
Smells can be remedied, greens & browns found will be found, and the black gold will flow

I've been composting for decades and in the end, the house always wins– nature will break it down. We're just here to supervise.

by EveningsOnEzellohar


  1. clamjabber

    Yeah don’t over think it, folks. Pile stuff up and leave it

  2. MrPerfectionisback

    in a way, this answers half the questions we ask there (mine included)

  3. spruce-bruce

    That’s what’s nice about composting – the process and time scale make it very forgiving. If it’s rotten then like… fix it this week or next week or whatever. If it’s dry then like…. maybe wait a month til it rains if you don’t feel like adding water right now

  4. Gingerlyhelpless

    If you do it right or not sooner or later it’ll be dirt

  5. Street_Tangelo_9367

    Rule no 1 of composting: don’t overthink it. Rule no 2: pee on it

  6. Carpaydiyum

    But do I need to hire someone to baby sit it?

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