Plant Clinic

Did I screw up my dragon tree?

Alright so I will preface this with the fact that I have no clue what I’m doing.

The leaves were getting long on this dragon tree so I cut them back. Now it looks goofy and I definitely should’ve done my research before doing this. Are all of these leaves that I cut going to die now?

Thanks in advance

by armeniaman


  1. Lol I’m sorry, this made a laugh a little.

    Those leaves will stay looking like that until they die, but it shouldn’t kill those leaves. Probably will have a good mix of pointy leaves and lobbed off leaves eventually when new ones grow in.

  2. boneyardlurker

    Haha no. Your tree doesn’t need to be trimmed but it’s cute.

  3. sackoftrees

    Me when I think giving myself bangs is a good idea

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