concor grapes and so I’m doing that uh so I’m also growing in this bed my this is my eggplant bed eggplant and these are uh these are I think they’re well it’s right here the Black Beauty I have a couple of Black Beauty and then I have a couple of the Asian varieties cuz I like I like the Asian eggplant cuz it’s the skin is soft and you can stir fry it and it’s Asian Delight is this one I like those too I like those better I have three of these Asian um Delight plants and two black beauties and then I’m also growing this is my cherry tomato I’m trying to grow this uh all the way up on a single Vine um with this as a support nice this is then I have my Thai Basil here in the middle behind the um eggplants this is another cherry tomato and these are sweet 100s super sweet 100 um it’s like the only cherry tomato plant that I grow cuz I just it’s really sweet so you have to like really sweet things so I don’t I don’t make room for anything else I have four of those this that’s one two this is the third one here and another fourth one right there uh and then this bed I still have to plant stuff in it I just have one eggplant right here and then my other Concord uh grape vine and I I’m thinking this is going to be maybe carrots or or something or herbs I’m not sure yet I haven’t decided but that still needs to be planted out um this bed here is my tomato bed my big like like beef steak tomatoes I have like three different varieties in here I think I have I’m growing Cherokee purple um I’m growing a couple of heirloom ones uh golden jubilee I like it cuz of the color like it’s a really nice yellow orange color um I’m also growing uh what’s the name of Other Tomato r a uh Brandy Wine I have a couple of brandy wines in here I love to grow Brandy Wine it’s like it does really it does really taste like better than like your average tomatoes and I always make room for at least four or five different Brandy Wine tomato plants and do you grow them from seed or you buy them starts this is all grown from seed um for the like 90% the only thing I didn’t start from seed this year were these um eggplants because I thought my eggplants that I had started from seed were looking really like they were looking really bad like I thought I was going to lose them so and I wanted to get these in the ground so I went to the garden store and I bought five and but now my egg my my eggplant starters are looking beautiful and so now I’m going to have to make room two PL like another AI plant that I have so that’s what I get for like you know like just thinking it happens to all of us yeah so but anyway so in this Garden I also like to do um square foot gardening cuz I’m trying to get like the most Bas out of everything so like I said here I have eight Tomatoes this bed is 8×4 so I have eight Tomatoes um also growing um like maybe 10 cucumbers oh they’re here oh those are cucumbers yeah those are um space saver cucumbers so those will only grow to about maybe 3 tall and what I like about them is that they’re not going to crowd the bed and like Get huge and take over everything they’re going to stay relatively small so if you’re doing square foot gardening you know you don’t want something taking over everything so cuz cuz then like yeah then your stuff isn’t going to grow and you want like the air circulation and all that so those are good they don’t take up too much room and they only grow like 2 or 3 feet tall do you have to provide a trist to this ones um to be honest last year I did and they did really like go up the trellis cuz they only grow like 2 feet tall so you can if you want to but it’s not going to vine out very much it’s not going to it’s it’s only it’s not going to take up too much room so like this year I’m I’m not even going to bother putting the TR on it I’m just going to let it go cuz it’s not it’s not going to vine out too much that’s what I learned last year um so yeah so I got the tomatoes I got cucumbers I have dalas that just I always try to grow flowers in with my um vegetables and cuz it’s just it adds Beauty and it adds like the pollinators will come in and it’s just I think it’s a best practice I think everybody should do that they came in from last year I so you left the tuber in the ground I left the tuber in the ground and surprisingly it just it just they just came up so you know I guess and this is actually the second year that that’s happened I think we’re warmer than we think cuz my some of the D tubers that are left I think all of them that I left cuz I was like I don’t B they came back too yeah we’re not too far from the city it it’s the temperature here is pretty similar this is a little bit cooler than the city you guys might be I think this is 7 7A or 7B oh yeah you’re slightly cooler than we’re slightly cooler I think you’re 7A I think I think you’re 7B and we’re 7 a here um it’s just slightly cooler not by much but it is slightly cooler but I might just start leaving them in the ground