
Looking for advice on drainage issue

Looking for advice on drainage issue/next steps

Hi all

Over the last couple years I’ve had a bit of a drainage issue come up in my backyard. We don’t really use the yard much but because of this we can’t go out there when it rains because the backyard just floods and in the warmer months the standing water attracts bugs and helps massive weeds grow back there.

We decided to try to tackle the issue. First I got a few quotes from different people and potential solutions but nothing useful or less than $6k.

Decided to tackle it myself by installing a dry well. Now we are at the point where I’ve dug a massive hole in my backyard and threw the well in there and was hoping to just hire a landscaper to put the pavers back in neatly with a drain attached to the well.

A couple important notes:
– the yard is fully pavers
– a drain was never put into the yard when the house was built in ‘92
– both of my neighbors had their backyards redone at some point in the last 15 years and I am now the lowest point between us 3 and get all of their water on top of my own
– Because of where I live this yard was built on top of a ton of clay
– not sure why or how but this clay is hard as cement so when we dug the hole we needed to break up the first hard layer of clay to get to the ground
– the water is still not dissipating at a regular speed

What would you guys suggest my next steps are?

TLDR: Paver backyard built on top of clay doesn’t drain water, get tons of water from rain and neighbors yards, installed a dry well that hasn’t helped much – what are my next steps?

by crmpool

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