Plant Propagation

Yucca Aloifolia cuttings not growing roots?

So I have a bunch of Yucca Aloifolia in my front yard garden beds and I did some routine cleaning out of their dead leaves. While I was at it, I decided to take 4 top cuttings so that they would branch out from the cuts. I then read that the cuttings could be propagated in water or soil. I propagate a lot of different plants around the house with pretty good success, thanks to YouTube and Reddit. However, these have been sitting in water for a month and there are still no signs of roots emerging. Every article or video I watch they make it seem as it it’s so easy and I see their water propagations of their yuccas growing roots in water.

I removed the lower spikes from the bottoms and left around 6-7 inches of the trunk/stem exposed, just like I read to. The water is changed weekly to keep it fresh (it doesn’t get very dirty anyways but I still change the water).

What am I doing wrong? Do I just need to wait longer? There is no sign of them rotting but also no sign of growth. They get pretty good sun during the day. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


1 Comment

  1. IMallwaysgrowing

    When rooting cuttings, it’s best to keep them out of direct sun. This is because they don’t have roots to help replenish the water lost through transpiration. And, strong sun rays, alone, can stress out the cuttings. So, instead of being able to focus energy & resources into producing new roots, your cuttings may be putting those toward survival and healing/stabilizing themselves with already-stored water & nutrients.

    So, transfer them to bright SHADE and they should do better. No DIRECT sun. 😉👍

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