African Violets

What am I doing wrong?

I water 2 times a week by filling the plate on the bottom of the planter. The water has plant food in it. I haven’t been pruning it recently because I’m not seeing new growth…when I got this violet, the leaves were crisp…it gets pretty good light, it’s not always direct light though.

by kittypicnic

1 Comment

  1. ThePenguinGoesMoo

    I’d switch out the clay base plate for something plastic with a taller lip. When I water I fill the base so that my pot is sitting in about an inch to inch and a half of water. This allows the soil to soak up water from the bottom. Once the soil is saturated I empty the water. I also only add food every other watering or so.

    When you water, does your soil get saturated?

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