like that because a lot less work having to it’s l work if they just yeah it’s less working if they’re just going to come up then why not so Tomatoes doll cucumbers I also have herbs they’re all like baby herbs right now I I got a lot of um uh basil here this is Emerald Tower this is one I’m growing for the first time it’s supposed to grow really tall so we’ll see hopefully I get a nice Harvest I’m also growing Dill that I just seated you can’t see it there so this one this Emeral Tower is a Thai Basil variety or no this is um Italian basil I like to make a lot of pestl and I can’t find any pestl like that store lot that’s worth buying cuz after you make your own pesto it’s not the same it’s completely different and so every pesto that you’ll taste in the store is like ah what is this this is this isn’t pesto so I like to grow a lot a lot of Basil I always make room for a lot of Basil um so back here is the other um the other I got another another uh this is another conour grape um again a mess I have three and I might have like I might have bitten more than I can chew but we’ll see what happens I have to come in and prune that one too uh and this is the other uh the other pink green stock that I put the tomatoes in this one is further along than the other one like you can see the the strawberries I think I said Tomatoes strawberries um it’s a little further along I planted this one like um I don’t know U I don’t remember now but it’s it maybe a month or a month and a half or so ago um and it is growing so we’ll see how much we get these are all Seascape strawberries cuz um they’re the same as the other ones they’re the same as the other one I heard they’re like really nice to plant in containers and they’re very like vigorous and prolific well let me know cuz I’m looking for a better variety of strawberries to go in my garden so keep me posted how they you know I mean I’m not going to be too shocked if I don’t get that big of a harvest this year cuz I know like the first year you don’t get like a lot with the strawberry it’s really like the second year and the third year that it like that you get more so they say You’re supposed to pinch off the flowers the first year actually so that the plant like concentrates on growing roots and all that but I I’m too anxious has to the heart to do that yeah I’m too anxious so I just like I won’t do that I’ll just I’ll get what I get and I’ll just I’ll let it be and’ll you know and I’m you’ll be happy with whatever you get yeah so this um this bed back here is a little bit of a mess I just this is like um this is cilantro that just went that went to flower and I haven’t I have that’s great because like these little flowers are great for the pollinators they have this little composite little you know they got they’re yeah yeah they’re pretty they attract this beneficial wasps they eat the AIDS and they’re pretty but I I I do have to use the space for something it’s um I did plant my U my Emirate pole beans um which is the same that I planted in the garden he just me then yes these are my absolute favorite beans they’re from the Hudson Valley seed company and they’re like like Erico it’s very like thin beans they don’t get like very like fibrous and and fat and and these are amazing like for stir fry and they’re they’re amazing to just eat fresh off the vine and they’re super like vigorous that’s what I found like I’ve tried growing other beans just to experiment and I stopped doing that I’m like no I’m just I’m going to grow this one cuz it’s it tastes better and it always produces the most to the point where you can’t really plant that much because you get so much from it that so how many plants do you have there I have about you have a lot too I tried for 14 but I have 12 the the last two here at the end for whatever reason didn’t make it that something was eating them but even from these 12 like we’re going to get so we’re going to get so many beans that we’re not going to be able to eat them all like I’m probably going to most likely freeze some of these and cuz it’s it’s going to be too much like it it does like completely take over this trellis and it’s it’s a really prolific bean I really like that trellis too the way you put you make the little yeah it’s very simple it’s just bamboo um with with uh with twine that I tied at the top and I got two going at the two two two bamboo sticks at the top and just putting just the twine keeps it all together um so very simple and those beans are planted like a food like 12 in apart these beans are planted yes 12 in apart might be even less maybe like about 10 in this bed here is just another more herbs this is um oregano wow it looks yeah I like it it’s really fragrant there’s a bunch of bugs here and I’m not sure what kind of bugs they are it’s really fragrant and it also puts out like um I should really like start getting into drying herbs which is something that I haven’t done in the past it’s great for the