
What’s going on here

Pretty sure this frydek is (mostly) healthy, just curious what this leaf coloration is.

Medical history:
– Bought 3 mo ago. In a chunky, well-draining soil (haven’t changed from the plant store but appears to be combo of bark, perlite, soil)
– Bought with 4 leaves. Dropped 2 when I brought home, and since put out 3 in a row without dropping. The new leaf in the background is #5
– Water about every week, usually with miracle grow fertilizer. Occasionally reg water
– Right next to south facing window. Occasionally gets some streaks of “direct” sunlight from building reflections (I’m in Manhattan lol)
– Humidity 50-70%, temp 72-77°F
– No obvious pest problem
– Can see healthy white roots through the drainage holes in the pot so don’t think it’s root rot

Hopefully there’s some good starter info in here but I’m sure I left some stuff out. Let’s go Reddit hive mind!

by One_Elephant_4628


  1. Safe-Refrigerator-65

    It’s an edema. Happens when they have too much water; usually doesn’t harm the leaves, but it can if it happens too often.

  2. Falafelmeister92

    Can you show the backside of that leaf? It could be oedema. Alocasias get that all the time when the cells can’t get rid of excess water.

    If it’s not oedema, it might be a bit of sport variegation 🙂

  3. One_Elephant_4628

    So edema is the cause. Question here if increasing airflow (fairly still air in the apartment right now) so that rate of transpiration goes up will help or is it purely a quantity / frequency of watering issue?

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