
Anthurium seeds

Hi everyone! I got the amazing luck of buying an Clarinervium with a polinated flower. 8-9 months later the seeds started to get orange and plumped. When they got ripe I placed them in perlite and started sprouting. Tiny little plants started to grow and I couldn’t be prouder. Until I went on holiday and I let my mom water my plants and ofc she overwatered them and the plants started to get mushy, leaving only the roots behind. Do you think it’s any luck of plants growing back? 🥲 my heart hurts when I look at them..

by Succubus09

1 Comment

  1. MaximumMolasses2471

    Next time squeeze the seeds out, and rinse the “glue”part away. Often multuple seeds in a berry ( 2-4 depending on species). If you put them on damp sphagnum under cover there is less chance to overwater sice they can stay moist.

    Witrh some luck there is a chance of recovering one or two.

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