Gardening Australia

planted my lemon tree yesterday, when should i begin pruning?

it has a few baby lemons on it at the moment and i was hoping to hold off until they reach maturity, or is it best to shape it as soon as possible?

by DS3alt


  1. OddUsual

    Nothing dramatic at this stage, just take off any branches growing back toward the centre or crossing and rubbing. In the case of crossing leave the strongest.

  2. Happy_Gardener80

    a friend of mine has advised me that you never do a big prune on citrus trees – just a little bit anytime you see something growing in the wrong direction, dying or getting too tall/wide.

  3. Tobybrent

    Step away from the pruning tools and let the poor little thing grow.

  4. curlyban

    You might want to remove mulch around base of the trunk (about 5cm radius).

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