
Can anyone advise?

I've got this Jacklyn, had it for a little over a year. A few months ago (I think 3 but maybe 4) I transitioned the plant into LECA. As you can see from pictures 3 and 4, the plant is currently, actively producing water roots.

The EC is 0.9 (flashing between 1 and 0.8 on bluelab's truncheon) made with "Growth Technology IONIC Hydro grow" and pH adjusted to 5.5 to begin with, all the plants in LECA are in this mix.
The temperature in the house is a steady(ish) 19c and humidity is in the ranges of 69-79% (ye I know I live in a fucking cave)
Got a grow light, but as you can see from the last picture, there's more plants that are bigger and closer to the light that don't express this issue.

The issue is the clawing of the leaves, it's been happening to the last few sets of leaves, before transitioning and now after, the newest leaf was flat for maybe a day, before curling like this down again.

Anybody got any clue what could I be doing wrong? Open to any and all suggestions 🙂

by AcidBubbleLord

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