Plant Clinic

Please tell me its not thrips 😭

I have these weird tiny insects on multiple plants. Pic 1 shows one of the little beasts on my painted lady. New leaves often have damage similar to the one in pic 2. Pic 3 is what the plant generally looks like. Pic 4 shows damage on my white knight philodendron plus the same (?) pest in pic 5 on that plant too. I've dealt with thrips on monsteras before and I'm afraid it's them again. Unfortunately almost all my plants are on and around the same windowsill, so pretty much all of them are affected. I've wiped down every leaf of all the plants where I see any damage so far. Please help 😭 Edit: I don't really think it matters since this is a pest issue but they get good light from a westfacing window plus I water about once every 7-10 days/when the soil is almost completely dry. I tend to be an underwaterer.

by Ruehrfisch2


  1. LongjumpingNeat241

    These look like tiny grasshoppers in shape and i have the same problem in citrus. I use a high pressure water jet to beat them.

  2. cabe-rawit

    Those are definitely thrips. Get some systemic granules/systemic pesticide and stick them into the soil of all your plants. That will finally stop the lifecycle of the thrips.

  3. TurnoverUseful1000

    I’m very sorry. Hearing you have thrips absolutely sucks. To find them on virtually all of my plants would do me in for a bit. It’s truly fighting a war with these little hellions. Hope you get it under control and eradicate every last one of those little bastards !

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