winter especially oregano it’s so good yeah I don’t know why I don’t because look at all this like like let’s get a bundle today after we finish this video we going to get your first bundle and we’re going to hang in your kitchen yeah we should and then cuz like it’s it’s a waste cuz it it’s it’s like yeah I should be using it for for drying but this one a lot of the times what I do is I just let it go a flow and it also makes a really nice Cut flour so are the flowers purple those one dark purple this one is actually no they’re white flowers they’re very like they’re white and kind of frilly they’re very pretty I also have lemon thyme back here also really fragrant Heth it’s yeah it’s really healthy too and then this I have a rosemary here that I thought died and then it came back I had to cut it back a little bit cuz it was um I thought it had di but it’s it’s healthy um it’s trying to take up room cuz the the time and the oregano is like slowly taking over there mhm and this bed I still have to plant it this is actually kale that I planted in the fall last year last year it’s actually still good um it’s beautiful and yeah I haven’t harvested it so it’s it’s still good but this was a Bed full of brasas and stuff like that that I planted over the fall and I I have to I have to come here and just fix this up a little bit I think this is going to be my win squash bed oh that’s a great idea yeah I have a honey nut squash that I’m going to plant here as well as um I think it’s mostly going to be honey nut squash yeah I love those and that’s mostly well pretty much everything that we have over here this is a pretty rose that I planted uh the other day uh it’s supposed to be yellow it’s looking more white right now I guess cuz of the rain but I try to fill this to fill the garden with with uh with pots of flowers if I have room and there’s probably going to be more roses next year and cuz I’m running out of room so a lot of them are going into pots um this bed I I’ll only talk a little bit about it cuz it mostly mirrors the other bed that I just talked about this is more Tomatoes again I’m growing the same variety here and you have the little bamboo sticks in there to kind of guide you for the square foot garden yeah yeah so I this lazy lazy square foot gardening so usually I’ll come out and I’ll have a tape measure and 12 in I’ll space this out and and then I’ll sew whatever seeds I’m trying to sew here uh or if it’s not seeds whatever like you know transplants that I have um will go and I I follow that method cuz you get you get more for for your space and I think it’s I think it’s good but yeah I use the bamboo and I won’t say too much this is just again it kind of mirrors the other bed I have basil here more basil and golden jubilee tomato um Brandy Wine uh Pink Belgium is another one and Cherokee purple and uh some flowers as well I have some I have some African maragold that I just planted and some zenas and so after we shoot this tour we’re going to be planting some peppers in this bed this bed here this is brand new for this year actually this is I just this used to be I used to grow my tomatoes in this bed and this year I turned it into a cut flower cut flower garden bed these are all from seed um I have um procut sunflowers procut white um procup Plum uh I’m doing I’m trying to like succession saw so I saw so these several weeks ago these little baby ones are just starting to come up I sold these like four 4 days ago maybe um wow they already came up yeah so I’m I’m looking forward to having I’ve never really grown sunflowers like like I’m doing right now I usually like maybe put one or two here but this is these were planted um maybe six maybe no not even these were planted I did square foot gardening in here too and I planted about nine sunflowers per square so it’s it’s a lot of sunflowers but if you’re doing for cutting you want them to be closer so there’s smaller flowers so you can yeah that’s what I understand um you want them to be closer for the for to cut so they don’t become massive and make nice cut flowers I planted two new rose bushes here and they’re not in bloom so I won’t say too much about it but it’s uh they’re called you have the tag Savannah sunbell and they’re sort of they’re not miniature roses but they’re not supposed to get gigantic I think they’re supposed to top out at 3 to 4 feet in length so in height and they’re supposed to be really fragrant and I like pink roses so these are pink and uh hopefully they they they do well in this area um so so I also have uh dollas that I planted here I have about 10 in this bed and these are flet Dalia’s I think it’s buy be or be choice no y or be’s Choice yeah be’s Choice um so this is going to be like a surprise so I don’t know what colors we’re going to get here normally I like to know what I’m planting just to know like I’m a very visual person so I like to I like to like play with colors but I want to know like I don’t want