Indoor Garden

No idea what to call this. Terrarium? Scaped planter? Weird glass box of mostly small plants with similar needs? Idk it’s 4 days old and I’m proud of it.

No idea what to call this. Terrarium? Scaped planter? Weird glass box of mostly small plants with similar needs? Idk it’s 4 days old and I’m proud of it.

by RecordStoreHippie


  1. RecordStoreHippie

    If anyone is wondering about the specifics:

    2.5g tank

    Potting soil medium

    2 layers of large gravel for drainage

    24w white LED grow bulb

    Aquarium decor hollow log stuffed with soil for plants to grow into

    3 full size coleus cuttings (to grow up over the edges but pruned regularly)

    2 dwarf Coleus to grow out of the log

    Calissia repens Pink Panther growing out of the log and ground

    String of Turtles to hopefully cover some ground and fill in a bit

    Wood sorrel from my backyard because it’s cute and I like Oxalis in general

    I really like the mix of colors and textures in here, I just hope everything grows in the way I want it to and the oxalis and big coleus don’t outgrow it like crazy. I figure they’re both hardy enough to aggressively cut back that it should be okay.

    Would love to hear any feedback, critical or complimentary

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