
Dug up some sensitive plants! How to pot/keep alive?

My apartment had originally planted these lovely sensitive plants as a ground cover around the dumpster, but theyre growing like weeds everywhere now! Ive always loved them and have wanted one as a houseplant for ages. I took some cuttings a while ago (put in water) but they quickly died. This time i dug up some roots and am hoping ill have a better chance. Any tips? How should i pot them up? They were growing in mostly sand- should i use sand mixed with cactus soil? Let them sit in water for a day or two or immediately pot up?

Right now they are being washed and soaked in water and will be given a quick bleach rinse to kill any pests before i pot them (or put into water?) Photos so you can see the root to leaf ratio! Ofc all the leaves are closed up right now.

Thank you all! (Im in central florida if it matters! I think these guys had either white or pink flowers before they got mowed)

by cephalofrogg

1 Comment

  1. Jimbobjoesmith

    they grow like weeds. when i lived in Puerto rico they were everywhere. i’m not sure if they will do ok inside but they will definitely thrive outdoors

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