Plant Clinic

I think my favourite plant is dying

I've had her for around 2 years now, and she was doing fine until recently. A few days ago one of her leaves got a brown spot, so i pruned it. Then I had to leave for 2 days, and her previously fine looking leaves now look like this.

I water about once a week with a bit of liquid fertilizer, and have her right in front of my window (have had her there for months now with no problems).

Any help would really be appreciated, since she's my favourite plant and i don't want her to die on me 🙁

by ez_vee


  1. Internal_Cap_1624

    Have you seen some tiny black dots on the back of the leaves? It might be thrips

  2. PlaneEntertainer7285

    make sure you don´t have these little buggers []( if you do, there are a few ways of getting rid of them, but you should act fast before they spread. try to find an insecticide that has acetamiprid in it, but only if your plant is infested by those bugs.

    also, replant your monstera into a larger pot, roots definitely need more space than they have now.

    anyone who finds this info wrong, please correct me.

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