
Now vs before progress/ regression

thought i’d share this because i find it hilarious. The one on the right in the ‘now’ photo i got almost a year ago, it was very full and beautiful. it put out a few new leaves at first and then they all died and fell off except for the 2 you see pictures. nothing new happened with it for months, no new leaves, the old ones didn’t die and fall off. then recently it just started shooting out new leaves and they haven’t died or fallen off yet (praying they don’t lol).

the one on the left in the ‘before’ picture was even bigger than the first one when i bought it. so full and beautiful. then, every. single. one. died. except for the tiny little one you see in the ‘now’ picture lmfao. no new leaves, but no dying leaves either at the moment. been like this for about 2 months now… hoping it starts to take off like the other one did after nothing new happening hahaha.

both are cared for the exact same way. idk why they’ve done this but it’s been a journey🤣 and a painful one because i was so upset when they stRted dying haha. i don’t know what either one is exactly, but they’re so beautiful i hope they grow big and gorgeous like so many i’ve seen in this group haha. hope you enjoy the pics 😂

by pinkyxpie20

1 Comment

  1. disposable_thinking_

    They probably need more light/humidity if I had to warrant a guess!

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