Gardening Austin

HEB green onions

How to grow green onions from HEB – Buy your green onions and put your roots in water (go for a vase or appropriately shaped vessel). Replace the water every day for at least a week (sometimes two) until you have lovely healthy roots. (If you don’t change the water everyday, you may get rot. Don’t do that.) Now you’re ready for planting in the full sun! To sustainably harvest your green onion, pick individual leaves (typically the oldest leaf that’s starting to bend). Pictured is an HEB green onion that is a few years old. My hand is at the top of the photo for scale.

by Skirtygirl


  1. Stonkyard

    The best way to grow them! Yours look very happy.

  2. brucewayneaustin

    I’m gonna do this… we eat a lot of green onions… thnx!

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