Gardening Austin

whats happening to my watermelon?

melons been growing good, nice and big leaves, it was dying a bit a week or two ago, yellow leaves but has since come back arojnd and looks incredible, nice and dark green leaves that are huge, but this melon is looking wonky. i have a couple other small ones that havent grown in 2 weeks, but look fine, its just this one thats really sad 🙁

by JHZcar

1 Comment

  1. I’d say that if the black part is squishy, it’s rotting and trim it off. Rotting could be from pest damage, sitting in water/damp soil too long, Sun scorch, or disease. Could also not have fertilized completely or correctly. It happens to the first few blooms.

    If it’s not soft and just a weird black color, it looks like there may be a need for fertilizer? I don’t know. Never seen black that wasn’t rot 😅. Good luck! Don’t forget to feed it regularly with either compost or fish emulsion!

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