to match every single color together and for it to look like a rainbow like I don’t like that so it makes makes me like just a little bit anxious just not knowing what are the colors that are going to be and is it going to like all look good um cuz I like sort of um yeah I don’t know I don’t like to mix colors like like that but we’ll see what happens so Dalia’s roses sunflowers I have some zenyas here these are um I think these are pink pink senorita I believe yeah pink Sorita I think that’s what those are I have cingula here couple of them here and those are those are uh busy buzy be bzy be sunflowers those are yellow these here are baby proa plums that I just planted and and and some of the where you see these um my mulch this is cuz I’m going to plant some more sunflowers here but later on cuz I want them I’m succession planning it cuz I want them to go like all the way into the fall um so I have a couple of spaces that I just mulched that I’m going to plant more later these here are more this is Pro Cut white um this is Pro Cut Plum back there and teddy bear I have another 10 um foret dollas here this is some Gina I planted like I don’t know like six or eight of them I also have Cosmos not a lot of Cosmos um cuz I find that Cosmos gets like really big and it tends to like really take over so I just planted um two per square foot in the cosmo so I think I have on each end there’s there’s two I have two Cosmos right there and two right here on on either ends of the beds um and those are supposed to be really pretty there’s like um it’s like a fiery orangey red color I don’t remember the name right now um and this was supposed to be for my sweet peas that I planted I’ve never really grown sweet peas so I started them really late this year yeah you you were giving me a really good tip to fall plant them so that’s probably what I’ll do so that next year I have a nice Harvest of sweet peas and they’re growing up this trellis which is why you know this is why I put the trellis here cuz I wanted a really nice display of sweet pead but yeah and then if your fall plant by this time next year they’ll be full bloom yeah that’s the idea I wanted I wanted the sweet peas here and then I planted the Roses cuz I cuz I wanted I wanted some color here some type of Interest while the the seeds that I but but the plants that I do from seeds while that gets big I at least have the the Roses In Bloom and the sweet peas to provide interest while the bed is like all these you know flowers are still growing that’s really why I did it um so then you have garlic back there yeah that garlic I I I plant it in in the fall and as I understand it it’s pretty much almost ready to pick I think it’s like mid June when you can start picking it like I think it’s when like like the bottom half of the leaves are brown or something like this I’ve this is my first time growing garlic so we’ll see they they look they look nice to me so we’ll see what I get so once I pull this out which will be in know in in a week or two um I have a lot of uh Gina that I haven’t solded anywhere so this bed is probably going to be Gina gumina and snapdragons this bed back here again I I tried to plant sweet peas they were supposed to grow up this trellis but they’re still babies and more these are more dalas uh these are white dalas um I think it’s white white Perfection white Perfection yeah I don’t I don’t grow a lot of white I love white flowers but so I I I seed these cuz I I I just I like white and I didn’t want to mix the the white with all the cuz I know that bed it’s going to be like an explosion of color over there so I wanted this to be a little bit more subtle back here these are zenyas that I planted um I think they’re some type of light pink pastel dollia I don’t remember the name right now and I have more kangela back here and this was um this was a doll that you gifted me actually um fair oh Fair Cliff spice yeah Fair Cliff spice I don’t was a cutting it was a cutting yeah not growing very much it’s not growing very much yeah it’s it’s been about it’s been at about the same size since I it grew a little bit since I put it in there Wonder but was my first time taking a cutting Cris so maybe you know were the coron bronze ones cuting too no those are tubers I you the tubers yeah cuz those are big um so we’ll see what happen I mean it looks it looks healthy it’s just not growing very much so we’ll see what happens this part of my garden is uh a bit Shady cuz I have the I have the garage here and it’ll get Morning Light couple hours in the morning and then a little bit of light in the afternoon so this is all hydrangeas and they’re all white here this one is this one is almost and then this one too right here it’s like they’re really pretty it’s like a true white yeah and they make really nice um you they make really nice like dry flowers this guy right here is a David Austin Rose it’s um this one is called U test duberville and I just