No Lawns

Advice on cutting back clover

Hi all, I've posted a few times on here about our new clover garden (East Anglia, UK).

We're going to cut it back at the end of the summer and wondered if anyone had opinions on weather to bag and bin the clippings or to take the bag off the mower and leave the clippings on top.

My partner was concerned leaving that much cut clover on top would block the sunlight and kill what's left underneath (the white cover is over a foot tall now and the red is nearly two feet; see photo) but given the poor quality of the soil I thought leaving the clippings would be better.

We thought we'd ask The Collective before we think about cutting back around October. So far we've just let it grow other than cutting back the paths through the garden.

by Whisky_Delta



    I think you will need to rake the cut debris otherwise it will mat down and smother the plants.

    Ia there a reason you are letting it grow without cutting it? It’s going to be very hard to mow at this rate. It will probably tear and bind up the blades. You might need to use a scythe. 

  2. Chedda3PO

    I think if you mow it on highest setting and then go over the area with a leaf rake to pull the live material up and allow the cut to filter down it will be fine, especially if you have a mulching mower.

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