Lawn Care

This is why we do it

Bermuda in central Texas. Going from an ankle’s worst (brown) nightmare to this has been a journey, but this makes it worth it.

by Loud_Ad1700


  1. asharwood101

    100% hands down the most best answer ever. When I go outside I want my daughter to be able to do backflips. My dog to run around chasing a ball, my wife and I to sit in it…and none of us be poked or pricked. I’ve had weedy lawns and I can remember times when my young daughter would say “I don’t wanna go out there because I be hurt” (she’s talking about a lawn with weeds and some have pricks.) now I’ve got a actual grass lawn and DAILY… I mean every day she’s like “can I do flips in the lawn” and wife and I sit out side in rocking chairs watching our daughter attempt flips and what not in the grass. Shes not complaining about prickles or being hurt. It’s 100% worth it.

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