
We all have different symptoms but what is the cause?

I have three plants that two days ago were switched to my main hydroponic setup from their seedling setup, pics to follow. They were doing great and starting to add 3rd+set of true leaves.

Now once they've been moved I am seeing signs of death ☠️ I am worried. How can I save these gals? I'm locking in on the water. The seedling hydro res sat at 6.72pH and 800+ppm and the now permanent res sat at 6.3pH 200ppm yesterday and 480ppm today with pH down at 5.9 today.

My water temp is a little higher than I would like at 86degrees, but it seems like the seedling res would be the same water temp and they thrived there.

Could it be my lights too close or too far? They're at about 14" away.
First grow so take it easy on me

by readrOccasionalpostr


  1. ReddLordofIt

    I’m gonna say too little humidity and under fed. Underfeeding in hydro looks similar to overwatered in soil (droopy). The taco without white “burn” tips indicates low humidity as opposed to too much light. I’d follow light manufacturers recommendations plus a few inches further then bring closer til you notice just the very top leaves getting a small white tip, then back off a little

    Edit: or get photone app for light measurements best bang for you buck for hobbyists

  2. Ridgearoni

    There’s been some great advice given already, so I’ll not revisit those things. What I will say is that your main hydro system is not ideal for cannabis. Once they start thriving, their extensive root systems are going to clog up your plumbing. And your plants are way too close to each other. These type of setups are best for lettuces, herbs and things that don’t develop massive roots like tomatoes, peppers and cannabis. The footprint you have there would be great for one plant, but your lighting might need more vertical room once the plant(s) get bigger. You may want to research DWC or flood and drain for that footprint.

  3. PompousPablo

    Might need to invest in some buckets and air stones.

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