Gardening Australia

How to kill these mushrooms?

Based in Vic. These mushroom have appeared all over in our raised garden bed. Bicarb soda didn’t work. Any ideas?

by SpecialistTiny832


  1. enriquex

    Most mushrooms you should just leave. All they represent is decaying matter in the soil which is rarely a bad thing

    They’ll disappear on their own in a few days

    Mushrooms are a sign of a thriving and biodiverse soil

    Now, some mushrooms in particular could be dangerous, but it is very unlikely. Just wear gloves and pick them off if you’re worried

    I would just leave them to do their thing

  2. Anything you use to kill them will kill and beneficial fungus, just let them run their course, they’ll be gone soon enough.

    We get all kinds of mushrooms popping up, even randomly out of the lawn. None of the last too long.

  3. meowtacoduck

    They’re beneficial for soil. Leave them be. It makes your soil healthier!

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