Plant Clinic

Ive got this young sequoia plant in my house and for all intends and purposes it seems to be doing great, except it has these long droopy/hanging branches while every image of seedling sequoia’s i see online has them firmly pointed upwards. Anyone know if there is something wrong?

Ive got this young sequoia plant in my house and for all intends and purposes it seems to be doing great, except it has these long droopy/hanging branches while every image of seedling sequoia’s i see online has them firmly pointed upwards. Anyone know if there is something wrong?

by Dantacular


  1. Plant_Clinic_Bot

    Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP:

    > Ive had the plant for a few months now and it has almost tripled in size in that time.
    > It has had this habbit of drooping branches basically since it really started to grow. It began really small and those small short branches, while week, did stay mostly upright.
    > The plant is sadly not in idea lighting conditions. My windows are all facing north which means it gets like 2 hours of direct sunlight in the morning and a lot of indirect sunlight during the rest of the day. Still, it seems to be growing decently.
    > I keep the soil wet though i try not to drown or waterlog it.

    If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.

  2. Dantacular

    u/AlwaysOobie1 previous post got deleted because the bot glitched so tagging you since you wanted to follow the post 🙂

  3. lizboardn

    I think it needs to be outside to get more light?

  4. Equivalent_You3129

    Tree’s that grow outside need to be outside.
    Your indoor climate is tropical.
    Sequoias are not tropical.

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