
Help! How do I set up moss poles to support this giant monstera with multiple plants in the pot?

As you can see the plants desperately need supports and are leaning out of the pot. I’m planning to try to tease apart all the plants from the root ball so I can reorient them to attach to moss poles. My question is, how many poles do I need? There are 6 mature plants with large stems that I’m focusing on, 2 smaller less mature ones, and 3 little baby ones. I’m only really worried about support for the 6 huge ones, and might just take the small plants out of this pot. Is it okay to have multiple plants on one moss pole? Like 3 moss poles with two plants on each. Another question, should I try to get all the plants facing the same direction towards the sun, or facing outwards from the pot so it’s fuller. Im also going to upsize the pot to give more space for the moss poles, any advice on plastic vs terracotta?

by origamia

1 Comment

  1. PowerfulRoof_

    Setting up moss poles for your Monstera sounds like a fun project! For 6 large plants, you could go with 3 moss poles, with 2 plants on each. It’s totally okay to have multiple plants on one pole; just ensure they’re securely attached. As for orientation, consider facing them towards the sun for even growth, but facing outwards can create a fuller look. When upsizing the pot, think about terracotta for better aeration or plastic for moisture retention, based on your watering habits.

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