Plant Clinic

What is this abomination?

This brown prostrusion is creeping me out. That and the brown spots on the leaves. Anyone know what this is about? (Direct sun when indoors, nearly direct sun outdoors now tha its summer. It gets water when it rains, but inside every few weeks when needed.)

by mishap567


  1. AutoModerator

    Thank you for posting to r/plantclinic!

    It looks like you may be asking about a cactus or succulent. In addition to any advice you receive here, please consider visiting r/cactus r/succulents for more specialized care advice.

    A common problem with cacti and succulents is etiolation. This is when a succulent stretches or becomes leggy. Reply with “!etiolation” for advice.

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  2. TurnoverUseful1000

    I have no clue what’s going on with your jade. I’ve never seen something like this before. I’m going to follow this post as I am curious now.

    Other than that spot your plant looks healthy & happy. Good luck.

  3. I think it broke if at some point but didn’t completely fall off and calloused over pretty ugly.

    So while it is still getting nutritions from the roots, the calloused part is producing new shoots thinking it has been topped.
    At least that’s my guess as these yellow protrusions look plant like.

    Maybe rain also got into the wound and kept some moisture there created a nice environment for some type of fungus.

  4. WeCanDoIt31

    Either Jade aliens or that’s it’s way to heal from busting a limb.

  5. Enthusiasm-Available

    1. Remove leaves from area.
    2. Wrap in moist spaghnum moss
    3. Wrap with sandwich baggy
    4. Wait for a while (idk how long, the plant decides really)
    5. Once rooted cut limb from mother plant.
    6. Rejoice! For the plant gods have birthed a new plant!

    Congrats now you have two jades

    Note: I’m like 71.45% sure this will work.


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