
Did I mess up the top of my propagation?

About 3 weeks ago I got a few cuttings from my mother plant and they're growing some pretty good roots now. The top cutting looks great but the two after that are calloused on the top from where I cut.

Will this ever grow out or is it stuck like that?

What can I do different in my next cutting if so?



  1. Trick_Intention1787

    It looks like there is a small new leaf with a leaf bud growing. It will grow a new branch, just from the side and not the top where it is calloused. If you don’t like the look you can stick with only top cuts, or you could also bury the cutting in substrate to try to root directly in substrate (thus hiding the portion of the cane that you cut from). You can also try just cutting off a few leaves and rooting a leaf to grow a new plant. This method takes quite a while, so it may not be as fun as taking more established cuttings.

  2. HelianthusLuna

    Canes don’t root from leaves, so don’t do that. But this propagation looks great! No mistakes that I can see. New growth will come from nodes on mid cuts, unlike the the top cut. This is very normal. Eventually the new growth will be it’s own “top cut”. Nothing to worry about =)

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