Edible Gardening

Let’s Garden, Harvest & Chat About Saving Money

Here is a video on how the Garden has grown and what is thriving. And some of the July chores that are needed in the garden as well as hopefully inspiring you to make use of small spaces to grow a lot of food for yourself and your family.

Below is a link to where you can get 10% off you purchases with Forjars.

Here is a link to my Thrive Life website

Below is a link to where you can get 10% off you purchases with Forjars.

Here is a link to my Amazon Store where you can shop for all the things I use.


  1. Wait until you smell the leaves, mine are doing great this year. A little advice I never refrigerate fresh ginger, freeze most of what I harvest, have made candied ginger (bonus when doing this you end up with a nice ginger syrup), dehydrated it then powdered it. The baby ginger is the best, no need to peel. Enjoy.

  2. Congratulations on your marriage. So happy for you…I have watched your videos ever since you live in another state with your ex…….I love to see people happy……I think you are such a great person…many blessings./…..MINDY

  3. Great video! Enjoyed learning about planting ginger and celery. I love the content on becoming more self-reliant for sure. We need more of that in these times.

  4. Hi Linda, I was wondering is that just regular wood chips or shavings for the coverage in your containers? Loving your content!

  5. Just started celery from the store , from watching you , crossing my fingers but it’s growing from the center a little everyday !

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