
Is this cactus done for?

Recently bought a home with his beautiful cactus in the backyard, but looks to have a lot of decay around the base. How bad is it?

by PassiveShark


  1. Substantial-Grade-92

    That’s corking, it’s just aged similar to bark on a tree. It’s doing fine.

  2. laughingpug1983

    As far as I know that’s just what they do. The bottom pads die and new ones grow out of them. The brown parts are corking.

  3. Brilliant_Thanks_984

    Absolutely not that bad boy is looking great!

  4. FragrantReindeer6152

    Prickly pear I believe. The fruit is delicious, you can also eat the pads just peel them.

  5. That thing is perfect, and it’s going to put on quite a show when it blooms.

  6. Was so confused at title, that guy/gal is rocking it! Congrats on the new home.

  7. Shot-Sympathy-4444

    That’s a gorgeous prickly pear!

  8. LordChickenduck

    Very healthy and happy. Also – it’s a prickly pear, they’ll still be thriving along with the cockroaches after the rest of us are long gone.

  9. Dreampup

    Love it!!! I have a small version of this myself in a pot. I noticed the base ‘flap’ turned brownish.

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