Plant Clinic

Will this bend ever heal? Or is the stem done for good? (read comment for info as i cant put it in post)

Will this bend ever heal? Or is the stem done for good? (read comment for info as i cant put it in post)

by Heorui


  1. AutoModerator

    Thank you for posting to r/plantclinic!

    It looks like you may be asking about a monstera. In addition to any advice you receive here, please consider visiting r/monstera for more specialized care advice.

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  2. I cant find much about it on google, but would poton wound heal for plants work?

    Its currently still propagating, cleaned up the root rot,

    If I’m correct it would start growing roots in a week or 2?

    Also any advice / tips is appreciated as I’m new to monsteras,

  3. ajellyfishbloom

    It looks like it has thrips damage. It also needs much brighter light. Use a magnifying glass though to check the leaves.

  4. HugeExtension346

    unfortunately, that bend looks pretty well severed through. i think it’s unlikely to heal.

  5. No_Advance_147

    A couple of things going on here.

    Large mature leaves can get over watering damage when cut and propagated. The dark and yellowing marks look like it’s responding to more water than it’s used to handling.

    That broken stem isn’t going to heal.

    The new roots can start to emerge in a couple of weeks, or it can take much longer depending on how much light the plant is getting.

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