Plant Propagation

Is this cordyline ready for soil?

The roots grew pretty quickly, wondering if i should leave it in water for longer or transfer it to soil. I never propagated cordyline fruiticosa before so I'm thinking this is the best place to ask.

by bir96rain


  1. Some people will say to put it in the soil as soon as you see roots to avoid future stress but I usually wait. It’s up to you.

    Edit: those roots that grow in the water are super fragile. I like to wait till they are bigger so that they are more likely to not break off during potting.

  2. SizeMaleficent7374

    I agree, I think you should wait until there like 2 inches at least, give or take

  3. bir96rain

    Thanks so much guys, will post an update 👌🏻💖🐬

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