Gardening UK

What dug up my raised bed, and how can I stop it?

Hello – Ive come out into the garden this morning and seen that a creature (probably quite large) has seriously dug up my raised bed. They dug down the bottom (hit the cardboard) and then left it by the looks of things.

Managed to salvage the courgette hidden under the dirt but rip my carrots 😅.

Any idea what could have done this, and any ideas of how to prevent it happening again? (I've seen foxes around before and 1 squirrel, but I'm in the middle of a long terraced street). Thanks!

by happyshansy


  1. Probably a cat, there will no doubt be a lovely wet shit in there somewhere for you to find

  2. LifeMasterpiece6475

    As another reply says it could be a cat, but possibly a squirrel burying it’s nuts. The little “creatures” dig all over my garden, in the spring I get little oak trees coming up everywhere including the lawn

  3. Charming_CiscoNerd

    You’ll know if it’s a cat, there urine stinks and so does the muck when you just get close to it.

    The holes look a bit deep for squirrels but because this is compost, I would rule out squirrels.

    Pea net or some sort of flexible plastic net can stop the critter from going onto your bed

  4. Mindless_Bread8292

    You can stop it happening by having lots of plants growing in it!

  5. Squirrel, cat, fox, rat? Sqirrels were the culprits at my MIL but my neighbour found an egg buried in one of her disturbed pots thanks to Mr Fox. Chicken wire is the only fool proof method but maybe not very practical.

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