
Is my habby plant just happy?

My habanero plant is in a 7gal cloth pot, only about a foot and a half tall above soil and tonight I've counted a least 30 peppers of different sizes. The peppers are mostly on the lower section of the plant but there's flowers everywhere.

This is my first time ever growing anything really. Is this normal? Is it good? Is 30 not a lot (basically two batches of sauce to me)? Any advice or tips would be welcomed.

Only plant with more peppers at the moment is my Tabasco plant which is obviously high yeald, smaller peppers. My scorpion plants recently started bearing fruit but oddly I have 4 or 5 scorpion peppers on one plant and none on the other. My Thai dragons got hit by a fat asshole (hornworm) but they're recovering well and some of the peppers are starting to ripen. My aji mango plants are still young but are flowering, I just haven't seen any sign of peppers yet. The rest are all super hots, some with flower buds developing, but I'm not expecting peppers on them for another month or two.

by IRunWithScissors87

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