Gardening UK

Toads in my garden, are they dangerous. Will they stick around or leave

I just went out at night in my garden and can hear rustling everywhere.. at first I thought it was rats then I see it's toads. Probably over 10 of them. Are they bad for the garden.

by i-knocked-out-my-nan


  1. HelmutFondler

    This guy is your & your gardens best friend.I wish i had one in my garden.

  2. No. Depends on if you have an environment suitable for them to live in. If not send them to that guy who posted here yesterday who bought frogspawn

  3. dutchgypsy

    Oh wow! Your garden is truly blessed with these chonkers!

  4. Immediate_Virus1346

    Your garden won the lottery. Yes, they are VERY dangerous for slugs. Unless you keep pet slugs or you’re rearing slugs for the kitchen, toads are your friend. You are very lucky to have them.

  5. Significant_Wasabi11

    Very dangerous so you’d best relocate them to my garden as I am trained in the special toad dance.

  6. Do you have dogs? They do secrete a poison that can harm or kill them. I wouldn’t touch them with your bare hands, but otherwise they are great for your garden.

  7. Plane-Sport3391

    It’s cute! Maybe leave some water out first them

  8. CastleMeadowJim

    See if you can make a little covered area for them if it gets too hot.

    Growing up for some reason Telford was toad central, we always left jars on their side in shaded corners or planks of wood propped up against fences to give them little shelters.

    They’re great: you can pet them, they don’t damage anything, they look cute as hell. 8/10, fantastic animals.

  9. saturdaysandsundays

    Can I borrow them I have so many slugs

  10. chaosandturmoil

    cats tend to attack them which is a pain as they are useful in the garden.. i woke up one night with a frog on the side of my face. cat thought id like a toy to play with.

  11. Adventurous-Radio422

    can anyone tell me why toads never run away or move even when facing danger? the OP is recoding it close up but it’s just sitting there not running. they never run in all the videos I see of them. they sit there unfazed or walk slowly. that’s not a good survival trait is it. how have they lived this long without going extinct

  12. gustinnian

    You are privileged if they stick around or not.

  13. Westsidepipeway

    I miss toads in my garden. They’re fine. Dog used to be very confused by them. Ha

  14. Fragrant-Field1234

    Nothing in UK is dangerous other than Reform party.

  15. BBC_40200DDB

    It’s all good!! They will eat all the slugs and snails in the food chain. Your flowers and shrubs will love them for it!! These pest cause so much damage to plant life.

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