
My yard has been taken over:(

Is it still savable? How??

by Ambitious-Daikon-170


  1. Hey-buuuddy

    Crabgrass. In the peak of summer it gets healthy. It’s an annual, so it will die in fall- but it leaves its seed for next year. It will blot out your normal grass, then when it dies in winter it leaves barren areas that become muddy/etc.

    The best thing to do is to apply a pre-emergent crabgrass killer. It’s just granules that get spread. Your normal grass is a perennial, most weeds and crabgrass are annnuals. You simply don’t let the weeds and crabgrass germinate.

    I’m not a fan of lawn chemicals, but for crabgrass I’ll apply some. It will take over your yard and you’ll have a crappy winter yard.

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