Plant Propagation

How’d I do?

These are wineberry bushes (Rubus phoenicolasius) that I’m trying to move from Pennsylvania to Pensacola, Florida. I’ve found these newly growing ones and attempted to transplant them into these Powerade bottles to move. I’m driving down to Florida in about 3-4 days and won’t be there in about 5-6 days. When I get home I can place these into correct sized pots to grow.

My main question is will they survive about a week in these bottles and is there anything I should keep in mind and or do to improve their chances of survival?

Ps: this is my first time ever trying propagating/transplanting. I’m new lol

by The_Icyest

1 Comment

  1. Flat_Sympathy_6940

    Did these have roots when put in the bottles?

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