Indoor Garden

was this actually a good deal or did i just tell myself what i wanted to hear so i could buy them 🫥

found these beauties at Ikea and they both came home with me 😅 i told myself it was a “steal” but now im wondering if i was gaslighting myself into buying them!!

by lopsyflopsy


  1. New_Chemical3494

    I got my ikea d.marginata for $2.50. But under 5 is very good for one that’s been topped off for multiple growth points. I don’t think you can beat 3.99 except at other ikeas where they’re on sale.

  2. CorbinDalasMultiPas

    These days I’d say any plant that makes you happy, is $5, and is a 4 inch pot or bigger is a good deal. At my local nursery or the plany shop at the farmers market, thats an $8-12 plant.

  3. Desklokdesklok

    If you’re wanting us to approve, we do.

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