Plant Identification

Any of yall know this weird white substance?

Moved this pot and found this weird milky substance. Dk what kinda plant it is, maybe a ZZ plant or wtv its called? As you can see, the plastic dish its in has collected what looks to be a coagulated version of the white stuff, any of yall know what this is?

by freaky_pantsbob


  1. lekerfluffles

    I think it’s just minerals/water damage from where the water was and then dried up, tbh. I don’t think it has anything to do with your plant.

  2. Consistent-Leek4986

    salt & other mineral deposits accumulated in the saucer that is way too small. no plant in a container wants to sit in water. the saucer is there to
    protect the table or deck under it, and shouldn’t stop draining. if you want to keep the plant, I’d repot in fresh soil.

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