
Proplifting from work 🫣

Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm always SO tempted to proplift but have never actually done it. And honestly, this probably doesn't even count–but they are renovating the library I work at and moved these glorious gigantic jade plants inside with no light 😤. I don't know how long they've been on the patio, but they're a special part of the library's history (to me, at least). We were there today and I was like "I think I want to grab a couple branches just in case these guys don't make it." And the coworker there with me needed no further inspiration, just started snapping off pieces excitedly, like "Yes! I am definitely into this." We're going to plant them up as insurance, and if the original plants actually survive, we'll have some offspring to add!
Anyway, wanted to share my very first time with y'all 😊

by annanumberone

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