
Finally got the property of my dreams. Just 1.5 acres but it will do!

Finally got the property of my dreams. Just 1.5 acres but it will do!

by Diligent-Cellist-170


  1. VintageJane

    Looks like you might have some wetlands around you. Be very careful about how your runoff/other activities could impact those areas. There’s lots of technical assistance and grants available for conservation to help incentivize proactivity.

  2. lurker-1969

    Where abouts ? Believe me, 1.5 acres will keep you quite busy. Also that is enough land to nearly become self sufficient done properly.

  3. Blackbeards-delights

    What do you do for a living? Is it something remote or you’re able to work in town?

  4. stevosaurus_rawr

    Epic. I’m still waiting for an invite… congrats 🍾

  5. Amazing-Future6099

    Congratulations!  Montana?  Love it. 

     “Buy land, they’re not making it anymore.” – Mark Twain

  6. sofluffy22

    Where is this? It is so green and beautiful. Washington? Alaska? New York? Vermont?

  7. Bitter-Light-2223

    My dream is exactly that photo. A grassy clearing surrounded by forests in a valley near mountains. Congrats!

  8. Pleasant-Gift-3437

    OMG! We’re practically neighbors, well Reddit neighbors. I live in the same state. Congrats on your property. 🎉 🚜

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