have it growing up this um this peach tree this is a CL me it’s a short climber it’ll get to like maybe 8 10 ft tall right now the rain like the the petals took a good beating with all the rain water but it’s it’s a very pretty it’s a very pretty color it’s like darkish this one it it’s it’s usually a darker pink um and it fades into like a lighter pink this is our Peach Tree um Red Haven Peach wow there’s so many peaches in this Tre there’s a lot of peaches on the tree so we’re going to have to come up with some recipes for like um peach cobbler peach pie Sal um Sal yes Peach and havan salsa everything Peach we planted this one 3 years ago and so with fruit trees and like all the other trees I think what is it that they say they say the first year it sleeps the second year it creeps and then the third year it leaps so this is the third year so it did it did leap and we got a bunch of peaches so hopefully we can Harvest uh we can Harvest them and so that’s I’m very excited and it’s also very healthy looking which I’m happy about that um and then it’s a shame that you can’t see the Roses I this is like this is full of roses right now they were in their this is the first flush that I got and that started like 2 weeks ago and they were looking pretty nice up until yesterday actually but we got a lot of rain and the rain took care of the petals that were left um but these are David Austin Roses and I like to again interplant them with Salvia I have Salvia here here and this these three here I have one two three I have about five different roses here this one is a basa Bell you can’t that’s sort of the color on the rose it’s it’s a little faded right now it’s very beautiful it’s still beautiful um I wish you could have seen it you know what it looked like in all its Glory completely like just blooming it was absolutely breathtaking so yeah I have three basketball rolles here this is another roll Bush I have the rolls push there in the middle but I’m not going to say too much about it cuz they’re not they’re not a bloom right now but do you have pictures of them I’m can put pictures I have pictures yeah so maybe yeah you can I do have pictures uh this is another Bosell I tried to plant them you know just to get that impact I put several here oh you put together yeah I put them all together just so that it looks bushier and bigger and this was a beautiful Sarah burnhard peie that uh that lasted a couple couple days I love Peis they’re one of my favorite flowers but they don’t Unfortunately they don’t last very long and they’re only here for like a little bit of time what do you have behind you here these beds oh these are my uh Heritage raspberries I planted three in this bed of when I first started well yeah when I when I first started expanding the garden um I planted three here this bed is 2 ft wide by 8 ft long there was three small raspberry bushes that I planted here a couple years ago and it yeah it’s it took over the whole bed and it’s yeah it gets about it’s going to grow a little bit more from here maybe like another 6 in and and they’re vigorous and they produce a lot of berries last year we got a big crop and I actually still have berries in my uh freezer in freezer bags that we harvested last summer and they’re still you know we haven’t used them so I planted two beds full of these cuz I cuz I figured I wanted a lot of berries and I might have planted too many but cuz again these are like uh one the same thing as strawberries like you plant them in the bed and then this is this is their home you can’t you know this is where they live all year round you can’t use the bed for anything else maybe in the future I might just keep one bed and use one bed you know for some use the other bed for something else but for now both beds are planted with these raspberries um and these are the type that don’t need trellising so these will um these will stay sort of like I said up to this tall oh yeah it looks very contained I just realized that it looks great it stays contained yeah it doesn’t you don’t they don’t they don’t need support um there’s some berries that do this one I forget what the type is but this is the type that doesn’t need it it doesn’t come to my mind right now um when I did plant them I did want a type where I wasn’t going to need a trist cuz I just I wanted something simple anyway yeah we’ll get a big flush in early July and then it’ll it’ll it’ll keep going until like the fall like we’ll just keep getting berries and berries and berries this here is a small apple tree that I planted a couple years ago and it uh I got one or two apples on here but not a lot it’s a honey crisp apple tree but it’s a young tree it’s only like this is its third year I thought we would get something here but with apple trees like we have the big tree in the front it took that tree like 6 years to start producing so wow I’m still waiting for this one to grow a little bit bigger and give us something um and