
Dried roots

Hi, this atabapoense i got has roots that emerged from the soil and have dried out hardened tips. I plan to repot soon and am wondering what to do with these.

Do i cut off the hard tips or just leave it? The part of the root under the soil is healthy and has secondary roots. When i repot should i just bury the hard tips? Or do i need to cut the hard ends to prevent rot? Thanks

by kutusita3


  1. Why would you harm the plant for no reason?

    Its just dry because it’s on top of the soil. The roots in the soil will spread normally and cutting the end won’t change anything (it’s just a wound that could get contaminated).

  2. MajesticBoxyRobot

    I just shove them back into the pot. Either loop them back in or if they are not staying – dig a little and put the root in and cover it back up.

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