
Arborvitae: straighten up or no?

Greetings, I saw a few posts on the argument, but I wondered if I can get some opinions here. I live in Wisconsin (zone5) and this past winter the ties keeping my arborvitae straight snapped under the weight of icy snow and the tree got frozen in a bent position for a month and more.

After it thawed, I waited to see if the tree was going to get up by itself and also to see if it had any lasting damage.

Apart from some dieback in few spots, with tips becoming dry and brown, the tree doesn’t seem to be damaged and the trunk is not split.

I am starting to wonder now what to do in the winter. It can’t stay like this or I’m sure this time it will snap for good.

Do I force it back into position and tie with straps? The bigger trunk is the one most bent, so not sure what I would tie it too.

Any recommendations?

by VitanTater

1 Comment

  1. tatanka_christ

    I’ve never seen them rebound. Seen plenty of creative attempts to force them back upright, but never with success. I wish landscapers would stop pushing the arb hype. They just can’t handle snow unless they’re shaken repeatedly throughout a sustained snowfall.

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