then back here I have more Camp mins I have uh three rolles here this one’s the David Austin rolls a really pretty uh pastel yellow one um it’s called Vanessa Bell and like you can see it’s a very pretty pastel I’m not a huge fan of a very strong yellows but I love this pastel yellow it’s like this buttery and like beautiful um and as the rose gets older it like almost Fades into like a white it’s just really nice and it has an amazing fragrance too I planted three here and it’s as you can see it’s almost as tall as I am so it’s it’s a nice vigorous Rose and how old are those these are mature um 3 years old and this is our other peach tree that got Peach Leaf curl so we’re not going to get nothing from her this year and I’m not like I’m not an expert on growing fruit trees if maybe if somebody in the comments that does know more about fruit trees if they can let me know what I can do next year to like maybe uh prevent that the other one is looking beautiful and honestly there’s enough Peaches on that other tree so I’m not going to be too upset but I you know I do want this tree to be healthier at least that is it came with the house I can tell you I actually took a picture of it with one of the plant identif ification apps and it did give me a name and it looked to be um it looked to be accurate as far as what it was um but I can’t remember the name right now off the top of my head but I do love it it did come with the house it is beautiful that’s why I asked I was like I want to get one of those if I move to a house one day beautiful yeah it is beautiful it puts on this beautiful like white you can see it is these beautiful like little frilly white flowers and what I really like about it is like it puts on that flush when like nothing else is like really doing anything in the garden like the Tulips had already gone um most of the Roses weren’t here yet but this comes on really early like I forget it’s been it’s now uh first week of June this has been here like that um maybe for like uh I want to say three or 4 weeks now so and it lasts a while yeah those white flowers and it also shades the greenhouse um for the majority of the summer so I’m able to actually grow stuff in there I know a lot of people have cuz the greenhouse you want to position it where like you get the maximum amount of sun um obviously um and sometimes I know people that have that issue where they plant they put the greenhouse and then they can’t grow anything in the summer because it’s too much sun and it’s too hot but I don’t have that problem here thankfully cuz that that tree provides a lot of shade and I do try and grow stuff in here um it’s nice to have the space like it helps you um extend your season like by like I think like by a good month month month to a half you’ll extend your season with whatever you plant in here um usually I don’t have anything planted in here now um if you just want to take uh if you just want to see you know for what it looks like but course we love green houses look at that these are yeah so I have my little bench here my little potting pot potting bench thing and this is this is nice to come in here I like using this in the winter when everything else is dead and it’s nice to just come in here and like peek on the Citrus and like see what’s happening here so it is nice I love having it and so yeah I have this this is nice cuz it functions as like shelving and there’s a little um a little container thing in there where you can put soil into it and and this also closes up if you needed if I needed more um Contour space I can close this up I have a bunch of space there yep and I have a little a little shelving unit here and these are two planters that I uh set up last fall uh last year here I grew mostly um Peppers peppers and like herbs oh inside so yeah in here um so this year I’m I’m probably going to do the same I just haven’t gotten around to uh to freshening up the soil oil and actually planting anything um but this is mostly I do mostly use this for um over wintering over wintering my Citrus and and stuff like that do you do your seeds starting in here too I see a lot of started seeds or you do it inside and then transfer over here I yeah this this year I actually made the mistake of starting the seeds here and my seeds were really behind because we you know obviously you get really cold nights so I won’t be doing that again um I think ideally you want to start your seeds inside that’s what I’m going to start doing from now on till forever start them inside and then the greenhouse is nice to like transition them like before you put them outside for the hard like um for the U hardening is it um hardening them off I think the greenhouse is like an amazing transition like from the outside to cuz just to the before you start doing that um so that’s what I’m going to start doing from now on inside in here in the greenhouse and then outside these are the um the eggplant babies that I thought