Horticulture Terrariums

Suggestions for a beginner

Hello eveybody,

I just recently picked up on this hobby and i still have lots of research to do. I managed to get my hands on this container and i need some advice from you.

Is this suitable for plants that like a more humid environment or should i go for cactuses and succulents?

I watch youtube tutorials in my free time but i would appreciate any useful advice from you.


by Frequent_Gear_6132

1 Comment

  1. AutoModerator

    Hey Frequent_Gear_6132

    Did you know succulents have adapted to grow and thrive in areas with limited water sources, dry periods, and bright direct light? Most terrarium spaces are the exact opposite of that which can cause terrariums to fail! If it’s your first terrarium don’t fret, we have a list of resources to help you build a successful and happy terrarium!

    Have you checked out our [resource page](https://www.reddit.com/r/terrariums/wiki/index/resources/)?

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