had died and they didn’t and they’re like they’re looking really healthy so now I have to find room maybe I might grow these in here I don’t know um and these are the baby gfre now that I still have to plant out in that other section of the uh Cut Flower Garden more uh basil that I have here that’s still growing and this is more Cosmos and basil and stuff Thai Peppers that I always grow so yeah so this area right here um I mostly for flowers again like the flowers are slowly taking over my garden and again I’m not I’m not mad about that I’ve been purposefully growing a lot of flowers so Chris did you start with only vegetables too like me I started with only vegetables yeah like I said when I first started gardening like 6 years ago maybe I did start with like three four or five little 2×4 beds and they were all just vegetables um I didn’t really understand like why people would even grow flowers with the vegetables I was like cuz but that cuz that space that you could be using to grow food is what I would think and it’s like uh no so now I’m much more about the companion planting and the flowers and just like aesthetically like it just brings in like so much Beauty yes and you it makes a beautiful space that you want to be in right yeah it’s not going to be beautiful it’s like for me I like to surround myself but with beautiful things like so for me like the garden is almost like an extension of my house like my house is surrounded by a lot of things that I enjoy looking at that are pretty um cuz if it’s not going to be beautiful and if it’s not going to bring you Joy then I don’t see the point so a lot of this this this is where this whole flower thing started and then I uh I purchased a Bosco Bell rose from a garden center and I was like oh my God this Rose is beautiful like what is this Rose and then I found out about David Austin and and and so that went I’ve been in that rabbit hole ever since and been slowly just adding more and more roses and David Austin Roses to this Garden um and then while I say that unfort these two here I have these two I have um two David Austin rolles they’re not blooming right now um but they do have a lot of new growth lot of buds um this one has a lot of buds too right here what color they will be these are a beautiful like light pink apricot in the middle like just I have pictures that you can add if you if you want just to see what they look like so they like anchor this space right here and uh I always have flower pots as well these are patunas um uh this is um I just planted that it’s the super super something yellow I can’t remember what the exact petunia name is but yeah I like to plant patunas here with the roses and um this rose right here newly planted this one is not a David Austin Rose um it’s a I believe it’s from a French breeder um May mayand I think it is and it was just really pretty and I picked it up at the Garden Center the other day cuz it had all these Buds and I said I wasn’t going to buy anymore but I went and I bought more so that’s how how it goes so it’s it has a really nice fragrance and again it’s like a really pretty like like um that that peachy pink color salmon pink apricot color that I really like I love this color too I love L of my D is I kind of like this yeah it’s a really like versatile like color so I planted that there this is another Elizabeth Rose um new rose bush so that that that’ll fill out cuz it gets it’ll get big I also it’s a shame that it’s not in blue but this one here is the Gabriel Oak oh is the one I have now you have in your garden and yeah it has a really nice scent it’s not it’s not in bloom but this is another David Austin rose again not in bloom but it it wasn’t blo it had its first flush and then it it went away uh and what color is this one this one is like a light pink mhm uh this is another this is the yellowish uh uh like a light yellowish uh bring me sunshine it’s a new one that they introduced this year as well David Austin Rose and so you’ll have to come back and do a a video with with all the Roses when when those are in bloom my pleasure I love to come here and look at this beautiful garden again so um and so I’ll say a little bit about the bench so this is like a memorial bench that I uh that I put out here for my dog lla she was like the heart and soul of the house and she passed away recently and so we wanted to honor her memory in like a very special way so we actually the other day um spread her ashes throughout the garden so she’s here in spirit now and we dedicated this beautiful bench to her so this is like her Memorial bench and it’s a beautiful spot to sit in um I like to have a lot of different spots to sit around in the garden and this is probably like my favorite now it’s a really nice it’s a nice view this one this tree here I planted 3 years ago this is a Fuji apple tree or Fiji Fiji Apple yes this year we didn’t get any Blooms from it sadly I know but um I’m okay with that cuz it does look healthy and it looks like it’s still growing and I’m I’m happy with that so hopefully next year we’ll get something from it so do you think you planted in here it will eventually get really big and shade stuff or this is one of the things that I’m going to have to keep on top of and just really uh prune it like really heavily prun PR it every year so that it doesn’t like I’d like it to to obviously fill out a little bit more but I don’t want it to get to the point where it’s massive and shading everything but I think I can if I if I prune it I think I can keep on top of it um I did want a tree here in the middle just for like I thought it would look nice yeah it’s a great censor kind of piece like a centor piece you know again like maybe not the best for like easy maintenance cuz I am going to come in here and have to prune it I think we got everything this is yeah this is my garden and I hope that you all enjoyed this tour so thank you so much Chris for inviting me over here and showing your beautiful garden to all of us yeah no it was it was my absolute pleasure and I really hope you guys enjoyed this tour and yeah it was a lot of fun yeah it was great we actually have to get some work done because I did come here to help Chris out with his garden for a little bit so yes you did and I’m going to I’m going I’m going to use you as as a as help right now cuz I I don’t usually get help out here and it’s a lot and so it’ll it’ll be nice to have some help so if you want to follow Journey he also he actually has an Instagram that he has been posting a lot of this stuff from this Garden so yes I’m trying to post more and more now so if you do want to follow me I’m at Hudson Valley Gardener um on Instagram and yeah you can I try to post videos and pictures and about everything that’s going on around here so please make sure to give him a follow too thank you so much for watching today I hope you’re having a great day and I’ll see you next time bye guys


  1. Chris, your garden is a gardener’s dream. A perfect mix of flowering plants and vegetables. I can only imagine when the sun sets on everything in the evening or walking around looking at everything at sunrise with some tea in my hands. It’s SPECTACULAR. You did an incredible job 🙏🏾❤

  2. Forgot to add, that you’ve inspired me to add more roses to my garden as well. I’ve always been intimidated growing roses, but you’ve been my inspiration. Also, you need a sponsorship from David Austin Roses 🌹. Great job!

  3. This is a great surprise ! Nice content! Please do more of this kind video content. There are so many gardeners in here in NY. I really enjoy to see other varieties of plants too❤❤❤❤❤❤

  4. Absolutely beautiful and so prolific!!! I learned so much watching this. How does he remember everything with very few labels? He must have a great memory and must be intentional in his gardening, e.g., putting mulch in certain spaces where he knows he will be planting certain things later. I love how he explained his gardening journey from just growing veggies to going into the flower "rabbit hole". So great. Thank you for filming this. I wish I could hit the Like button multiple times!!!

  5. Mari love the content you did today- I would love to know how Chris cooks his eggplants actually I would love to see how both of you use your veggies in meals🍓

  6. This was so so fun to watch!! I absolutely love this series and Chris's garden is absolutely beautiful – the roses, the attention to aesthetics and layout, clearly so much to see that we all can learn from. Really looking forward to an update on Chris's garden in August when everything blooms, I can only imagine how amazing that tour will be!

  7. This was so much fun, thanks for touring this beautiful garden. Will definitely give Chris a follow. I really enjoy seeing different garden styles. From a fellow Hudson Valley gardener. 😊

  8. Hola!! Saludos desde Canarias, me encanta tu jardín Chris, Yosa (mi hijo) me ha hablado mucho de tus rosas. Muchas gracias Mariana por compartir vídeos tan interesantes y bonitos 👏👏👏

  9. Chris' Garden is both a dream and an inspiration, so well thought out and beautifully executed. His enthusiasm and love for his plants are so touching! This was a wonderful video.

  10. Chris, what a beautiful garden of LOVE! I really enjoyed your tour and saw so much Love for your plants as you showed each one. Thank you so much. I love to garden too and live in Florida but my garden does not compare to yours. I've got a long way to go to reach the beauty of your beautiful garden! Pat

  11. I'm just watching behind on my videos .Wow! Beautiful garden! Does he have drip? Or water by hand? The structures he is using you find in Asian gardens.The Asian youtubers I watch they make them from that sturdy bamboo from the Forrest. I would love to see more videos like this.I love garden tours 😅😅😅 ❤ Have a great day

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